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For a limited time we will give 6 bars of Banner soap, one of the best soaps made, and a fine book of views for a quarter at the stores : J. Hemie & Co., Charles Dwyer, Rinsey & Seabolt. Don't Tobacco Spit orSmoke Your Life Away" The truthful, startlinj; ütie of a book abont No-!obac, the only harmless, yvurauteed tobacco habit cure. If you want to quit and cau't, use "No-to-bac." Braces upnicotmized nerves, elimínate nicotine poisons, malies weul; men gain strength, weíglit and vigor Positiva cure or mouey refuaded. Sold by H .1. lirown, drusfifst. liook at drujrgist, or mailed free. A ddres:' The Sterli g Kemedy Co , Chicago oñice 45 ttandolpb St. ; New Vork, 10 Spruce St. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. Sr IT OF UNFÜKNISHBD ROOMS, 81 .'outh Mam st. 36-37 ÍiIKL WANTED- Por general housework. 7 Address C. W. Wanner, 12 Packanl si reet. 36 89 HOliSES FO1Í SALTC.-I have a few tour veai1 old horses for sale. Your choice lor Fii'ly Dollars. Jamhs O. Ai.i.ex. 33-88 FOK &ALE-A fine hand Surrëy and 3ingle Harnees, almost aa sood as new, for sale oheap. Ënquire at 83' K. Huron St. 3w POK SALE Ort KUNT- A new room house wiih agood bain, gnod well, tv o good ci (eros, one andooe-halt lotsof land. Terms easy. Enquire at83 Detroit St.. Ann Abor. ■:U. . ÏT'OK SALE.- 30 acres on 'ilmbb St. in acre or Hvc acre lots or all together. Long time, Muall payjnent, per cent interest. Jas H. McDonald, 42 Mofïat Building, Detroit, Mich. pAHM TO KENT- a bout 20(1 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fenees and barns. Water m barns Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. División 6t., Ann Arbor, or A.F Clark Saline, Mien. WANTED- A MAN in every sectiort at once lo sell staple g-oods to dealers; no ped dlinir ; expérlénce unnecessary; bestside line. ST.ï.llOa moutb. Salary and expense? or larfe Eommisslou made. Address, with 2 cent tasnp forsealed particulars, Clifton Soapand ianufacturinx: Company, Cincinnati, Uhio. ■'O KENT.- At No. 2' S. State ut . A fiat of six rooms. Knquire at 18 S. State St. 28ti PIANO TUNING- A. D. Brown, the well kuown piano timer with C. J.Whitney, will bein the city eoon. Orders left at the Arocs oliice wil! receive his attention. PEESÜNS intending lo put out maple or elm sl)ade trees should correcpond with 1. H. O'IiKliiN Wlmtaker. FOR SALE Olí KENT.- Larwe new oouse with all modern im proveniente, cistem ld city water in house and well near door. iVill tjikc in part paymentsmall house orlolF )r email farm nearcitv, biilancc on lODgtlme uid low interest. 1'. 0. Box 13J5. Seed Corii Huigariai Seed liWhite Wonder" pOn "Roa lic Tlu' best yieWin X:La XJcdUO Deld bean grown., A (food time to bny Farm Ti'ols. ill sélUng t étist to elöse out. K, J. ROGERS Farm Iiitplement and Seed Store, 25-27 Detroit St. ■ y i A FKIKND IN KNEAD Is ;i frlend in the grocery business. Everyliody )ircclsgrocerie's and we are triends of cvT body. T.ovr oiir enemles too. They en 't hmt us, no wby bear ill will. Particulnrlv wf are Irii-nds of those who nee'l.and kn ni flour. llee are a few of the many grades we keep, Matrnolla, Budbess. Gold Dust. White laat Roller KniB, and Pillsbury. Besides flo ■ we keep Oorntneal, Graham etc. well everythfng In the way of ftroceries and we lon't ' xt-t as tnuch tor them as we oulit td elther' STAEPLER A CO., Phone 141. 41 S Main St


Ann Arbor Argus
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