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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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f K&KEms K&K=DRS 'KftK=DRS K8rK SliNFüL HABITS IN YOUTHi LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD 7 K MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN K I & - ■ & l# f H F R F 9 1 1 1 ToL isnoran(5e and f olly in yonth, overexertion of raind and body indnc-ï 71 I II !_ II L.OU L I edby lust and exposure are constantly wreckine the lires and future? "hnppiness of thoasands of promising yonng men. Some fade and wither at an early age,"" rv'.t the blossom of manhooa, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fraitless an(W , Jmelancholj existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. Th II f.victmi8 are found in all stations of life:- The farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,pj jthe trades and the professions. ff !f RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. Wm. A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY. r m .P&fc. MM befobe treatment afteb TBEATMKNT Divorced bnt nnited again 5] J L-N0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT."=S& W al 0%nun io W% W?!ker of 16th Street says:- "I have snfferedj! , OirMII Io untold agonies for my "gay life.' I was indiscreet when&l . riainmntin yonng and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" 1 contracted J! EIVIlSolONS Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had nlcers in ÜmKI I nrniATiinr month and throat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples onl O I rilvsl Unt face, finger nails came off, emisRions, became thin audSl KrMinr-r-k despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercurj,ll UUKED Potash, etc. They helped me but could not care R_ i mally a f riend indoced me to try Drs.Kennedy & Kergan.Bl Their New Method Treatment cured me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderfiil.nj Tou feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failiñg to cure in a single! kcase." M 7 ISCURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Tl KCapt. Chas. Ferry says:- "I owemy life to Drs. K. & K. U At 14 I learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had all the symptoms IMPnTFNPV '■ &f Seminal Weakness and Spermatorrhoea, Emissions IIT" V uiwi were drainmg and weakening my vitality. I married at lARirTIPFI P K24 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a nniVWltLt mg sad experience In eighteen months we were divorced. I PMIQQlHMQ II -then consolted Drs. K. & K., who restored me to manhood tlIIO3lUIO _. Jbytheir Ntw Method Treulment. Ifeltanew life thrill throngh f IfRPD It Imy nerves. We were nnited again and are happy. This was Wwntl ,11 'six yeare ago. Drs. K. & K. are scientific specialists and I heartily recommend them." " Q i BS" We treat and cure, Varicocele, Emissions, Nenous Debility, Seminal l&lVeakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, SelJ ' Abus& Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK " RFAHFR Areyonavictim? Haveyoulost hope? Areyon contemplating mar-R v , T , , rlag?' -Mas yonr Bl0?i Lbee? Jiseased? Have yon any weakuessP Onrif ''i''111 cure Whnt it has dono for others it will do for you L j-CONSULTTION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinión FreeS of (Imrge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE-"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) onfl Uiseaees of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. f t-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT PR-D '.'ATE. i o medicine sent C. O. D. No ñames on boxcs or enve;-" opes. Fverythingconfideritial. Question list and cost of Treat -C ment, FREE ... ' 9 No.l48SHEL3YST.j DETROIT, MICH. g 'KaK=PRSjLKeti5=PRgiKeíK= drs k & k !


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