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Estáte of Zelotes Truesdel, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUJSTT '-'ot WashteHaw,ss. Atasesaion of the Probate f ourt forthc County of Washtenaw, holden at tke Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, od Friday, the 26tli day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Presen;, J. Wil lard Babbitt, Judse of Probate. lu the matfr of the estáte ot Zelotes Truedel, deeeased ChurlesT Bridgman, exeeutor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into coart and representa that be is now prepared torender hls final account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friduy.the 31st day of Mav, next, at two o'elock o the adernoun, be assigned lor eznmlnmg aml allowiag anch account, and that the devisees, legateea and heir at law of 8 lid deceased, and all other persona interefted in aaid estáte, are rtquired to appear at a session of said Court, tben to be holden at the Prt'bate office, in the City of Ar. n Arbor, in said county, and show cause, it' auy there be, why the snid account sliould not beallowed. And it is further erdered, that said executor g-ive notiue to the persons inierested in said tstate, of the pnndency of s:iid account, aud t! e h aiinp thereof, bv causinjj a copy of this order to be publiihed in the Arm Amor Argus, a newepaper printed and cireulaticg in aaid enunrv thref succesuivt weeks previous to said day of hearing. J.W1I-LAUD 11ABHITT, [ A trnecopy] Judge oí Probate, w. Q. Dott, Probate Iteaister. Notice to Creditors. I WTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of Washtenaw , as, Notice ib hereby g-iven, I that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countvof Waehtenaw, made on the iourleenthday of Januarv A. D. 1805, six months iroiu that date were allowed fur creditoïs to preseut their il.iiniH aainat the estáte oJ" Etnily L. Danoer, late of 8tüd couuty,deceHted, niirt that bil creditors j of said deoensed aie required to pr sent their olaims to said ProbateCourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowanoe, on or before tho flfteen'h day of July, next, and that Ruch claims will be heard hei'ore said court, on the flfteenth day of April, and on the flfteentli day of July next. at ten oVïock in t)ií forenoou of each oí saiddayt.. Dated, Ann Arbor. Jünnary 15, A. D. !895. f. WILLAKD BAIiRITT, Judgeof Probate. Notice to Creditors. j OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J &O M' Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, ; (nat by ao order of the Probate Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw. made on the tenth day of Jauiuiry. A. 1) isa.ï,six months f rom that d,te were allowed for creditors to prpucnt their claim ivgaiiiHt the estáte of John Flynn, late of BHid county, deoeaed, aiui that all creditors of said leceased are required .o prese ntt hei r claims rosüid Probate Court, at the Probate Ciücc in the city of Ann Arbiirf for xaminntion and fillowance, on or before the tenth day of July next, and that sueh claims will bcheard before said Court on the tenth day of April, and on the tenth day of July next at ten o'elock in the forenoon ofeacb nfsaiddays. Dntec-, Ann Arbor. January 10, A. D. isi)fl. J. WILLAKD KABIUTT, Judgeof Probate Commissioners' fNoice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY k3 of V;ifhtPDaw. The undersiiïned havinff been appoioted by the Probatn Court for said CouQty, (!ornn]issioner to receive, examine and adjust ïlll claims and demands of all persons aainst the estáte oí Ehneline Drake, late of suid county, decpased, hereby give noiice that six months frnt date are allowed, by order of raid Probale Court, ïor creditors to present theii claims arainstthe estáte ofaaid deceased, and that tbey will meet at office of Klihu B Pond, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county. on the ]7tU day of July, and on the 171 h day of October, next, at ten o'elock a in. of eaeh of said dayB, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 17, 189P. KUHÜ B POND, COMSïOCK F II II I„ Commianonen. Notice to Creditors, .TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF '" Washlenaw, ss. Kotice Is hereby elven, that bï an order ot the Probate Court for 'the Countv Of Washtenaw, made 'm the 4th tlay oí March A. L), lS9j. 5ix months trom that date were allowed forcreditors to present their claims against the estáte of Lydia 8atherland, lile ot Baid couniy, deceased, mm that all creditors of said i are reqnlred to present tlieir claims tn said Prolate Oourt.atthe Frobatfl Office in the 1111 Arbor, fov examiii.iiiun and allowande, on or before the,4tbday of September next, and tlint such cl'iimn will te hard before aid Court on the 4tn diiy of June and on the 4th daj of September ten o'elock 111 the forenoon of each ot said ifays. Dated, Ann Arlor, Marcl) tóh, A. 1). IPS5. .1. WILLAKD BABB1TT, J udyc of I'robate . Real'tstate tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV OF 'Ö Wasbtenaw - bs. In thu muiter of the estáte of Jacob Hei.iiniiM!. d6oe&8ed. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuauce of an order "ranted to the undersigned, idtnlntstrator oi the estáte of -;iiil 3eceasd, by the Umi. Judge of Probato for the CountV of Washtenaw, on tbe tlftli day ot April, A. 1). 1895, there will be uold ut pn ilic vemiue, to the bJghest bi ider, at ihe north-east corner of WC'St Williani Hud Thircl streers, in the oitj ol Aun Arbor, in tho County ol Waahtenaw, in suin statp, on Baturday tlie 26h day of May, A. 1) 1896, at two o'elock in the afternoou óf that day (subject to all by niortsae or otherwise stlng at the tizno of the eale the following descrïbed real estáte, to-wit: AU tbose parc!6'8Of tand ia the city of Ann Arbor, Wasatenaw oonmy, MicMgan, describid as tollow.s: lst, Lotd one and two in block three sontli, range two west, excepting there f rom tour rons in width oh" from thu south sidetbereof idfommenclns on the south west oórner of blook three south, range one west, thence running north on the west line of said block one hundred and tveuty-five feet, thence i-'.-ist parallel wlth the south line of said block thri'i! and one hnlf rods, thence south parallel with the wo6t line to the south line of s:ikl Kloek tbence wet to the place or bejiinning. Bd.OommenolDg at a point three and onehall rods east. of the souMi-west corner of block three MHitli. liinfre one wcs', thence running north parallel with the west line of said block, one liuiidied and twenty-Bvo feet, thence east parillcl with soi.tb line three and one-uHlf rods. theixv south parallel with tbe west line to the south line of said block thence west on south line of block to the place of begimiinir 4th, Commencing: at the sou t h-cast corner of lot eight, In bloc? three south of Hurou Street' range one west, aooordlng to the plat of 'm, 8. Maynard'a addltlon and running tast on the south line of lot number oine, two rotls, thence north two rods est of the west line of said lot. one Obftln audthirt-six'Iinke, thence west cwo rods, thence south on line ol' said lot one elui in and tlurty-six links to the place of beglnnlns and east one rod in width off from the south on hunJred and twentyfive l'eei in length of lots seven and eight in said block three south, range one west. M h. 1 loramenclnirat a point iu the west line of block three soutb, range one west, in Win. S. Miiyiuird's addltlon, one'hu dred and twentytive feet north of the south-west corner of said block, thenoe running norlh on the west line of said hlock fifty fec;t, thence ea6t parallel with the south line of lot six in said block to the north-west corner of lot ten in said block, thence south on the west line of said lot flfty feet, thenoe west parallel wlth ihe south line of said block to the place of beginuinif. HENRY J. MANN, Administra tor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News