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[OFFICIAL.] GOUNCIL Cli LUBEB. I Ann Akiiob, May 20 J8!).". S Regular sessiou. Cal led to order hy President Hiscock. lioll called. Quorum present. COMMUNICATIONS FHOM TUK MAYOK. (1) Aid. Brown moved that the t-oramunication be laid on the table. The motion prevailed as folio ws : yea8_A]d. Moore, Maynard, Allmendingei', Brown, Fergasoü, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cadjr, Pres. Hiscöék-Il. Nays- Aid. Koch, Snyder, Lauheugayer, Taylor- 4. (2) Referred to ordiuance committe. f3) lieferred to lightingr couiinutee. COMMUNICATIONS AND I'ETITIONS. To the Honorable, the CommonCouncil of the City of Aun Arbor. Gentlemen: 1 will also suggest to your honorable body to ininiediately investígate the feasibility and ulvisability of reorgauizing the Board of Public Works. The Board to consist of one tax-paying elector from each ward, vvhose duty shall be to look after the interests of nis waru. Tnere filian uso ue one appointed from the city at large who shali be tlie ehairman of the Board and shall exercise the same functions in the Board as does the president in the coinmon councii, but he shali have no vote only in case of a tie. Ail members of said Board shall be appointed by the inayor with the approval oí the comíaos council and may be removed by the same authoiity. All inembers representinir warde of even numbers as 2nd, 4th, 6th, and also the member at large will be appointed on years of even dato, and all representing wards of odd num-' bers appointed on years of odd date, all to liold office until their successpr .sliall have been duly appointed and qualified. W. E. Walker, Mayor. To tlif Honorablöi the Common Conncil of Cue City of Arm Arbor. Gentlemen : Believing it my duty as mayor, to do tluu iv hich in my jndgment is for the best interests of our city, and believiug as I do, that altliousjh the charges againstA. M. Clark, President of the Board of Public Works, for "Miscondnct in Office" 'ere on nvestigation before this oouncil not snstained by a majoritv vote, bat beiiiK lost on a tie it is nol such vindication as your honorable body and citizens of Ann Arbor have a riht to demand and will certainly not give confldence in the acensed. I do, thereforè, by virtue of the power vested in me by Section 83 of the Charter of the City of Ann Arbor, with the consent of the Common Council, remove A. M. Clark from the Board of Public Works of this cily. W. E. Walker, Mayor. To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen : I will also cali your attention to the importance of ttdyertising for bids for lighting the city for the next five years. As I understand the present contract expires on Jamiary lst next and shoukl the contract be awarded to an outsider he or they would need time to erect their plant. W. E. Walker, Mayor. Ann Arbor, May 16, 1895. Mr. Glen V. Mills; City Clerk, Deár Sir: - I have your favor of May 14th informinj; me of that portioti of the Mayor's message - that portion bearwg apon the smoke nuisance - has been referred to me for report. It will give me pleasure to transuiit such nforraation as I have obtained on the subject. In view of a considerable pressure of business, it will be sorne days before I can reach this matter. Yours truly, M. E. Cooley. Itcceived and placed on file. PROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1895. To the Honorable Common Council : Gentlemen : October 1, 1894, the Council concurred in the recommendation of the side walk committee and ordered the Board of Public Works to build cement crossings aloiiK north side of Liberty across Ashley and southside of Liberty across Second .t reets. In the absence of any action by your honorable body we shall proceed at an early day to construct the same. However, we regard a cement walk across Ashley as especially dangerous. IIOAlin OF PUBLIC WORKS. Aid. Prettyman moved that the couimunication be referred to the street committee. Adopted. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works wish to submit the following resolution to your honorable body for consideration : Wliereas, Barney Mast complains that the building of the main sewer cause.s water to remain in his cellar, and believes that the dampness occasioned tfeereby caused the sickness and death of his child, he therefore asks to be relieved of said water and consequent dampness, and we, the Board, believe, after careful investigation of the matter, that such relief can be obtained by laying drain tile froin hia cellar to the creek north side of Kingsley, and therefore recommend that your honorable body take such action in the matter aa in your judgment seems advisable. The engineer bas taken necessary data pertaining to this case, and will furnish the same to the Council or any committee thereof. GlkV. Mills, Clerk. Aid. Prettyman moved thal the communication be concurred in by the Council. 1 i Adopted as followe : Vc ie- AJd.'Moore, Maynard, Allmeudinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Fergtison, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, (Joon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays- None. To the Common Coincil : The Board of 'Public Worka beg leave to submit the following resolution for the consideration of your honorable body. Whereas, The City Assessor did, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Couucil, on the 19th day of November, A. D., 1894, levy and fwsess the suui of $11.75, with tên per cent. added, on fraetional lots Nos. 3, 4 aud 5, block 3, uorth of range lo east, the property of Thos. Keating, said I sesenieut having been made to reiinburse the street fund for the cost of building a walk, said walk to have been adjacent to tlie above described property, but as a matter of fact said walk was built acroes Oak street, along the west side of Thirteenth street; therefore we recommend that the Couucil take sucli action as will prevent the sale for unpaid taxes of the above named property belonging to Thomas Keating. -Signed A. M. Clark, President Board of Public Works. By Aid. Brown : Resolved : That i warrant be drawn payable to the County Treasurer for the sum of $11.75 and per cent. added, to pay the autount wrongfully assessed against the property owned by Thos. Keating. Adoptad as folio ws : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Lauhengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyinan, Coou, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscoek - 15. Nays - None. To the Common Council. Gentlemen : At a meeting of the Soldiers' Relief Cominission held at the City of Ann Arbor the 15th day of May 1895, the following named persons were considered by the Commission as deserving of relief, vis : - Mrs. Tbomas ICearns $5.00 per mo. Mrs. Olara Haywood 6.00 ' ' Mrs. Kridget McMahon 5.00 " " Mrs. Daniel Amsden 5.00 " " The Coimission reeommend that your honoiitble body give the same your favorable consideration. Yours reepectfully, V., City Clerk. Referred to the finance committee. A petition aigned by Milo 8. Pulcipher aad 14 others asking for the grading of au alley between Maiu and N. 4th avenue was reail and referred to the street committee. A petition signed by Conrad Georg aking for the privilege of erecting a frame addition to a building within the fire limits was read and referred to the fire departmeut committee. A petition signed by C. H. St.Clair asking for the privilege of erecting a frame addition to a building within the ! fire limits was read and referred to the fire depnrtmunt committee. A petilioli signed by John Koch ;uslving for the privilege of placing a sign lacros.-. I;n street was read. Aid. Oaily nmved that the prayer of the petitioner be granted providing that bhcIi sign is placed from the third floor and not allowed tu remain to exceed ;:o days. j Adopted. BIDS FOK CITY ÜONKV. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1895. j Glkn V. Miij.s, City Clerk, Dear Sir : - In response to your ter of the lötii inst. asking bids on city nKiiey for the ensuing year, I desire to Hiiliinit tbe following: This bank wiil pay interest on daily balances at the rate of four and thirtyfive one hundredth (4 35-100) per cent. and charge the same on overdrafte. By order of the Board. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1895. Glen V-. Mills, City Clerk, Dear Sir : - In response to your favor of the lOth inst., I am instructed by the Board of .Directora of this bank to rnake the following proposal : This bank will allow four and sixtyfive one hundredth per cent. per aunurn upon all suins of money deposited in this bank. Interest to be computed on daily balances and credited on the first days of July and January and this bank will charge the same rate of interest for any oyerdrafts that may be made by the city. "Yours very truly, F. H. Belsbb, Cashier, Glbn V. Mills, Esq., City Clerk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear Sir: Replyiug to your requisition for bids for the account of the City of Ann Arbor we beat leave to submit the following proposal : We will pay at the rate of 4.95 per cent. on daily balances, charging at the rate of 5 per cent. on overdrafts; Very truly yours, Kobert Phillips, Cash. Referred to Fiuance Committee. REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEKS. ORDINANCK. AX ACT - To ainend an act entitled "An act to reincorpórate the City of Ann Arbor, revise the charter of said city and repeal all coufiieting acts relating thereto," being act nuinber three huudred and thirty-one of the local acts of Michigan of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, as amended by act number two hundred and sixty-two of the local acts of eighteeu bundred and ninetv-one, approved March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, as amended by act number two hundred and eighty-two of the local acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, approved April tenth, eighteen huudred and ninety-one, as amended by act number three hundred and sixty-eight of the local acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-three, approved April twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred aud ninety-three and as amended by an act number of the local acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, approved March fifteenth , eighteen hundred and ninety-five by adding a new section thereto to stand as section one huudred and twenty-nine A. The l'ROPLE of the STATE of MICHl(j.. KNACT: That the charter of the city of Ann Arbor shall bc amcnded. by the inRertion of one new sectfop tiieréin to stand as section one humlreja and twcnty-nine A, which shall read as follows : TIip Common Council sball have power to pruvide by ordinance ior tlie sprinkling of the streets of the city for the purpose of keeping and maintaining the same free from dust, and for dividing the city into convenient districts for the pur)ose of assessing the expense of the said sprinkling or such part thereof as the commori coimcil rnay direct, upon the owners or occupants of premisos adjoinint; or abutling upon the said streets. H. G. Pkettyman, C. A. Maynard. Aid. Butterñeld mov3d that the report of the Oommittee be laid upon the l table. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynafd, Allmendinger, Koch, Laubengayer, Ferguson, Butterfield, Pres. Hiscock - 7. Nays- Aid. Moore, Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Ooon, Cady- 8. Aid. Butterfield moved that the report be referred to the City Attorney. The motiou prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. To the Common Conncil : Your Committee on Streets havo cansed to be prepared andherewith subinit the proper resolntims changing and establishing the street grade in the following named streets, viz : Beakes street between North Fifth avenue and Suminit. Geddes avenue between Washtenaw avenue and city limits. Tappan street between Ingalls and East University avenue. Cedar Bend avenue between Broadway and Mili. Forest avenue south of Hill. Your Committee further recommend the following viz : That the city grade the sidewalk to the proper grade along the property of Wm. Whitlark on Broadway; on condition that said Whitlark give to the city a deed for the right of way across bis land for the proposed extensión of Cedar Bend avenue. Respectfully submitted W alter L. Taylor, Geo. L. Moore, O. E. BUTTERFIELD, A. P. Fekguson, C. J. SxYDER, D. F. AlLMENDINGER, II. G. PjlETTYMAN, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, May,nard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. N&ysl- None. On leave of the Council the following resolutions werere presented : STREET GRADE RE8OLUTION. By Alderman Talor : Whereas. in the opinión of the duinCJl the grade un Beakea street. OUght to be cbanged and iixed and established, to the end that sucli streel may be triade suitable for public travel and traffic. Tlicrefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordereil thal 1 hat tlio rade on Beakes street froni centpi; line i Summit street to the center linB of N. Fifth Ave., beand the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as fpllowB, that is to say : At the center of Summit and Beakes streets', 790.00 feet. At 300 feet south westerly from center of Summit and Beakes streets 793.70 feet. At the center of N. Fifth Ave., and Beakes street, 801.50. The elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the sveral points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, F"rsruson, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyinan, Ooon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays- None. STREET GRADE RESOLUTION. By Aid. Taylor: WiiKKKAs, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Gecides Ave. ougiit to be changed and nxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel aud traffic. Therefore Resolved, and is hereby ordered that grade on Geddes Ave. from north Rast line of Washtenaw Ave. to the east line of City of Anu Arbor be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade ou and along such street shall be as followB, that is to say : At the north east line of Washtenaw Ave. 881.90. At the angle in Geddes Ave. 893.50 At the east line of übservatory street 897.30 At the center of El in street 896.80. At the center of Walnut street 893.00. At the center of Linden street 889.50. At 115 feet east of center of Linden street 891.50. At 315 feet east of center of Linden street 900.50. At the center of Oxford street 914.80. At 100 feet east of center of Oxford street 922.00. At 200 feet east of center of Oxford street 928.00. At 400 feet east of center of Oxford street 932.00. At the center of Oswego street 934.00. At 155 feet east of center of Oswego street 931.00. At 305 feet east of center of Oswego street 926.00. At the east boundary line of Ann Arbor City 912.50. The elavatiou giveu being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as followB : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allrnendingpr, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Fergusou, Taylor, Shadford Prettyman.. Ooon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock. - 15. Nays - None. 8TRKKT ÜUADE RESOLUTION. By Aldftrman Taylor. Vhi:iíi:as, in the opinión of the Counc:il the gratie on Tappan street onght to bq changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel and trafile. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Tappan street from oonter line of Hill street to the center line of Oakland Ave., be and the samo s hereby changed from the the present grade and fixed and established, so that that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At center of Hill and Tappan street 870.00. At 16.5 feet from center of Hill and Tappan street 870.00. At 206.5 feet from center of Hill and Tappan streets 871jOO. At 416.5 feet from center of Hill and Tappan streets 870.00. At 566.5 feet from center of Hill and Tappan streets 868.00. At center of Oakland Ave. and Tappan streets 800.80. The eleyation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade linea to consist of straignt lines between the several points or stations above stated, the roa&way to conform thereto. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, AUineudinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Browu, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays- None. STREET GRADE RESOLUTIOX. By Aid. Taylor: "Wiiureas, in the opinión of theCouncil the arade on Cedar Bend Ave. ought j to be changed and fixed and established, I to the end that such street may be made I suitable for public travel and traffic. Therefore Resolved, and it is herebj' ordered that the grade on Cedar Bend Ave. from center line oi Broadway street to the east line of MUI street be, and the saino is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, sotliat the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At the center line of Broadway street 886.00. At 110 feet from the center line of Broadway street 891.00. At 210 feet from the center line of Broadway street 890.50. At 510" feet from the center line of Broadway street 880.00. At 660 feet from the center line of Broadway street 879.00. 'At 760 feet from the center line of Broadway street 874.00. At 900 feet from the center line of Broadway street 847.50. At the east line of Mili street 825.00. The elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade linea to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations, above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allinendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford; Prettyman, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. STREKT GRADE RESOLUTION. By Aid. Taylor: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Forest Ave., ought to be changed stad fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel and traffic. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Forest Ave. from center liue of Israel Ave. to the center line of Hill street be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : Continued on Second Page.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News