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BUCKLENS ÁRNICA SALVE. The Best Salve... image
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BUCKLENS ÁRNICA SAL VE. The Best Salve in töe world for Cuta, Bruisen, .Sores, Ulsfrn, Snlt Kheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapijed Hands, Chilblains,Corns,anl all Skin Eroptions and posltlvely cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refuuded. Price, 25 ecnts per box. Por sale by The Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, and Geo. J. Haussler, Manchester. What Zoa Phora won't do for ailing women, no medicine will. Cracker Jack at the opera house Tuesday evening, May 28. Mrs. Dyke visited frienda in Oakville Tuesday. The O. E. S. will indulge in a social at the Masonic temple Wednesday evening. Miss Fisher, of the U. of M. , was the guest of Miss Cady over Sunday. Dr. Merrie and family have retarned rom their visiting tour. Mrs. S. Egner left for Detroit Monday Hvening where she will spend the week with friends. Miss Cole returued froin her Toledo visit Mouday noon The entrtainment at rhe opera house JYiday evening was a success every way. Mrs. J. Campbell is the guest of her brother, F Guy and family this week. Mrs. Dnmining has returned form he visiting tour. Rev. M. H. McMahou aud family ar entertaining guests from abroad. Mr. A. Pullen is the new clerk at Lee Marblc's business house. Mr. Chas. Heath and family -will move back to Milan from Ann Arbor June 19. Mrs. M. Farriugton put her arm out of joint last week while tryng to break in a wild bicycle. Decoration day, Thursday, the W. R. C and &. A. R. are makng elabórate preparations for i. Mrs. Chas. Gauntlet left for Ann Arbor Tuesday morning to atteud the Liberal Christian convention. Morning coustitutional walks are in - dulged in by the Milan ladies, who flnd it very healthful and pleasant exercise. The new proprietors at hotel Alderman are building np a ñne trade.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News