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Do you specnlate? Theu send for our book, "How to speculste sjiccessfully on linrited margins in Graiii aiitï Stock : markets. " Mailed free. Comstock, Hughes & Co. , Rialto Building, Chicago, -í WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. LOST.- A pair o f gold boiind spectaoles in nbb: n case, probably bet ween ihc Presbyterian cburoh and (5 Waehtenaw avenue. Fmder picase leave at Argus office or above named nuinber. COR RENT.- A house oí elght rooms on 18 1 Spring street. Enquire at 55 N. División Street. Mrs. Foley 42-45 UIT OF UNFURNISHED ROOMS, $1 ?outh - Main st. 3G-37 I '1HL WANTED- Fov general liousework. Address C'. W. Wagner, 12 Packard street. 36-39 LJORSES FOK SALE.-I bave a few four -■ vear oíd liorses for sale. Your choice for Fifty Dollars. Jamks C. Aixf.n. 33-36 L'OK SALE- A fine seoond-hand Surrey and Single Harness, almost ns good as new for sale cheap. Enquire at 83KE. Hurón St 8w LORSALEOK RENT- A new 8-room house 3 wiili ngood barn, gi od well. twogood els tPrns, one andone-balf lotsof land. Terms eusy. Enqulre ai Íi3 Del rolt 8t., Aun Albor. 6,'O II SALE.- 30 aeres on Cliubb St. in acre or live acre lots or all to.sretl r. Lonir titne, suiall payment, 6 peí-cent interest. Jas H. McDonald, 42 Mott'at Building, Detroil Mich. tAIÍM TO KENT- Contal about 2UÜ 8 acres plow land at Saline, Vicli. Good (enees and b&rns. Water in barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. División A., Ann Arbor, or A. F Clurk Saline, Micb. ANTED - A MAN in every aection at once ' to sellstaple goods to dealers; no ped dling; expericnee unuecessary: bestside line. tTG.OOa month Salaryand expenses orlarge commieslon made. Addrees, with 2 cent stamp for Bealed particulars, ('liften Soapand Manufacturing Company, Cincinnuii, Olno. TO KENT.- At No. ai S. State st. a íiat of I six rnpm), Enqulre at 18 8: State St. Stf plAKO TTTNINO.-; A. D. Brown, the well i known pumo tuner with C. J.Whitney. will be in ihectty soon. Orders lelt at the argus olltce will receive his atteution. pEKSONS intendingto put out maple or elm shade crees should correspond with P. H. O'BRIEN Whittaker. Ï("OR SALE OB RENT.- Earpe neW nouse ■ wuh uil modern niprowmentH, cistern a deity water iü house and well near door. Will take in part paymeDt snir.ll liouse or lots or suQull htrni oearcïty, ijalaneH on loni;ïime and lovv interest. P . C. Box 13j5. A FR1END IN KNl'AD Is a fi'icnd m ilie frrocery business Everybody neeiis un cerif-s and we are iriends óf everybody. Lov(i eiieuiies too. TIn-v 't hurt us, so why bear ill will. Paniuuinrly v.e are friends of those ivlio nee. and kneao flour. Hee are a lew of the nmny grades we keep, Matnolia, Sueeess. Gold Dust. White t.oaf. Roller Kiny, and Pillsbury. Bt sides tlonr we keep Cornmeal, Gï'hhani etc, ivell everythins in the wy of mooeries and wedon't get as nincli for them as we ouííht to eillier' STAËPLER & CO., Phoiie 141. 41 S. Main St. ■rtortgage Sale. t,V' HEKBAS DEFAÜLT HAS BEEN MA11IÍ 't ij i i,t payment of t,he money secured by a mortguge dated the 13th diy of August, in the year I8ï, exeeuted by JOfan Speais of North Uartland, Niágara County, State of New York, a farmer and unmarried, of the flrst part. lo Seth G. Rowley and Ueorge W. Kddy of Mlddleport, In said county, of the s cond part, which said mortgage was recorded m the office of the Register of DeedB of tbe County of Washteuaw. in Wber 74 of niort,;ases, on p.iae 4US, on the 16th (lay of rfuaust. .892, at b oclock a. m. Aud whereas, the amount claimed to be due oa said mortgafse is the gum of nine bundred auu ouetiod twtnty one huudredtbs dollars (Í9Ü1 2U of principal and iuterest, and the furthersumol twenty-nve dollars as an attorney fee, agreeable to the in such kíh ninde and provided. and w liich is tbe svlioie amount claimed to Ledue and unpaid on Baid mo tgage, and no suit or proceedtng having been nstliuied at hnv to recover the debt now : f.iutiiiin.y scuilod by said mortgage,or any part t!t.; o . ■:;'. ci-eby tlie power of' Bale contaiiic ináaid . . i - ■ . t tage has pecóme operaUve. Nov. , then'ioiv, notl e is beroljy ariven, that byvht i" oí thu hald power of s Ie. and in pursuiiuctMf the -r:,td.e in S'ua eaa tnude aiid provliiod, the said mortgtige wil i.e fureèlost'd uy a sale oj sii.l piomses Dberuiade soi eii at ublic auction to ihe bidder, at lm west tionciloor of tUe uourt House in me r'ity of Anti Arour, in said couufcyof Wa. hle. aw, iihai lielng the oi holding the .-rent court for taid emnty,) on the 2Tth U uf Augusr. A. D. 1S95. at ten o'clock in ihe fore:ioon of thut day. which suid are doscrlbod in said morty -■ as follnivs, to-wit: All the catate, right t tt .e, and iutei est 01 t:ie stud Spears (it being the oue-ha!f thereof suuject to the lile estáte uf Hannah Boycejof in and to uil thatiract or parel of land, sitúate iu the Town&hlp of Superior, Uounty of VV'ashtenaw and state of ttd tiiguu, deserfbed as follows; Oomnlenclng u Hi syurnwest cornbr of öoo. i)l in Townshipof Superior, rum iug thence north along the vnsi bonnuary liue of öec. 31, eight chains Bnd fifty links; i henee north twenty-tbree degree- ,.r.d forty iainutes east forty-four ubulus; t !i uc north Hfty-slx and oue-fourth de8L.e.r. easl tenty-three chains and i'.tty ltnks to thu uorth aad scuth quartoi' liue to a staKe trom whieh a white oak, 26 laches in diameter, stands north fourteen degrees, east flfty-iour links and a white oak, 26 inches in diameter, stands north twtnty-one and one-half degrees, east twenty-three links; thence south i forty degrees, east sixty chains and sixfy links to a quaiter stake on the south line of thesection; thence west two degrees, south along the south line of tbe township aforesaid, thirty-eight chaina aud tlftysix links to the place of bejfinning, containDg one hundrecf and sixty-one acres of land, more or less, excepting and reservlng a strip of laud twenty-one rods wide along the whole lenjri h of the east side of said land. Dated liiis 31st day of May, A. D., 1895. SETH G ROWLK'. GEORGE W. EDDV, Lehman Beos., Mortgagees Attorneys for Mortgagees,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News