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Local Brevities

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The jail has Deen repainieu. Memorial day was hotter'n'ell. Overworked women need Zoa lJhora. Michigan beat Comell yesterday to the tune of 1 1 to 0. The employés in the Argus enjoyed a half holiday yesterday. William Haskins has moved nis liveiy into the Kittredge barn. Prof. H. S. Carhart is to deliver the bacoalaureate address at the Mt. Union college this year. Franklin C. Crittenden died at his home in Pittsfield township, Monday, aged seventy-three years. The street car company received five car loads of entlrasiastic students off the 2 a. m. train this morning. J. J. Fisher, of North Main sfcreet, found an egg 7% inches in circumfcrence in the nest of one of his hens. Gottlieb Kugath paid $4. 70 into Justice Pond 's cotirt, Wednesday, the af ter cost which aocompanies drunkenness. The monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held on Monday af ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. A fire in Ypsilanti Monday night damaged the tailoring store of A. C. Fingerle $2,200. It was insured for $1,100. The junior auxiliary hold a lawn social from six to ten o'clock tomorrow evening on the lawn of St. Andrews church. School Cornmissioner Cavanaugh has been invited to deliver the commencement address In Newberry, in the upper península. All the public and school buildings floatfd "the flag of our country" yesterday, with breeze enough to keep them well extended. John A. Donnelly succeeds C. P. Campbell as manager of the Postal Telegraph company here, Mr. Campbell going to Lansing. Miss Maude Barrett, of the nniversity class of '93, died in Mt. Clemens, Monday, where she had been teaching school since graduation, of malarial fever. She was twenty-fonr years of age. The Choral Union netted about $1, 500 from their conrse of concerts giveu here the past year, so that after paying up á debt of $500 left over from last yeai they have $1,000 in the bank. John Shadford will now receive $200 per annum from the great camp of tho Maccabees, his claim for total disability having been allowed. He was injured by falling frorn an elevated platform ■while Duttinar un a trollev wire. Wednesday evening Juue 5, Mr. Francis L. York. of Detroit, and Mr. E. N. Bilbie. of Ann Arbor, assisted by Miss Minnie Caldwell, Miss Minnie Davis, of Ann Arbor, Mr. Frank Siuith, Ypsilanti, Mfster Thurlow Coon and other of their puplis, will give a concert at the Presbyterian ohurch to consist of uumbers for piano, organ and violin. Admission free. The foundation walks for the house of Robert Ross' on Sumniit screet, just east of Main on the north side of Summit, have been completed by Hugh McGuire, Sr. The naain structui'e will be 20 by 28 feet with a bay window on the west side and a capacious kitchen at the rear. The house will be two stories high. Allen's creek immediately adjoins it on the west side. The Womans League bas elected the f ollowiug officers : Presideut, Miss Muy Taylor; vice president, Miss Annie Stevens ; recording secretary, Mis.} Katherine Reed; corresponding socretary Miss Mand Cooley; treasurer Miss JVssic Smith ; advisory board Mrs. V. P. Lombard, Mrs, G. S.. Morris, Mrs. F. R. Mechera, Mrs. J. N". Mai-tin, Mrs. Walk er, Mrs. G. S. Lamson. The many friends of Hou. Edwax Duft'y, will be glad to learn that o Sat irday eveniug he escaped with lit tle inconvenience, what might hav proved to have been a serious accident He was filling a lamp with oil in hi store and the chimmey sliDped anc broko. Mr. Duff y was stooping at the time and severa! partióles of glass entered his eye. Dr. MacLachlan removed the glass. Mr. Duffy can feel very thaukful that the accident did not prove of more moment. The Mikado was put upon the stage here this week for two performances tinder the direction of Prof. Kempf, with much eclat. The chorus was pne f the very best that has ever been heard n the opera house, while the soloists were well selected and sang their parts well. The orchestra was a picked one and everything denoted the most careful musical training. Two crowded udiences were delighted. Heinzman & Laubengayer have trimmed the lawn in front of their property n West Huron street. It is a good exmple to a number of neighbors on the treet, and a hint to the Board of Pubc Works to look after the $1,000 holes n the sidewalks. Parties who desire ;o bring suits against the city on the jround of stubbing their toes, will, uness the board of public works gets a move on, ' ' flnd the sidewalks on West luron street the proper kind of walkng- The older alumni and others who do ot dance, will be tlie peculiar care of committee on entertainment, at the ext High School Alumni banquet, une 21. More of the older graduates re expected this year than ever before. he banquet will be set for an early ïour and eaten promptly. Speeches will be few, and filled with the soul óf vit. Then the young and frisky will anee, and the old and steady will be uided into the as yet mysterious program of mirth and sociability prepared 'or them. Last Sunday evening Dr. C. M. Coern closed his course of lectures on a Trip through the Land of Philistia. ' ' 'ext Sunday evening he will deliver he first of a series whioh will be still more interesting. Considering that the eligiousness of music is not sufficiently appreciated, he has chosen for his subject "The Gospel in Great Oratorios." His particular topic will be "Mendelssohn. ' ' At each lecture a part of some great oratorio will be rendered by the chorus and soloists under the direction of Prof. A. A. Stanley. Selections from either "St. Paul" or "Elijah" of Men-, delssohn will be given next Súnday. "Are the Gospels Credible" is the subject of a course of three lectures to be begun by Mr. George O. Higley before the University Bible Class of the Metlodist Chtirch next Sunday at 12 m. For a limited time we will give 6 bars of Banner soap, one of the best soaps made, and a fine book of views for a quarter at the stores : J. Henne & Co., Charles Dwyer, Rinsey & Seabolt. A bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in the house saves doctors' bilis, saves trouble, and very often saves precious lives. Gives almost instant relief in cases of coughs, colds, or lung troubles of any sort. - ,