
Dr. C. B. Nancrede has gone to New York. Miss Mattie Drake was in Detroit Vednesday. Mrs. A. C. Nichols was in Detroit Vednesday. Mrs. Williain Waldron visited in Hillsdale this week. Mrs. C. W. Mellor has joined her husband in Grand Rapids. TT! Mrs. George S. Vanderwalker visited n South Lyon this week. Rev. John Dieterle, of Troy, Ohio, 'isited his father this week. Robert Butler, of Cleveland, Ohio, ïas been visiting in the city. Mrs. Fred Goodrich, of Jackson, has been visiting Ann Arbor friends. Charles W. Wagner spent several days n Cleveland the first of the week. Mrs. George Hughes, of South Lyon, ïas been visiting Mrs. C. C. Warner. Miss Lou D.Giles is spending a month visiting friends in ChicopeeFalls.Mass. Mrs. W. S. Perry and Miss Alice Douglass have been in Grosse Me this week. Mrs. J. C. St. Clair, of St. Joseph. with her two children, is visiting her father, W. G. Burchfield.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William G. Burchfield