Two Days' Sale!
-t=3 3rH.IE3.AJT : V The Largest, Greatest and Best Sale ever held in Ann Arbor for the poor man and a monev saver. The Chicago Cu-tPrice Shoe House will give their numerous customers the benefit of this Lucky Purctiase. An $8,000 Stock from Grant, Goodrich & Co., Chicago, at sacrifice prices and have decided tu start it off with a great Two-Day boom on a FRIOAY AN SATU8DAY, JUNE 8 and 9, '95. We will Offer all BOOTS, SÏÏOES OR SLIPPEES, At Less than Manufacturers Price. Here are a few of the prices: Regular Price. Sale Price. Ladies' Dross Dongola Shoes - $1.50 $ .78 " Glazed " " ■ 2.00 .99 " Vici Kid " - 2.50 1.27 " French Kid, Hand Turned 4.50 2.98 " " Goodyear Welt 5.00 3-i8 " Dong. Oxford, " " 1.00 .49 " Tan " " " 1.00 .49 " Dongola " " " . 1.50 .79 " " " " " 1.25 .67 " Serge Cong. " " .75 .42 " " Toe Slippers .50 .37 " Opera Toe Slippers .85 .39 Men's, Boys' and Children's Shoês at same reduction in price. Gilt Edge Dressing, 9c. Carpet Slippers 17c. Ladies' Gloss Dressing, 4c. Men's Plow Shoes, 89c. Bixby's Shoe Blacking, 3c. Children's Shoes from 13c up. Tan Polish, 8c. Remember the place and date of this Great Two Days' Sale. icio Cnt-Price Si lis, LU n. 4tll AV6, ARLINGTöN H3TEL.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News