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St. Thomas Conservatory Festival

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The .Time Festival of the St. Thomas conservutory of Music has come to be looked forward to as a veiy important and pleasurable event. The festival will occur this year 011 the eveuing of June 7th, and judging from the program, which is given below, and the amonut of time that has been consumed in its preparation, it will surpass all its predecessors in excellunce. The Banjo and Guitar club, which has a part in the program, is a large and entiiusiastic organization and is onder thorough drill and will i-ender some fine music. Foor pianos will be used on the stage. There will be recitations, vocal music, as well as instrumental, dramatic incidents from the life of St. Thomas, More, and the life of Jephtha, in statue posing, and song, military drills by two companies of midgets, oue of boys and the other of girls, all beautifully costumed. The entertainment will be of high class throughout and the genuine pleasure and satisfatction experienced by the little people in the performance of their parte will add much to the enjoyiuent of the occasion. The good people of Aun Arbor inay be assnred that they cannot aft'ord to miss this evening's entertainment. The complete program is as follows : PAKT I. 1 Deck we the Pathway" R. Schumana (OpenlniChorua.) Misses M. Olarken, L. Kenny, F. Caspary, M. Kearney, A. Hanlan, S. Bellah, L. Fitchel, g. Kies-, N. Brown, L. Riusey, M. Hanlau, lohey, C. O'Hearu, K. M. Olarken, M. walsli, J, Fullerton, IJ. Doneiran, G. Eisele G. Fuller, M. Dwver, M. Rile'y, L. Tice, M. I'oley, G. Tice, M. Ross, I. Ross, G. Ryan, K. O'Mara, A. Uonegan, L. Exlnger, O. Hardlnghaus, S. Rinsey, M. ColíLñs, J. Clai-keu, M. Kennedy, F. Parsons, I. Meuth, 0. Boyke, S. Mastín, II. Fullertou, I. Fullei'ton, L. Covert, K. Morissey, M. Mettie, C. Mathews. C. Williams, E. Covert, E. Carey, I. Eisele, L. Klein, M. Hiller, R. Blnsey, .1. Schwab, E. Fuller, T. Ritz, K. Brulim, 0, Parsons, G. O'Oonnor, N. Nixon, T. Hagan, M. Ilill, M. Donnelly, E. Schwab Ifest -Polonaise, op, 330 Low MiBses M. Waish, u. EUrsch, (J. Hardlngbaus E. Covort, M. Foley, N. Brown, Iv. Euros, L. Elnsej . Gallop Brllaute, op. 55.. KoHins; Misses A. Hanlan, J.. Pltchel, N. Browo L. Blnsey. A. Johuson, M. Tooi), M. Hireh, K. Burns. Playiul Zephyrs Misses 8. Blnsey I. Pullerton, F. Hagau, N. Nixou, 1. Parsons, I'. Parsons M. i'allins, II. Fullertou, M. Mettie, L. Covert, E. Kearns, J. Olarken, M. Kennedy. Pianos- K. Burns, I. Meuth. Gladiator Becltatlon L. Fitchel. Tlie Volunteer of '95 I'. Weich, C. Darimv. 0. Battij A. Hughes, H Flonegan, W. Darrow, ,1. Ros.s, H. n: A. Camp, W. Uoey, 15. Wutherlle, F Duckett, H. Millman, W. Finnegan, L. Darrow. Piano- Miss Mary Walsh. Andante Cantabile and Allegro confuoco, oy. 22, B minor Meudelssohn Piano I- Misses Burus and Brown. Piano II Misses Binsey and BCress. Rural Echoes Guitars- Misses si. Bellah, JÏ. Olsirkên,"Ó. Hardinghaus, L. Rinsey, G. Kies, Master .T. Braiim. Banjos- Misses N. Brown, K. Burns, A. Hanlau, Master G. Rinsey, L. Danow. Mandolius- Misses F. Parpona, .1. Graber, S. Mastin, M. Welsh. O. Blrsch, L. Fitchel, M. Olarken. Piano- Master C. Sherk. PART II The Chancellor's Daughter _ - Kecltation and Poses Recitation Miss Kutherine M. (Uarkeo PEIiSO.NAK. sir Thomas More (Ohancellor).. Miss M. Dwyer Chancellor'a Daughter MlssG. Kress Lady More.. Miss N. Brown Illsses I.. Fitchel, 0. O Hearn, V. Fohey, M. Olarken, L. Blnsey, M. llanlan, L. Tice, M. Foley, G. Etsele. Harp accompanlment Miss Mary Clarken Rhapsodics llonroisi-, No. 2 Liszt Misses 1. üiiriis. M. Toop, M. Olarken, G. Kress, V. l'ohfy, L. Kinsey, A. Johnson, N. Brown. Sacrifica oí [phlgenia Act 1- Scène 1- Maidena mournlng the oppresaion of Gilead. Appearance of prophet. Messeneer annoum-es Jephthah. ocene 2- Jeyhthan'a vow. Act II - ácene í- Malaens of (srael awaltlna return of Jephtliuh. Meeting of .Irpnthah and [phigenla. ( i i II-ícene 1- Place of sacriflce. PEUSONAE. Jephtliah Miss Mary clarken [phlgenia Miss L. Kenny Elon Miss V. Fohey Arnold.- Miss K. Clarken Juards Misses C. O' Hearn and M. Dwyer Adah Miss Francés Oaspar Maldens- L. Fitchel, N. Brown, L. Blnsey M. Foley, L. Tice, A. Tice, M. Hanlan, G. Kress G. Eisele.


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