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Sherman In Reply To Hill

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Cincinsati, June 3. - Tho Commercial Guzotte'a special from Mansfleld says: ' Senator Sherman, in reply to a query as j to whether he had read Senator Hill's cnticism of his Zanesville speech, said that he had, but that Senator Hill's romarks would indícate that he had not read the speech. "At all the oonventions in Ohio," said the senator, "we have declared that we are in favor of the use erf both gold and silver maintained at par with eaeh other. To tho extent that we ; can maintain sllver at par with gold we j coinltatthe present rate. We buy the j silver at ita markst value and coin it at ; the legal ratio, but we maintain it by ! ceiving it and paying it out as the equivalent of gold." "Is there anything in this to degrado our dollar standards as Senator Hill says?" "It does not degrado it. The whole of our policy is to maintain the two metala at par with each otner."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News