NOTICE. No Bankrupt . Goods - No Assignee Goods- No Old Stock- No üdds and Ends- No Marking Up and then Marking Down, but a Fair and Square Business. For Ten Days we will o f er out Entire Line of Ladies Misses1 and InfanW Shoes at a Heduction, Bona fide. All these goods made for our trade and during the past six months, and made by the best faetones. JVo hetter goods êarried in Detroit or Chicago, and we carry all sises and widths. The sale xoill commence Saturday, June Ist, and continue till June 12th. Such an offer has never been made to the JLadies, Jifisèes and Infants of Ann Arbor and vicinity before. JlflB ! 1IUUD 'Washington Block, Washington St., - Ann Arbor. Scaveats, and Trade-Marks obtainedand alt Pat-? Jent business conducted for Moderate Fees. f 5 Our Office is Opposite U.S. Patent Office J and we can secure patent ia less time taan tuosej Jremote from Washington. . J Send model, drawing or pnoto., with descnp-J Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ofj Jcharge. Our fee not due til! patent is secured._ i i A PAMPHLET, "How toObtain Patents," withj ícost oí same in' the U. S. and foreign countriesj f sent free. Address, j C.A.SNOW&CO. JOpp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News