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Our $15 Parlor Suit

Our $15 Parlor Suit image
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■i-t'"" ■'''.;' '■■■'■ :';;1feS ''" "■ Detroit """'"-'■ 'JK_ Tcrms, Casli with order. y „ i. - '" i-fïiiAfit e make eaoh jjicce in any ___ "-Ö of f()ll()wiliK'olors: lu-il, :fÍmDil Back 40 iuches high: Seat 2S hit iiilS1 inchcsbygáinches. t '""' Small Chair, $8We malse all of our upbolstered furniture and guarantee first-class work; have been in ' business for over a quarter of a century: and you need have no feni about orderinj; this suit. ; II you (lo not think it is the sreatestbargaia you ever saw, when yöu unpack il, return to us at our expense, and we will return you your money at once. Has been the talk of every one inDetroit ever since we first offered it. We now give our patrons in tlie State a chanoe to puichase ihis suit, wbich ín really worth Siü.for$15. Fine Mahonnny Finihed Framee, Kubbed and Polisherl, Freneli Legs, Hand-Carved Backs. Seats upholswred in Silk Tape6try at $2.75 a yard, with the clioice In colora 1 he same as on the Overstuffiid Suit. The three pieces of this suit are the Divan, Arm Chaiï and Small (,'hair. lie are uuabie to seil these pieces separately. Our customers in the State needing anythins in the Une of Fnrniture or Curtains wlll save tnoney by coming to Detroit and selecting the same from our large stock. AH correspondenoe Bed Koom Suits. Fine Antique Suits, rubbed finish and finely carved, for $13..r0. We oarry 100 sampleB on our Hoor and gruarantee to satisfy the most fastidious. We espeeially pride ourselves on our flne stock of Iron and Brass Bedsteads also Udü. Dressere, Toilet Tafjles and Chiffoniers to match. Iron Beds from $4.95. (Circular malled on Fu'll stock of Dining Room Furniture also on hand. Our Curtaiu and Drapery Departmènt is oue ot' the largest in the west. and anyone needing anything in this line wlll do weü to wrlte us for samples Save money by Buying your Goods fvom the Largest Furniture Drapery House in the West, KEEINÍAN & JAIÍN, 231 una 263 Woodward Avenue. . DETROIT.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News