Jolm W. Goodspeed is in Grand Rapids. Mrs. K. C. Paul is visiting in Mt. Clemens. Mrs. D. Burnett and daughter have removed to Flint. Warren Trernain, of Cleveland, was in the city Friday. Mrs. Dr. C. B. Nanorede and family are at North Lake. Charles T. Bridgeman, of Flint, was in the city Friday. Mrs. L. M. Palmer sails for Europe Jnne 8, to be absent two years. Miss Cornelia Corselius has returued from an extended stay in California. Mrs. L. C. Sabin and children, of Sault St. Marie, is visiting Mrs. J. W. Benuett. Mrs. George Dean, of Rushton, Livingston conuty, has been visiting at Col. Dean's. Mrs. Mechem and daughters, wife and children, of Prof. F. R. Mechem, spend the summer vacation in Frankfort. Miss Libbie Kress and sister, Mrs. Eugene Oesterlin, Mrs. Frank Kress and Mrs. Bruno St. James visited frieuds in Sal'ne Sunday. Robert Widenmann, of New York, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Reuben Kempf, on his way to Chicago. Sunday evening he went to Whitmore Lake to visit his mother who is spending the summer there. Mr. Widenmann left Ann Arbor for New York twentytwo years ago and has greatly prospered. He thinks this city has greatly improved, but he noticed many new faces.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News