MICHIGAN MINING SCHOOL &VT1ÖE3& A high-grade tcchnlcal school. Practical work . Elecüvesysteni. Summercourses. GivesdcKreeBof S. B.,E. M.,andPl). D. Laboratories, shops, mili, etc., well cquipped. Catalogues free. Addreas Secretary Michigan Mining Scuool.HoughtOD.Micli ffilCHIGflN CMEBS1 ■ a Niágara ïiits Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tdting Effect Mm 19, 1S96. GOING KAST. Atlantic Express 7 47 a. dj. Detroit Night Ex 5 40 Grand RapldsEx... n OS Mail and Express 3 N. Y. & Boston Bp'l 5 00 Fast Eastern -10 12 GOINU WEST. Boeton. "■;. Y. & Ch 7 9b H, Dl. M;i : - i iress H KJ Norlh tinre Limlteil 9 85 Fast Western Ex í '"p.m. G. K. & Kal. Ex 1 i ( :.. aKO Xi-üt Ex Ifl : Bel '.; ress 12 IS O.W. H. W. HA 9.f.4ï..vt::l I . Ann : rh.n Ê BEWARE OF COUNTBBFKITS. m The only afe anl always rel alilc m for l.adfes. Accept no wortliless ai 0 1 danm eerous imitations. Save mouey aim B"a m lïealth by taklntr nothlng bnt the onlyKe uV lne and orifrlnal Wllcox Ccmixmn Tansy M Pilis, íh metal boxes beariiiR shield tratle ■V mark. ï.rioe fi.00, all drugglsts. Send 4c te. , T for Woman's Safe Cuarrt, sefiirely mallea. I WILCOX SPEOIÏICO„ 88 Souili EiEbth Street, PhUa„ Vm.
Ann Arbor Argus
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