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Josenh Kolb and wife, of Chelsea, have a new daughter. Ypsilanti needs auother saloou aud "William Keiler will start it. Fred Vogel, of Chelsea, has sold his Miicksmith and wagon shop to Simon Hirth. The Willis butter factory is doing a fine business. Last Monday week 2,700 ponnds of inilk were delivered there. Last Monday week Ypsilanti offered three attractions for the edification of her citizens : a fire, a dog fight and a war concert. You pays yonr rnoney and takes your choice. Oor ueighbor Ypsilanti reeen tly sent two recruits to the Salvation arniy of Chicago. They will enter the training school. The new soldiers are named Mabel Morey and Ann Bone. Last Saturday the township of Summerfield, Monroe Co., voted on the qnestion of building two steel bridges over the river Raisin at Petersburg. The estimated cost of the two bridges is $8,000. The Manchester high school holds au annual picnic at Wampler's lake and this year it will occur on Jane 8. The young people always have a good time. This year the classes of '94 and '95 are invited. Miss Lnolla E. Denman and Edward 3. Whipple, two estimable youug people öf Chelsea embarked upon the matrimonial craft last Weduesday eveniug. May they sail on peaceful waters f orever and be happy. Last Tuesday evening the Masons of Manchester dedioated their new temple. Many were present from neighboring lodges and a fine time was had. The brethren of Manchester now have a home in which they niay justly take pride. The leaders of St. Mary's church in Manchester took advantage of the 1 sence of Fr. Heidenruch recently, invaded the parsonage and set up a fine new parlor suite, hung new curtains, etc. We can imagine the good father's surprise on his return. The male and female Maccabees of Ypsilanti will celébrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of the Maccabee order on Juue llth. A parade will be indulged iu just before the supper is served. The K. O. T. M. band will furnish the music. Miss Julia Torrance, a sweet girl gradúate of the Milan high school, has been attending the high school for three years and has not missed a session nor been tardy. That is a record for faithfnl application that should be noted by the young men of Milan. Our old friend, Dauiel O'Brien, sr. of Augusta, met with a painful accident recently. While leading a cal.f he accidently feil and the calf stepped one toot on his face badly injuring one of his eyes. Mr. O'Brien is old and somevrhat feeble and it is feared he will loso his eye. W. S. Frisbey, whose arrest was menfcioned in last week 's Leader, settled the scrape hc got into last Friday evening by paying for the articles he stole and all the costs, amounting to nearly $50. The gold wateh he stole of Miss Dona - now Mrs. Morgan - was returned to her by express Friday afternoon - Milan Leader. Miss Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayden, of Tecumseh, died recently of consumption. She was a most estimable young woman and leaves a multitude of friends who mourn her untimely taking off. She had suffered long with the dread disease, but was hopeful of getting better up to the very last. Bert Dobson, of Jonesville, certainly deserves a good crop of strawberries to balance the books. He feared the frost so he took his horse blankets, cai-peïs, bedding, etc, and covered as much as possible. In anothér part of the ground he built a brisk fire. When he aróse in the morning there was no frost on his vinos, nor were there any blankets nor sheets. Fire spread along the mulching between the rows of the plauts, and not only destroyed about $30 worth of goods bnt burned the planta. Dobson has hired a couple of Hillsdale tramps to' kick him every morning before six o'clock, for the next three months. - Adrián Press. The Adrián Press is now on the twenty-third year of its mundane existence, and is a good newspaper for its age. It was born at the wrong time of the moon fiuancially, however, being for the free, unlimited and independent coinage of silver at doublé its value. The youngster has no use either for Grover Cieveland or civil service reform. In other respects it is sane and vigorous. But of conrse it could scarcely be expected that one of its age would be sound on all subjects. When it has doubled its age it will have shed sonie of its erroneous opinions, due to youth, no doubt, and will then be able to dispense regnlation, orthodox, democratie newspuper pabulum to its readers. Whilc uew walks were beiug built around the Union Savings baiik of Manchester, a temporary railing of barrels with plank laid on them was placed around the walk. The usual "setters" at once appropriated the planks as a ! place to rest their weaiy anatomy while discussing the financial andother public questions of the day. Suddenly the plank gare way while one of the philosophsrs wns in the midst of a fine flight of oratory and precipitated three of the faithfnl into the depths below, where they landed on the stone floor. Those who took the fall were Jessie Sherwood, A. Kirk and John Schill. Kirk got off without a se atch, Sherwood was brnised but not b.idly injured, but Schill was found to have broken his shin bone. The next "set" has not yet been announced.