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Bearing in niiiul that, as far as general configuraron goes, the ground plans of the present continent have been about the same, only an oocasional bit of land having been topped off, as in England, the question arises, Is man an animal of the old world or of the uew? li we descend from some anthropoidal ape, then that Asiatic or African monkey must have had a fair hand, and, above all else, aworking thumb. Baboons run on all fours, bnt the gibbons, who are arboreal and live on fruits, have nicely developed thumbs and can piek a nut and shell it ueatly. An American monkey has not these exact capabilities He uuob uuu aepena on nis hands to cling to a branch. He uses a flfth linib, which is his prehensile tail. The true gibbon is ïiot, however, uttarly a nnt or fruit eater. If conflned to that diet alone, a strictJy vegetarían one, he pines. He Hkes eggs and devours small insects. Vary bis diet in a menagerie, making bim slightly omnivorous, and bis condition improves. If not, then, for these arbórea] ancestors, wbo had hands, we might never have been. We may then trace our origiu from the oíd rather than froin the new one, but we really kuow


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News