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TheEpiscopal diocesan convention was held in this city Wednesday aud Thursday aud was largely attended by the clergy and the lay delegates of the varióos parishes. It provedan important and spirited convention. Rev. S. W. Frisbee, of Detroit, was elected secretary. Bishop Davies, in his annual address, spoke in strong terms against raising money for chnrch pui-poses by balls, minstrel entertainments or dancing. During the past year he has conflrmed 783 persons, ordained three deacons and delivered seventy seveu sermons. At the evening session Wednesday the subject of missions was discussed and it was decided not to assess the parishes for contributions to niissions but to rely upon voluntary pledges. Upon oalling the roll of parishes $6, 152 was pledged, an amonnt in excess of fornier vears. A very pleasant reeeption was held after the business zneeting. Yesterday a long debate was held over the giving of suffrage to the ladies at the parish meetings and af ter many technical objections had been raised to the resolvition it was referred to a comïnittee to report at the next convention. The committee consists of Rev. Balph E. McDuff , of Flint, Rev. J. E. McCarroll, of Detroit, Hon. W. C Maybury, of Detroit, and J. C. Smith. The f ollowing deputies were elected to the general convention at Minneapolis: Rev. Dr. Prall, of Detroit, Rev. Dr. Johnson, of Detroit, Rev. H. Tatlock, of Ann Arbor, H. C.' Parke, L. S, Trowbridge and T. H. Eaton, öf Detroit, and Thomas Cranage, of Bay City. The following were selected trastees of the diocese: H.C. Parke, W. ,T. Gray, E. N. Lightner, H. P. Baldwin, L. S. Trowbridge, T. H. Eaton, F. E. Driggs and W. C. Maybury. The standing diocesan committee is as follows: Revs. R. W. Clai-k, S. W. Frisbee and J. H. Johnson, of Detroit, Rev. T. W. McLean, of Bay City. and Messrs. S. D. Miller and H. C. Parke, of Detroit, md Gen. W. H. Withington, of Jackson. The diocesan board of managers and inissionary committee is as follows : J. E. Pittman, W. Aikman, George H. Minchener and J. B. Howarth, of Detroit, Hon. James O'Donnell, of Jacksou, Thomas Cranage, of Bay City, and F. H. Pierce, of Flint. The conveution adjourned at fivo o'clock yesterday afternoou.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News