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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Continued from Fift...

COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Continued from Fift... image
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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Continued from Fifth Page. REI'ORTS OK CITY OFFICKHK. The reports of the City Clerk, Citj Treasurer, City Marshal, ('hief of the Fire Department and Board of Healtl vvere read and ordered iiled. Ann Akh'oi!, Micii., June :!, 1895 To the Commoil Council, City of Anti Arbor. This is to certify that there is ou deposit in this Bank to the credit of Geo 11. Pond, City Treasnrer. the stiui o twenty-three tbousand two hundrec thirty-six and forty-three one hnndredths dollars ($23,236.43). Bespectfullv youre, M. J. Fkitz, Ass't Cashier. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT. FOR THE MOSTH ENDING MAY 81, 1895. Tothe Coramon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: MONEY RKCKIVED. Balance on hand ns per last report Í21A18 19 Contingent F n tl d- C o, Treas. liquor tax I 8,47 35 Mills- Ileensea - !5S0 Error 180 l Si'wer Futid- Tax wl 440 07 Tap lirenses- .Mills 8000 Error in sept. - 868 98 Trnnsferrcd from B. C. and C. fnnd, Bept UT 5.S Pólice Fund- Fioes, lilbson - 81 Error in '98 10 OU Kit v Fuud- Snle of horse- 76 00 Dos Tax Fund- Licenses, .Mills 400 Poor Fund- Transí erred from 1!. C. and C. iund. 200 (Ml strect Food- Error in Sept n M Soldiere B. Fund- Errorin .Muy 1 50 ; % 9J648- 9,966 4S $31,479 OU MONEY DISBURSED. roiiliiigent Fund- „ 1,366 18 Error 1 50 íain Suwer Fund 2,319 20 lewer Fund- Errorln Mar. 74 25 treet Fnnd 1,151 H'i Error in Sopt 3ö3 85 'OOr Kiind 2ilti 0 Krror In '93 1U00 iiidue, Culvert, and Croasvvulk Fund 1.003 91 Tratiíferred to poor fund S47 58 Error In Keb 3 80 itu-fi PuDd 27075 i'iremen's Fund 478 25 Krrorin May 150 Jeliuqueut Tax Fund- Krror 638 08 ioldier's Relief Fund 25 00 Error in Sept 03 Water Fund 23 00 Total $ 8,275 04-? 8,276 04 J23.204 58 BALANCE ON HAND. 'ontingent Fund $ 8,735 6fi Main Hewer Fund 4,554 22 -.ateral SSewer Fund street Fund 789 07 'oor Fnnd 151 66 Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalk Fund 2,376 07 'olice Fund 1,572 42 iMremeu's Fund 2,470 11 'ity ('emetery Fund 259 36 Soldiers' Relief Fund 799 90 Vater Fuud 1,925 15 Dog Tax Fund- 85 00 Universlty Hospital Aid Boud Fiind S40 00 $24,558 92 Delinquent Tax Fund 1,854 34 Total 323,204 58 $23,204 58 Respeotfully submitted, liso. H. Pond, Treasurer. Chairman Brown oifered the following: The City of Ann Arbor To Chas. H. Kline, Dr, To services on Clark investigotion in Jackson and Port Hurón, $20.00. Chas. H. Kline. The above account is correct. W. E. Walker. Aid. Fergusou moved that the bilí be approved, and a warrant ordered drawn for the saine. Tlie motion prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allrnenr dinger, Koel), Snyder, Laubengayer, Fevguson, Taylor, Shadford, Pres. pisoocli - 10. Nays- AK1'. Brown, Prettyman, Ooon, Butterfíeld, Cady- 5. By Alderman Ferguson . Resolved, That the Board of Public Works give us, at our next regular meeting, estímate cost of paving the gutter on the south side of Oatherine street, lictween ];;th and Clark streets. Approved. By Aid. Ferguson; Resolred, That seven hundred dollars be transferred from the Contingent fund to the Water fund. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koelt Snyder, Laubengayer, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyrnan, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nay- Xooie. By Aid. Allmendinger : Resolved,Tlmt the City Clerk be authorized tu ask for bidü for lighting the city for five years. Aid. Browu moved that the resolution be referred to the Lighting Committee, Adopted. By Aid. Koch: Resolved, That the Street Coinmissioiiers' Balary be ($33.00) thirty-three dolhus ner monih. un peí monin. Aid. Cooii moved that the resolution be referred to tlie Street Coimnittee. Adopted. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, Tbat State street, aeross the property of the Miohigan Central liailroad be opened. Aid. l'rettynian moved that ihe resolution be referred to the City Attorney. Adopted. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is hereby instrueted to develop the .water Bupply for the fouutain, on Cedar Bend Avenue, and place said fountain in runniDg order, at au expense nut to exceed thirty-flve dollars. Adopted is follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hisoock. - 15. Xays- None. By Alderman Brown : Resolved, That the state Savings Bank be required to give a hond in the BUtn of eighty thousand dollars for the keeping of the city funds. Adopted. By Alderman Moore : Reiohrd, That the Ann Arbor Street Railway Compauy be, and is hereby ordered to remove rails, formerl a part ui two switches, on Pa:kard street, near División street. and at the junction of Waebteuaw and North University Aves., these switches having been abaudoned. Adopted. By Aid. Prettyman : Wiikukii'on, In view of the refusal of the M. C. R. R. to repair and put in order the bridxe over the said company'e tracks in this city: therefore, be it Resolved, That the Board of Public Work.s )e instrueted to immediately put tha said bridge in repair, and that the cost of sui'li repair be charged to the said M. C. R. R. ('oinpanv. AUopteil as followe : Veas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Lauhengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady, Pies. Hiscock- 15. Nuys- Xone. On rnotion the council adiouraed. CityClerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News