The Illinois Dunkard Meeting
BecatüB, June 6.- The National Germán Baptist conference yesterday reoognizcd the sewing society as legitímate la church work. Ie Is coutrary to charch usage for members to use eouris, but it was decided that thoy could petition for public improveuiKius by spooial assessnient. Missinnary anti tract comraittne reported $7,4: reeeived and Í9.4(.' expended in tnH-iionary work, and fci.DiH nceivod and f2 '(ii ex;u-nded in tract work. It was rulcvi mat f.iutrches could rai-o money by coHcotioíís. Id was ordercd that the law aeai.)-t metubers havin? likenesses of tlieniscilves or others nui-f. be entorced aguiiioi members who are authors or publishers. It wa9 ruled that no meinber can be government gauger in ádistillery, or rent rooms to or otherwise countenance secret societies. Magie lantern exhibí tions were deoided to be contrary to ohurch law.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News