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Bryan Address The Delegates

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When it was announced that ex-Kepresentative Bryan would addres the conven tion there was a roar of approval, and his appearance wí.s the signal for tremendous applause. Bryan suited the crowd. His speuch was facetious and cutting, and ocoasioned almost continuous applause, delégales throwing their hats in the air. He coinplimented Chicago for having as a citizen such a man as Judge McConnell, who would maren at the head of the Democratie party with a doublé shield. He said that this was the most Democratie audienco he had seen in a long time. No party is fit to be a factor n politics which has nuC an opinión on vi'ry public question. There was i time when Clevoland had o fue i the quescion 01 turning either to the piutocracy or, "and had he been u J.kksuii or a JefEersou he would have lurned to tüe common people and there would be no neod of your eonventiou here toduy to repudíate liis KepubUcan principies. If he had not fciltered the Djmocracy would have eontinued in power lor years to come. There is no comproniise betsveen monometallism and bimetallism. lt has to ut' either one or the other. No man who is in favor of the gold standard can talk bimetallism and be honest. It thedouble standard is right, tlien nionornetallism is a crime üg&in&C society. [Applause, and a voice neard saying "hit hem agaiu."] Advocates of biiuctiillism are the only advocates of sound money. The sound curroncy gold bugs teil us aboufc causcd us to issue bonds to make it sound. The sound money thoory lias had to bo bolstcred up by a syndicale of Euglish bankors. You hail jast as vall have an English general at the hu.-id oiyour ai-my, an English a.imiral at the head of your navy, as an English banker at the head of the treasury department." VVhen Bryan concluded Govurnor Altgeld was culied upon. He spoke at soine leugth, saying in part: "It is an irrevocable principie thut wheu you increise the volume ot mooey in the world you mcrease the selling pnce of the produuts m the world. [Applause. ] On the contraiy, it is also the principie tnat when -ou reduce the money oi the world, theu ïnstantly the selling price of commodities and products has to go down. Vüut followed this arbitraryact of 1873? Fir.o.l charges were left; nioitgitges were nol reduced; interest was not reduced; taxe were not reduced. Gonscquently our grent j producing classes iound that when they had paid their üxcd charges they hu;l nothing left. "Merchants could not geil. Bailroads had little to carry. Aianuhiciurers iiad 10 Bhut down. Whut followeu? Laiorers ín those laotories were without work, and very soon without broad. You found that out, and you communced agitation for a ohange of those conditions. What remedies were off.'red to you? What remedies have self-appointed doctors of flnance given you in the last fe iv years? The patiënt has been bied until he could not stand up. He was leaning up againat a tenca. These great fiuancial doctors carae along and feit hls pulse, looked at his face, and said: 'Well, the right thing to do is to take a little more blood out of him.'" ]App!ause]. The governor made a red hot free silver speech all the way throuph and predicted victory for the white metal at the next election. General' McClernand also made a speech.


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