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Resolutions That Were Adopted

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The speech-inaking being ended tho ! Tesolutions committee reported its work and it was adopted with a rush and a whoop. The resol utions declare thatgold and silver have been the honest and recognizeil rnoney of the world for a thousand years; that the demonetization of 6ilver is the cause of all our woes; that ! the constitution prohibits any state from using an.vthing buC gold and silver as legral tender. Therefore, resolved, That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 1(5 to 1 without waitintr for any other nation, and that all contracts for the pnymenc of money, whethev made in gold or silver, may be discharged by the payment. of silver. Democratie oongressmen are instructed to vote for this poliey. After a long debate a resolution was adopted requesting the Democratie national oornmittee to cali a national silver convention not later than Auenst next, and if that, coinmittee refuseb Democratio state commir.tees are asked to take independent action to that end. Govornor Altgeld wus indorsed with enthusiasni and after p, tasing compliraentary resolutions the cok vention ad journed. One of tho first rttvelopmeuta of the' taoming was a meecing of the "honest money" delecates, at whlch it wr.s decided on the part ui those present nor. to go into the conven nou. Ainuiif; those wlio atfended rhis meeting wero Senator I nier, Washington Hsinr, Adams A. Goodricn, Fian!; W&lker, J. H. Kopfelng, J. W. Suttou. ex-Jadge Viuoent, Rivers, McNciü and about ren other.s. The flrsr. intention was r.hat Senator Palmer and his fnends should offer a suuátitme platI forru to the conveniion and íuake a big fight, but the poiiit was raised that this inifílit only créate additional bltterne&s lunoiig the raajorlty, and pr.ibably brlni; about i stront; deuunclatlonof President Cleveland and the fulministration. The üelegaDes-íir.-hirge to the propose 1 natío i al convención aro Juiíu lj. Hopk.jis, oí Chlcíigo; Scorotivry of State Hinrichsen; Geurge B. Fithian, oí Jasper counly, and General h. B. Parsons, oí Clay.


Ann Arbor Argus
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