I BACK BW. The Weapon Small,- but None More Certain or Effectiye. In these times when backs are lame, „hen almost every other one we meet has „ " and then, or all the time, a back that 'ches or pains-"a weak back," " a bad hack " a back that makes their hfe a missrv tó bear - and stiU they go on day by 5av in pain and suffering. Now 'tis the isiest thing in the world to give this olaved out back " a blow " that will settle t and put in its place a new one equal to ' U's just like tJiis: hit at the cause; most backaches come from kidney disorjers Reach the kidneys, start their -logeed-up fibres in operation ; when this is done you can say good-bye to backache. Here is a case from Battle Creek : Mr. .Jcsiah M. Shoup lives at 51 Broad Street, he was a member of the Battle Creek police force for many years. As a member of the force he served the city well, but tbe rough weatherhe was of ten subjected to laid the foundation of kidney disorder, which has troubled him very much. Here s what he says about it : "About three years ago, while on the pólice force, I contracted from exposure a kidney trouble, which bas since given me no end of trouble. The pain was right through my kidneys and across the small of my back ; if sitting down and I wanted to stand up, I had to arise very slowly and gently to avoid increasing the pain ; I had such tired-out feelings all the time, and I ivas steadily getting worse. About two months ago, hearing of Doan's Kidney Filis, I got a box. Their action and effect vos most complete, they removed the old aching pains for good. I can now get around as quickly as anybody. Doan's Kidney Pilis are certainly as represented. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Jlailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y., sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's. and take no other.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News