Drowned At A Summer Resort
Atlantic CITY, Juno 3 - Tho flrst drowning aocidenc on the bathing grounds for over u year ocourrod yesterday afternoon at the foot of Illinois avenue. Charles R. Thompson, of Cleveland, O , and Mias Jennie Grogle, aged 81 yais, oí Niuth and Dickinson streets, Philadelphia, were in the water. Thompson took the younsr woraan a dangerous distauce out from the shore to givo lier gwiinmlng Ie9sons. They were caught in a Whirlpool near the boat jetty and becoming separated eried fur help. Thera were scores of bathers on the strand, bat not one started to the resoné, and with a piercmg cry Uie srirl Baak beneath the waves while severul thousand ptrsons on the board walk and the boach looked on. Mrs. James Farley, a relativo of Miss Grogle, loduc.l a complaint uainsr, Thonipiim, eharging hlm with orimlnal nealigunoe ia Luiving taken the unforounate yiyyig woinan too far out iruiu shore. He was arrested and at the preliminar hearing said that nis real name is Cra a ford and that he Is not an expert swimmer. He was held without bail to await the result of the inquest.
Ann Arbor Argus
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