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Estáte ot Edmund Clancy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 'of ■Waahtenaw . ea. Ata seseion of the Probate Hiiurt for ihe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Prolate Office in the oitv of Aun Arbor oí) Thursduy, the 231 day of May, n 'the year one Ihouaand eíjrht hundred and niuety-nve. Present,.!. Willard Dhbliiti, Judgt of Probate In the raaiter of the célate of Edniund Clarjcv deceased . ' On ronding and filing the petitionduly verífted of David Riney, administrator with the will ani nexed.praying that he may he licensed 'o sell the nal estáte whereof said deceased dicd seized Thereupon it is ordfired. that Tuesday', tbe lSin Hay of June next, at ten o'clock in the (orcnoon.bü assigned for Ihe hearing oí said pelition, and that the beirs at law ol' said deceased, and II other persono interested in aaidt state .ie rtquired to appcar at a session ol sala court, then to be hnlden at tbe Probate Office, in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, ir any therebe, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not lie granted: Ami it ib farther ordered , that said petitioner íive notice to the persons interested iu said estíitc, ot the pendencyof saiá petitiou and t he hearing thereof, bycausing a copy of thia order to be published in the Ann Arbor Aroüs, a newspaper printed and círenlatiüg in suiil couutv three auccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing, J. W ILI.ARD BABBITT, (A true,-opy) Judgeoi Probatf. Wii.liam Q.Dotv. Probate liesriater. Estáte of Charles E. Lowrey. STAÏE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Al a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Uffice in the city of Aun Arbor, on Mouday, the twenticth day of May, in the year one thuusaiul eight hundred and ninety-flve. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judffe of Probate. In thetnntter of the estáte of Charles E. Lowrey, deceased. James H. McDonald, the adininistrator with the will aiinexed of said estáte, comes into court uud represent that he is dow prepared to render hig final account as sueh adininistrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the eighteenth day ol June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exaniiniDg and allowing such account, and that the deviscea, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested m ;uil eslate. are required loappeartitasesfion of said court, then to be holden at ihe Probate office, m the city of Ann Arbor, in stiid county, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the aid account ahould uut be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said admimslrator give uotice to the pers"us in(t-rtted ín said estáte of thc pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cauftuiff a copy of this order to bu published in the Ann Arbor Anous, a newspaper printed and circulatiug in said county, three successive weeks previous to said dav ot hearinff. J WILLABD BABBtTT, ( A true copy. ) Judge of Probate. Wii.liam (S Doty. Probate Reaisier. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS DEFAULT HAS BKBN MADE iu thc payinent of the money seoured by a mortgage dated the liith dy ot' August, in the year 18y, exeeuted by John Spears of North Hartland, Miagara County, tUate of New York, a farmer uid unmurried, of the nrst part, to Setli G. Kowley and Goorde W. Eddy of Middleport, in said county, of the 8' cond part, wliich said mortjfase was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of tbe County ot' Washtenaw. in líber 74 of mortgag-es, on page 4U9, on the 16th day of AugUËt, i89ï, at 8 o'clock a. m. And whereas, the umount claimed to be due on said mortgage is the sum ol' nitie hundred and one and twenty one hundredtbs dollars ($9U1 Mi of principal and, and the furthersumof twenty-flve dollars as au attorney fee, agreeable to the statute In such oase made and provided, and wliich is tbe ivhole amount claimed to De due and unpaid on said mo:tg;ige, aud no suit or proceealDg havlnu; beun instltuted at law to recover the debt n o iv ïvmaining secured by sai'i mortgage, or any part tbereof, whereby tliu power Oí sale eontaiiied insaid mortgage has become operative. Now, therefore, notice is hereby glven, that i by virtue of the said power of Bale, and in pursuanceof thestatu.ein suoh oase made and pi'ovidfid, the said mortgage wlll be t'oreclosed by a sale oí' said premisos therein descrii ed, at public auctiou to the hi#liest. bldiKr. at the west front door of the oourt house in the city of Ann Arhur, In eaid eountyof Wasbtenaw, (that belng the place of bolding the circuit court tor said uonuty,) on the 2"th dy uf August, A. I). IS!)f. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tliat day. which said p remises are describcd in said mortgave is follows, to-wlt: All the estáte, right titie, and interest of tae siud Spears (lt beiuj; tljÉ one-lialf thereof subject to the lile estáte .ÍTlannah Boyce) of in and to all that tract or pareel of land, sitúate in the Xownshlp of Superior, County ol Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, descrfbed as follows: i'onmieneing ai fcbe eoutbwest corner of Sec. HL in Township of Superior, running tlience northaloag the west boundar; line of Sec. ïl.elght chaina u lid fifi y links; theuce nortli twentj -tliree degrees and forty minutes east forty-four chains; thPnce nortb fifty-slx and one-fourib degrees, east twenty-tlu-ee chains and flfty links to the nortli and south quarter line to a slake trom whicb a white oak, 26 luches in diameter, stands north fourteen degrees, east llf ty-liiur links and a white oak, li inches )u diameter, stands nortli twenty-onr and one-half desree-i, east twenty-three links; tlienoe south forty degrees, cast Mty chains and slxty links to a quarter stake on the south line of theseetion ; theuce west two degrees, south alonffthe south line of the townshlp aforesald, thirty-elght ohains and Hftysix links to the place of beyinniug, contáising one hundred and sixty-one acres ot' land, more or les, exceptlntf and reserviUR a strip of land twenty-one rods wide along the wtaole lentfth of the east side ol' said land. Dated 1 lus aist day of May, A. Ü., 1895. riETH tí KOWLEV, GEORGE W. KÜUV. Lehman Bros., Mortgnsees Attornoys for Mortsagees. CJommissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ö ol Witshieoaw. The undeisiuned hnTlng been appointed by the Prohale Court for saiij County, coniuiisaioiieis to rei-eive, examine and ii.l i hm' dl cluims and denmnds of all persons against ihe estáte ot William R. Tuumy late of snid cotnty, ifeeeaed, htreby cive notice (hal ilx uionths from date are allowed, by order ol said Probate Court, tor cioditornto present their claims aainslthe eatate of said iieceased, and that ihey wiil uieet at the Probate Court Koom. in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, ol saturilay, lTlh day of August, aod ou Munday, the löth aay of November next, at ten n'cluuk a, m. Jl enen da) -t to receive, examine aud adlust said claims. Dated May I7U1, IS,. KICHARD SMITH, KREDKK1 .K FltGEL, Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ üi Waühtcuaw, hu. Notice is hereliy glvea, ihrtt by uu order of the Probnte Oourt lor the County of' VVualiLenaw, made on the !7tl day oí Muy, A. D. 189.Í, six muntlis tiuia tiiut date were allo wed tor cveditors to present iheir übtima agimiat the estáte oí' August i nt; Sage. late of lounty. dectased, and thal all wredltum et aaid dpcnasedare ieqnlredto_presen1 Lheirolaiiasto said Probate Uourt, ut the Probate Oíücu m the OityofAnn A.rbor, loreiatnina iou and allnwunue, on or before the a7th duy m Kfvenibr aext, nnd that aucn cIhíuib uill bo hemd belïre SHÏd Court ou the 27 th day of A.ugu8', sud on thu 27lh dy of Novfinlur oext, ut ten u ciuck in tae lorunuoii ofeach of s:iid days. Dated Aun Vrbor, .' iy -7, A. Ij. IS1.) J. WILLAKlj ji v I l) . 1 Uj_ oi i'j uluie.


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