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Our Own Pioneers

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The annual meeting of the Washtenaw county Pioneer and Historical society was held in the Methodist church in Dexter on Wednesday, June 12, at 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. Isaac Terry, the president, presided. The meeting was opened by singing America, followed by prayer and an address of welcome by Hon. H. Wirt Newkirk. The proceedings of the last meeting held in Ypsilanti a year ago were read by the secretary and approved. He also gave notice of the death during the past year of Edward Treadwell, the treasurer of the society. The report was approved and R. C. Reeves, of Dexter, was then elected treasurer pro tem. in place of Mr. Treadwell. William H. Lay, the necrologist of the society, then presented his report of the deaths among the old settlers during the past year, the total number being 198. The average age of these was 72 years at time of death. Among the oldest settlers who have died during the past year and were generally known were: Rueben Kimmel, of Superior, Solomon Sears, of Webster, and Horace Carpenter, of Ann Arbor. C. M. Stark, of Webster, then read a very interesting history of the first settlement of Webster and sketches of the first settlers. On motion the following committee was appointed by the president to recommend officers for the ensuing year : Andrew Campbell, Florus Finley, E. A. Nordman, Mr. Newkirk, and William Glenn. A recess until two o'clock was then taken during which a bountiful dinner was served in the basement of the church to over 200 pioneers by the ladies of Dexter and vicinity. The tables were first occupied by old settlers who came to the county previous to 1840 The meeting was called to order at two o'clock, followed by music by the organist. The committee to recommend suitable persons for officers of the society for the ensuing year made their report as follows : President, Rev. Thomas Holmes, of Chelsea. Secretary, J. Q. A. Sessions, of Ann Arbor. Treasurer, R. C. Beeves, of Dexter. Necrologist, Wïlliam H. Lay, of Ypsilanti. Vice Presidents - Ann Arbor city, Daniel Hiscock ; Ann Arbor town, I. N. S. Foster; Augusta, William Dansingburg ; Bridgewater, George Rawson ; Dexter, W. D. Smith; Lima, E. A. Nordman; Lyndon H. M. Twamley; Manchester, L. D. Watkins ; Northfield, E. E. Leland; Pittsfield, Henry Preston; Salem, George S. Wheeler; Saline, H. W. Bassett ; Scio, George A. Peters ; Superior, Nelson Fowler ; Sylvan, C. H. Kempf ; Webster, Isaac Terry ; York, John W. Blakeslee; Ypsilanti town, Albert Graves ; Ypsilunti city, Erastus Sampson. Executive Committee, J. W. Wing, C. M. Stark, E. A. Nordman, F. S. Finley, W. H. Glenn. On motion the report of the committee was accepted and adopted and all who were recommended by the committee were declared elected. On motion Chelsea was elected for the next place of meeting of the society on the second Wednesday of June, 1896. Mrs. Stannard, a daughter of Judge Dexter, read a very interesting paper on the early settlement of Dexter and vicinity, after which five minutes talks were given by Florus S. Finley, L. D. Watkins, William Campbell, N. B. Covert, Chas. Kingsley, Dennis Warner, Erastus Sampson and W. D. Smith. J. W. Wing then read a paper on pioneer life in this county, while our state was a territory, which was full of history and was well received. The choir added much interest and enjoyment to the meeting by singing appropriate songs. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, that the thanks of this society are tendered to the trustees of the Methodist church of Dexter, for the use of their church for our annual meeting and to the citizens of Dexter and vicinity and especially the ladies for the bountiful dinner, a veritable least of good things, furnished us on this occasion. Resolved, that the thanks of the meeting be also tendered to the Dexter singers for their excellent and appropriate music. The meeting then adjourned. Secretary.