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JÜJLY 2, 3 and 4, '95. THREE &REAT HACES EÁCH DAY. ALL DAY SPORT, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, SPECIAL FORENOON ATTRACTIONS. AT YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN. PROGRAM. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR ■ JULY 4. Fil'St Day, Tuesday, July 2. 9:30 a. Special Base Ball Game 25 VOO Trnt ov Clubs liereafter to l)e named. 2:40Pare " " nn 10i15 f M--Farmers Trottinsr 3 in 75 f' i, ce' " "U 6 to harness, ñ to enter, 3 to start. Mon2:20 1 rot, - - - 300 eJ' divided, 50, 25, 15 and 10. Eutranue 10 per cent Entries close July 2,9 p.m. Second Daj , Wednesday, July 3. 10:;a. m.- Foot Race. ÏOO yards 25 n .„ _, tranceïleach. Entries close July2,9 2:40 Trot, - - - $200 P-m 2:20 Pace, - - - 300 H:"0A. m.- Running !4 mile heats,2 in 3, 100 2:25 Trot' " 300 feTplnodlWft4 Gala Day, Thursday, July 4. „Bi,.yolo Kace , mile open 75 Called at 2 P M Under the nuances if t'ie Ypsilunti 2-ifí Trnï OaUeQ dl A l ■ M,.,„ Wheeli.ig dub .nd of the L. A. W., Z„' ,, ' ■ " as2ü" with siuictiou . Kntrunee fleacli. En2:28 Pace, - - - 200 tries close July 2. 9 i. in. Prizcs in Free-for-all Trot or pace, - 300 ' Mdw, guaranteed, valué. L,WJ:2,ao (Wilkie Kdox barred.) I8:P.H.-Grand Display c-f Pire Works. Come, See and Enjoy the Sports." aaWRITE FOR ENTRY BLANKS. J, B. COL, VAN, Pies. K. W. HEMPHILL, Treas. A. L. NOWLIN, Vice-Pres. F. P. BOGARDUS, Secy


Ann Arbor Argus
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