A Bachelor Maid
Once there 11 ved a bachelor malden, Years and years ago (Tl, And her muid witli truth was laden. But her heart was eold as snow. For shu tbougbt, with good oíd Plato, öh(; cuuiil livu alone, 80 she smiled on many a snitor, But her hoart was hard as etone. Carne a bachelor mftu a-suing For her friendship trae. This, alas, was In-r r.mloing, As ït might have inm with yon. For her frinndsbip still he sued her- öuch a simple teling- Till beforb she fcnew he wooed her, Wooed her with u friendship ring. Now. altho:igh ahe'8 lond of Plato, Her cold ln-art's grown warin. And her theortea of living Have imbibt'd a wondrous charm, For she says: " 'Tis human nature, Spite of Plato's pen. Men were made for loving women, Women made for lovïng men."
Ann Arbor Argus
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