THA CLUB ORDERS, We WiUpitaent iithor i [; i Piece English IJINNKB ST, ur il PlECK E.VGLISH BEDHOüM jet, to ladies gettiojr up a club. We suarantee out feas oud BaKing I'owder to trive entlr aUsfetiou. ïiiis is au excellent opporlunitj ladiestoobtaina beautiful ülnner .-cl, Bedroom Set 1 ree. Wo makt' tliis offer lo intiucluieour Teas and baking Powder to the readera of this paper. For full particuars, write or cali on A. KEESCH, Importer of leas, 613 Summit Sf., Toledo, O. ïleferenees, all Toledo. MWant Money? or a Home? Wan VVorkV or a Farm? Want to ODen a store in a growing town? Want - ____ to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improved farms in a Vífll well settled región without pay UU ing cash? Particulars and publications sent free by F. I. WIIlT - - "- - NEY, St. Paul, Minn.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News