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IjP CURtS WHbKEALL ÈlsÏÏaILS. "feT VSi Best Cough Byrup. Tastes Good. Use m In time. Salfl by drnggipts g (91 YOOB OOTING 60 T0 PIGTUBE8P PlBCKIHfiC ISLBHD. OME THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDK AT SMALL EXPENSE. Yisit this Historical Island, which is the grandest aummer resort on the Great takes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from CSeveland, for the round trip, includine tneals and berths. Avoid the heat and dost by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The uttractions of a trip to the Mackinac región are unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand romantic sp;.t, iti slimate most invigprating. IVo new ïteel passenger steamcrs have just been built for the upper lake route, costing 300,000 each. Tliey are equipped witb every modern convenfcnce, annunciatora bath rooms, etc., illumiuatcd throughout by electricity, and au; guaranteed to be the grandest, largest and safest steamers on fresh water. Tüesc steamers favorably compare witb. the great orean linors in ooir struction and speed. Four trips per week between Tn', i.j, Deiroit, Mpena, Mackinac, St. Ignnce, Petoskcy, Chicago, " Soo,' Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland aníl Detroit and Cleveland and Put-in.-Day Thn pnlaiiai equipment makes travi Une on these steamers thoroughly enjoyadlo, boud for illustrated descriptfve mmnlilct.. Addreaa A 'A Schavt-. e. : .',., [i ftC, Detroit, MicU. piRE INSURANCE. OHRISTIAN MACK, geiit for the followin(? Flret Claat Ooiurnmi representing over twenty-eieht Millioi Dollars Asaets, issues poiioipf at the lowflst ratpt .■Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.0(1 Franklin of Phila 3J18,713,(Xi Germanit of N. Y...... .. 2.700,729.0' American of N.Y. 4,0.5,9fi8.(H' London Assurance, Lond'n l,416.788.0( Michigan F. & M., Detroit 2S7,(08.f){i S. Y. UnderwTiters, N. Y. 2,5W.67.k NiUional, Hartford 1.7T4-JD6.00 tJtiMilx. N. Y 3.759,03? .00 WSpeclal atieutlou givbn to th ínsoranc u ■ Wï'ïUnijs, schoolp. churciift anrt public bnJldinfc Estáte of Agur Taylor. ■TATH OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF ' Waahtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probiite Court for tlie County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in ibe City of Ann Arbor, ou Tuesday, the 2lst day ol May, in the year onetboasamt eieht hundred iiiid Dinety-five Prfsent, J. Willard Babbitt, JtidK? of Prolmte. In the matter of the estáte of A(,rur Taylor, deceased On readinc; and flüni the petition du]y verified of Elizabcth Ann Taylor, pr;iyiüg that a eertuin ïustrument now on file n tliis urt, purnortIng to be the last vill and tpttnient ot aaid dec-iisidmaybe admittd to prtbüte, and that nömiiiietration of said estafe may bcrxnted to hers.'i;, the t-xeculor in sld will nsmed, or to some other pulíanle person. Therenpon it ís ordered, that MoiHay.tbf 7th lay i)t Junenext. at 10 o'clock in the forenouii. De' apsiijiied for the heuixig of Miid ptitioii] vut] tlmt the devisees. legatees end heirf-atla v ut' said decuaued and all oLher idioom uiteretci in aid estáte, ure r quired tu arpear at R H-"-'(ni ol aaid court. then to be bolden at th Prcliato OfBco in the city nf Ann Arbor. ,inii show muse, ïf auy there be, why th( : of the petitiooer ihould not be ííranted. And it is furtber ordnrci that uild petilioBer givf notice to the persons nterested in suii etate of tl pendeucj 'ï ai1 petition and ih hi-arini" thereof, by caimins' a py of thia order to be pnblÏBhed in.the Ann Aubob Argub, a dpw. paper printed aml ciu-ulntpd in said pnnuty, tl.ree BUGCQP&ivft wooki to i!i i ' ' Oay ol hOHnDK. J. WILUARD BABBITT, (A TRUI C0n Illllsu ol l'ïoüalc. WlLLIAM G. UOTY, Probate Register


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News