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What They Believe

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Raoul Pictot, the learued Swiss physicist whose in low temperattire - in the very domuiii of sympathetio vïbratory - have brought him out of the "inrnetrable cloud," iii ■which materialistc soienoe has wrapped the mysteries of nature, into the light of religious seienue af ter listening to "a wholesale" condemnation of soientific research frora a Roman Catbolic bishop, said tohiis, "Have you everseen God?" "Of course not, " the bishop answered. "Then I have this advaiitage as a researcher of trath over theologians, " replied Professor Pictet, "for the longer I study tlie pheuomeua of uaturethe more distiuctly I see God in all of iiature's operatious. " When Edison was asked, "Do you believe in a personal God?" "Certainly, " he answered. "The existeuce of God can. to my mind, almost be proved from chemistry. ' ' "The roason for skepticism andunbe licvers is not to be wondered at, ' ' writes Thorjiton, "■when men iuterested in scientiflc research find no evidence, from their experiments, of the presence of God in the How could this be otherwisef God bas to man bnt a subjective existence, which could never be reaohed by any known mode of experiments. Therefore man must get outside of himself, wliich means that Be must 'die' to know God and the reality of


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