Estáte of William Robert Price. TATEOF MICHIGAN, (JOÍJNTY -' nl Washtenaw, ss At i seSMon uf the Probate f'ouvt lonheUouatyof Washteuuw, hollen at the Probote Offiüe in the city ot Alm irbor Monduy, ihc llith clav of J.iue, in Ihe 'vear t ImusiUid aiKht hundruu aiiu ninety tive l'ru&eai, J. WUlnrd Babbitt, JihIkc of Probate u the matf-r oj tiic estiito ot Williaiu Uobert rrioo, deceased. Gertrude S. Price, executrix of the last will and testament of s-iid deceased, comes uto court aud represen s that she s nou prepared to i'eudec her final account as such executrix. EThe.reiuon it is otdered, that Tuendav, ihe oth ciny ui' July, neit, at ten o'clock in the tere nfion. be iissitined for exruniüim; and allowiog such account, and tliat the devi.sees, legaiets ud iieirs at law of said deceased, aud all ot-her persons iatere le.i in said estáte, are rsquireü t .ippear at a sessiüu of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, whv the saidacLOuntshould notbeallowpd And it (atarther erdered, that Raid exeoutrix grive notii-e to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of siid account, ai:d tt e ui ariiig theieof. bv cauamg-acopy of this order to be nublished n the Ann Aroor Axgus, newspaperj)nnttid ani circulatir.g in said count' three snecest-ive w tcks previous to baid day of liearinfi. J. WILLAUD ÜABI1IÏT, [A trneoopy] .Tndiie of Probate W. G. Durx, Probate Rfüister. Estáte of Aretus Dunn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CüUNTY ol Wnshtenaw, ss At a aeesion of the Probato Coun for the County ot Waohtenaw. hulden at the Probate Ofllce in the city o! A'iu Arbor, ud Fridty, the soventh rláy of June, in tlie year one ihonsiuid eigbt hundred and nionv üve. Present; J. Wlllard Ubbitt,.Ttidge ïf Prcbate. In the matter of the asíate .-( Aretus Dunn, deceastd. On readlnp and fllini; thfl petitioa.duly m-ittéa, of l'lilüj Hach, piayin.' 'luit a ct no in iustrniaent now on file in tliia oonrt, piirporttuï to the last vvlll aiid restniaerit o( sad decensM raa be admittfc(t to proh.ite aud ilmt administlrttioti of saiü Hstute innv bf íran'u tu hiimeit and PollyArin Dunn and (r 01.' Moore, the execütnrs in s tid will nanied, or to sone other suitable person. rhertmpuri u h ordered. f hut Mondav, tlieSlh day of July next, at ten 'c ook in i.he lon'uoon betissiKnedlortheheftrinffof aaid ptMition, and that the devisees. lejiatoes and heirs at hi of saii !■■ ceasi'd and all other persons interested ia siud estate, are requiced to uppoar at a s-ssion oí' saui court, Uien t,j be holden at the Probate Office, iu Ilie, sity of A r.n Arbor. and thnw e, iu;e, il' un y thero e wbytheprayer of the petiiiünor should tiot be fCTC&uted. And il is fnriher ordej-ed that. said petitioner ive to tl. e oeisütiy interested iu said Oötiite, ot lïip peudtney oí said petition and the hearing catisinsr a copyofthiH order to be pnblished in the Ann Aiíbor Akctus, a newspaper piinied and rir nlaH'd in said r,i-!i'rv brO'1 Ti-rössirp weeks pri-7'JUS tosnid l:.' "' i" n ■ ut ■ I. Cvii.l. KI) BVBBlïT, (A tri:e oí[i Jnd'í'r Pvol'ule. Wm.G Dotv !' moKfiis'
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News