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A Sample Board Meeting

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The meeting of the board of public works on Wednesday eveuing was like a love feasfc. It niay perhaps have been a iull bef ore a storm, as au adjourned meeting will be held Friday nioming, ! when a nnmber of critical subjects will ! come up. All of the members of the ! board were present Pres. Clark occuI pied the head of the long table. Mr. Scliuh was nestled to his left, Clerk Mills in the center with City Engineer Key opposite. Mr. Bnllis sat at the end of the tables, with the Argus reporter to his right and the street commiasioner to his left. Business which will interest many citizens was talked over in a conversational tone and what was most surprising Mr. Bullis supported motions of Mr. Schuh and vice versa. EverythiDg was harmonious, in unisón with the beautiful June evening. The members of the ñnance committee with City Attorney Kline met in one corner of the room to oonsider the sewer bonds of Henry Collins. Mr. Bullis moved that the president be directed to confer with the city attorney to ascertain the necessary steps to be taken in reference to relaying the ho".se connections made by Stevcnson, Recu & Co. on the Liberty street sewer. Pres. Clark said the board waited long enough. The contractcrs had made ' verbal promises to come and fix np. They admitted ought to do so. Mr. Schuh supported the motion and it p;:sod uuanimously. President Clark moyed that after J;iy 1 all teams working for the city ah ou ld carry not less than 36 cubic feet of arth per load. He said there were te tas working for the city that did not di r.'.v that amount and there were te.unsters who were willing to do so. Mr. Schuh thought this was a matter for the street commissioner's judgment and if the teams did not haul enough he should not hire them. The street cornmissiouer was competent to judge who should be employed. President Clark said as long as he could recolleot for the last six or eight years sanie teams had uot hauled fnll loads and the street commissioner had long wished to bring up the matter. Mr. Bullis aniended the motion that it was the sense of the board that the vehieles employed by the city should have boxes holding 36 cubic feet of earth. Mr. Schuh thonght the resolution unnecessary che street comimssioner knew the sene of the board. Upon the vote being taken Messrs. Clark and Bullís voted yes, Mr. Schuh being exoused from voting. A commuuication was read from Chief Eugineer Torry of the Michigan Central, in reference to diverting the water which flowed on the depot property from State and Depot streets. The city engrneer undertook to explain the difficulties in bothithe streets. Mr. Bullis said the city engineer did not seeni quite elear about the matter and therefore he moved that he examine the matter more fully and report to the board. Aid. Brown asked City Engineor Key if all house connections were made t with a. four inch sewer. Mr. Key replied that they were. Aid. Bfown asked if six inch tile were not better. Engiueer Key thought six iuch were not, and defended four iuch tile ou the ground that six inch had uot t'ne power to clear themselves. The soil pipes in tin; houses vere fonr inch and ten to one when the substances entered the large pipes they lodged tbere.Aid. Brown said he had talked with a plnmber wlio said while it was theoriiicully true he had experienced much trouble with four inch tile. He mentioued the Americau house as having bad difflculties. City Engineer Key said if a four inch tile could not be flushed they certainly could uot flush a six iach tile. He would ask what kiud of sabstances they put into the 3ewers, Mr. Schnh said the rnosfr trouble was with pipes hitcbed to kitcheu conneotions. Grease fornietf and they clogged np. He had had trouble with four iuch tile-. Aid. Brown said plumber he had talked with was Tihts F. Hutzel. City Eugineer Key said he had talked with Mr. Hutzel aud. had got to scrapping with him. Mr. Schnh thonght there was uo necessity of putting in six inch connections. City Engineer Key said that engineers informed him that where six inol pipe were laid they were often laid much more untme than four inch. On motion. of Mr Sohuh it was dei.'idod that the city use the Central sewer pipe compauy's tile made at the Liverpool plaat in distriots no 3 and 4. Ex-ald. Wiues offered a plat of Hinmans sub-division boiinded by Madison, Moselv, First and Main streets for proval. Mr. Schuh moved that it be accepted tart it wus lost, Mesare Clark and Bullia eoting no on the ground that the proposed street crossing ' the property wonld ouly be for the time beiug three rods wide. Mr. Clark thought it might make a bad precedent. Mr. Wines was given to nnderstand that if a deed was given for the additional rod it wonld be aocepted. In the discussion Mr. Bnllis thought the board should be oareful. They had axi experience. on Monroe street with tha water ensed by the niggardliness of the Smitlk estáte. He furtther said te Tappao park addition had never bepn rntlnued on ??,(fe Yvq A Sample Board Meeting. Continued from First Page. approved by the board and therefore legally they could not do any work on its streets. On motion of Mr. Schub, the contract with Henry Collins for the sewers and his bonds were approved. Also npon his mótion the president and clerk were authori?ied to enter into a contract with Henry Collins for building sewers Nos. 3 and 4. : President Clark notifled Street Commissioner Bassett to have the grass cut on Felch park. Mr. Bassett asked where the park was located. ïhe olerk read the resolution of the council in reference to putting in boxes for hand hose to water the court house lawa and Hanover square and to quit usitíg Vaterjfrom the fire hydrants. City Engineer Key wanted to know jf the use of the fire hydrants for sprinkling purposes was not included in the franchise givcn the water company. ;; City Attorney Kline explained it was not. The'' franchise was a one sided ilffair. The water company had taken êverything in sight. Mr. Bullis said sadly if the council had stood by them it would hatfe been all right. At one time they had the water company on the hip, but they never would again. The report of Charles A. Ward, inspector, was read, giving in detail the connections of the Hamomnd Beef Co. with the main sewer. President Clark explained the situation that the Hammond Beef Co. had received no permission. Mr. Schuh thought it was not right for the company to connect unless it paid $25 like other people. City Attorney Kline advised shutting off the Hammond Beef Co. from the main sewer if it had not received permission. President Cark said there would be a number of direct connections made with the main sewer and each case should be considered by itself. . Mr. Schuh said he did not know what right any one had to jump into a manhole. Every time a connection was made in a manhole bricks were thrown into the sewer. If the company had asked for permission to make a connection with the main sewer it would have been granted. Permission was granted to Dr. Conrad Georg, George Clarken and Jacobus & Son to occupy one-third of the street in front of buildings in the course of erection.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News