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WALL PAPER! WALL PAPEE. K ALL The Newest Designs PRICES THE LOWEST OSCAlf 0. SOEG THE DECORATOR, 7O Ikd-A-ITST ST. CATi I OBTAIN A PATENT f Fot a nnpt answer and an honest opinión, write tq MIIKN fc CO.,wbo have bad nearlyflfty years1 iperience In the patent business. Communications trlctly confldentlal. A llandbook of Information concerning Patent and bow to ODtain them sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scientlflo books sent free. Patent taken tbrough Munn Co. recelve special notlceinthe Scientific Americnn. and thus are brougbt widely before the public withoat cot to the inventor. This eplendid paper, iwued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the targest circulation of any scientiflc work In the world. 83 a year. 6ample copies sent free. Bnildlng Edition, monthly, Í2.50 a year. Single opies, Í25 cents. Kvery number contains beautlíul platea, in colors, and pbotographs of new Söosat. with plans, enabling bulldera to Bhow the Wteat deBigns and secure contracta. Address H2ÏJNN & CO, NEW YOBK, 361 BboadwaT. W I! I ff ! tí ■ 3 a Ij i i S 8 tl i i P la w 1 ! h o ó o w 9 l (j 1 S o l a 11 1 1 1 I EWIS' 98 % LYE ■k L JOTII2E3 AID FISrOUD Uf (PATIKTID) L■ Th Ittmuwt mnd pnrttl Lt ■ hfA Unllke other Lye, lt belñg ■A U a line powder and packed in a esa Hm wlth remoyablc Ud, the conwnt ■ are lwyi readjr tot uw. W1D ■f make the bet perfumeo Hard Soap rB In 20 minutes wliUom bolllnir. B It Is li bt f..Ti l-aiitllif vcuia W plpeK. dlslnfectlng links, elneeUL vashlng bottles, palnts, trees, eto. .Mk FEN1TA. SALT M'FQ CO. ■■B Creu. AgW„ Flüla,, Pa. l fi. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Law &nd Pension Slum Alterne?, MILÁN. MICH. Conveyancinp and Collections AHEAD OF ALL MAGAZINES this country kas seen.- AlbaDy Argus. IN THE North American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. The Nokth American Review is recognized on both sides of the Atlantic as the foremost Review in the English language, and no expenditure is spared in maintaining it in its unrivalled position. The Review is the mouthpiece of the men and women who know most about the great topics on which Americans require and desiretobeinformed from mouth to mouth. lts list of contributors forms a roll of the representativo men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Women Suffrage in Practice"; "The Renaisance of Woman"; "Woman In Politics"; The New Aspect of the Woman Question," and "The Modern Girl," by the author of "The Heavenly Twins"; "The Future of Marriage"; "Brils of Early Marriages"; "The Servant Girl of the Future" ; "The Financial Dependenceof Women"; "Trades-Unions for Women"; "The Lack of Good Servants": Amerioan Life and Physical Deterioration" ; "Good and Bad Mothers"; "The Tyranny of the Kitchen"; "The Amateur Nurse"; MarkTwain's Defense of Harriet Shelly etc, etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Bbview wili publish in 12 chapters, begrinning with the January number, the Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire, a hiatorical work of ansurdossed importance, which will throw a flood of new lurbt upon the chequered career of Napoleon III , and the influences which led to the callap6C of his Empire in the (dgantic strujfffle with united Germany, under Wilhelm I. and Ws Iron Chancellor. It is as fascinatin as a romance, being richly anecdotal and f uil of inl jrmatlon drawn from sources hitherto inaccessible, presented In the graphic and Tivacious style which "The Englishman in Paris," by the same author, bas made familiar to thousands of readers. 6O Cents a Copy; $5.00 a Tear. The North American Review, 3 Kast:i4th St., Kie-w Vork.


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