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The co-ed gymnasium funds is now abThe gr'adtÜÜ SEoisf of the Sfc. Th?maf schoomkeplactomght. _. w g Moore has purchased a onWt avenue of Mrs. Carrie A Wright._ . Prof Perry has ended his tvventyfiffhyeafa, Superintendent of the Abo Arbor schools . H Holmes, of the University livery on Forest avenue, is having his house repainted1 About flve coaches fdled with passenJs from here. enjoyed the trip to Putin-Bay, Sunday The treasurer of Ann Arbor toro will pay for woodchuck scalps next Saturday at the conrt house. About fiftyöf"the graduating ass of the high school will enter the University this fall. The Courier estimates that the pensioners of this city receive about $5,000 every three months Justice Gibson married Miss Annie Welch, of York, and John Howe, of Milan,' Saturday morning. Dr Conrad Georg is building an eight room addition to his house to accommodate his growiug family. The train from the north on the Ann Arbor and Toldeo road was derailed by running into a cow Friday night, at Howell. George Meyers, of Pittsfield, has been put under $200 bonds by Justice Pond to keep the peace toward Jacob Ursele. _____ The Womans' Press association have presented the University with a life size portrait of Mrs. Lucinda H. Stone of Kalarnazoo. Fred Radke, jr. , and Miss Catherine Jung were married by ftev. John Neumann last Thursday at the residence of J. S. Mann. The young ladies society of the Bethlehem church will meet Thursday evening at the residence of MissjPauline Allmendinger,on West Washington street. John Tice, the Michigan Central gatekeeper, feil from a bicycle he failed to master, Friday evening with more damage to himself than to the wheel. The erop of weeds and wild lettuce in front of the city foundry on West Huron street promises a beautiful harvest of seed to annoy other property owners. On Thursday aftemoon a sneak thief entered the residence of J. A. Brown, on Lawrence street, and stole a gold watch and chain belonging to his daughter. The Slocnm lecttlres bef ore th e Hobart Guild next year will be delivered by Bishop Potter, of New York, Bishop Doane, of Albany and Bishop Gailer of Tennessee. In the noviee bicycle race at Ypsilanti last Thursday the Ann Arbor riders fared well, Ford took two beats and Richards one, while Fisher was second in the final heat. The Ann Arbor road has at last, af ter months of waiting, relaid the plank crossing on West Huron street. It is now to be hoped that the adjacent property owners will follow suit. The Ann Arbor high school graduated 100 this year. The Detroit high school gradnated 64. As usual the Ann Arbor school leade all the schools of the state in number of graduates as well as in qnality. A new qraartette has been organized in this city, consisting of Bruno St James as first tenor, Frank Ryan, second tenor, J. A. Kelly, first bass and Henry C Menth second bass. The quartette will sing at the f onrth of July picnic at Whitrnore Lake. The Conrier gets the little printing pap whioh comes to this county in the shape of publishing the tax sales. Time was when the publication of the delinquent taxes in this county amounted te about 1 1,200, but our citizens now pay their taxes and the printing costs tinder $20. Caroline Josephiue Hartrnann applied at the connty elerk's office last Friday for naturalization papers. It is very unusual for a wornan to apply for such papers. The applicatiou was made in this case, not with the idea to secure the right to vote but to secure certain ! property. The applicant understood very little Eriglisli and could not talk it. Has it ever occurred to the business men of Main street that some day there will be a terrible accident on that street. When the street is lined with teams tied to the hitching posts, there is ouly a narrow space lelt in the center of the street occupied by the street car tracks. If a runaway horse should dash along the street, or an alarm of flre cali out the hose-cart and a car on the track at the turn, the consequences can be irnagined. There wuold be broken vehicles in all direetions. Ex-County Treasnrer Jacob Knapp.of Freedom.was in the city on Saturday. He says Freeclom is btiming up for want of rain He related the particulars of an outrage that took place at Pleasant lake in the township, a few weeks ago. Some miscreants used flynanrite cartridges in the lake and killed wagon loads of fish, mud tnrtles, etc. This occurred af ter 11 o'clock at night and no trace of the partios has been discovered. There has always been good flsliing in the lake, but now it will be some years bef ore the 'fish are again plentiful. Germán American day will be held in Ypsilanti August 22. Washington blook entire is be ing connected with the main sewer. Mail messenger J. A. Brown now drives a fine new mail wagon. Mrs Fowler, of Detroit, nee Miss Edith Seyler,of this city died this morning of consumption. I). A. Hammond will go to Mt. Pleasant Friday to deliver the address at the normal commencement there. Dr. D. A. MacLachlan has been elected one of the vice-presidents of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Bishop Hall, of Vermont, will deliver the lectures in the Baldwin foundation before the Hobart Guild next year. Charles O. Hill and wife, of Knosville, Tenn., are guests during commencement week of Mr and Mrs. S. B. Gregory. The directors of the Katherine building company declared their usual one and a half per cent. dividend at a recent meeting. Miss Sophia Harttmann, of Detroit street, was married last evening to Frank Edgar Chamberlain, a Port Huron lawyer. Patrolman O'Mara made two arrests for drunkenness Saturday night. It cost James Stadell $3. 70 and William Schaeffer $5. 20. Miss Finley will be at Newberry hall on Wednesday afternoon to inake appintments for work in tfce summer school of elocution. Douglas Bycraft, a drayman, got his little flnger under a barrel of oil he was unloading yestrday and crushed it so that it had to be amputated. Charles A. Krofoid has resigned his position as instructor in morphology in the University to take an assistant professorship in the university of Illinois at a salary of $1,200. "W. A. Morse, formerly superintendent of schools at Oscoda, who has been studying in the University the past year, has been appointed superintendent of schools at Rapid Creek, California. Young men and boys, without the requisito clothing, were in bathing in the Argo mili pond close to the dam, Sunday,greatly to the distress of cetrain persons who were involuntarily greeted with their appearance. A complaint or two in justice couit may stop the nuisance. Charles Hines was arrested yesterday on complaint of Conrad Reuper, charged with highway robbery. His examination before Justice Pond is fixed f or July 3. Reuper claims to have been knocked down by Hines while walking on Ashley street Sunday night and robbed of $19. This evening Miss Matilda Neumann, the accomplished daughter of Rev. John Neumaun, will be marired in Bethlebem church to Bev. Robert Schreiber, of Saline. The ceremony will be performed by the bride's father, and the happy couple will leave for a trip arotind the lakes. The authorities of the University desire to repeat the request made last year, tfeat friends of the members of the gradaating classes will take such presents as they desire to offer them to room A, and not to University Hall. The classes will appoint persons to receive such presents in room A, care for them, and clistribnte them at the close of the exercises in the hall. If the street work on N. Ashley Street between West Catharine and West Ann streets is snpposed to be a fair sample of the present intelligence displayed by the board of public -works it should cali in an expert. There is no grade giving drainage on the street, which is higher than the sidewalk. To make it still higher gravel has been drawn on the street. Residen ts are talking about extending their lawns,but to do so they will have to tuild up hill. The great reduction sale of Martin Halier must be a success, judging from the amount of goods lie is selling. For Sale. House and lot, No. 102 S. State street, at a bargain if sold soon. For particulars apply at Rooms 108 S. State. 4wks. The D. & C. new steainers are now running four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit aud Mackinac. Send for their illustrated pamphlets, Midsnmmer Voyages to Mackiuac. Ad dress A. A. Schantz, G. P. A., Detroit,