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TRUCK AND V-TORAGE.: C. E. GODFKEY. Residence and Office, 48 FourthAve., N itli Teleplione 8a. Estáte 0+ Anthony Burke. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT}' of Waehienaw. as. At a session of Pr ' a' Court for County of Washtenmv, hold.n at tht Probate Ofte in the City ol Anti Arl.or, on Fndaj, the ]Hh day 01 Jun ín thr -7.111 ono tnousand eiwht bumlred aml alnety-öve. Present. J.Willard Biibbitt. Judse of Pro'wte In the matter of the estáte of Anthony Burkp, deceased. Onreadinsand nlinirthe petltion duly veritied ot j Ellen Burke, prayiug thal admtpistiattun of saitl esiate may be grtinted to lierself, or soine olhtr suitableperson. Tliereupon it 8 ordeted, that Mondny tlifi )6th day of July, next. at ten o'clock in the fortuno n, be aaBiu'ned for the hear ing of said petition, and that the heirs ;it law of eaid deceased and :iil other persoiiH ïntereeted in said estáte, are required to appenr at a session of anid C'ourt, th"ii to iie holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arlioi-, and show caupe, if any the-e be. why theprayer ol the petitioner shoulJ not be granti d : And it sfurther ordered, thut stiid petitlonergive noiict' to theperaoim intereetedin Baid esiati of the pendencyolsaid pelitiou, and the hearing thereo', bvcausing a eopy of thie nrder to be puMished i 1 the Ann Arboii Argis, a uewspKper print'"' umi cirouhitcd in aid Connty, tbree ancctnsiia weeks previous to said diy of heariin; J. WILLARD lïAHBriT, .A true ropyi Judfti; "f ' ro "ili . Wii.liam G. fioTY, Probate Résister. Estáte of Aretus Dunn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY di Washtenaw, ss At a secsion nf ihe Pro'.nt. Courl tur the Cuunty ui Waaliteiuiw, holden al Un Probate Otli'e in the city ol Ann Arbor, u Friday, the seventh rtáy of June, in th year one thuusand eíght huudred and ninut five. Prcuent, J. Will.ird BabbiU..T'ido of Pmhnte In tho matter ot tlie estáte oí Arelus Dunn, deceasul. On reaáin :itiil fllinuíhp putition, duly vprlfld of Philip Baoh, praying ihat a ctrlam Instrumei;t uow un (ilu m this cuurt, puiportiii!; lo be the laít wlli ;md (stxment ol sala decen'ori maylie adniittecl to probato anM ihnt atlministrution ot' saia eslate uiay be gran n ti tu hinuell and Polly;Ann Onnn nml G orge Moors, the cxecutors in stiid will uaiued, or lo fcOine othei BiiitaWe person. Thereupon it ia nrdered. thai Monüav, the Sili íay of July next, Ht ten o'coik in the forennon beaSBigDedlorthehenrinprofsaiii petitloii.undihut tho deviser-s. leñatees and heir at luw - f aaiil '1(ieeased and all other persona iuteretíied in sanl ew tav, ...e rtquirttl tu nppeur ui a seraiou of BRtd court. theii to be holden at the Probate Office, in the cityof Ann Arbor, and nhow c.uwe, il' any there be whytheprayer of tbe petilioner shotilrt uot he gvauted. And it is furlher ordeied thal suij petltioner give notice to t) e persous intcr ested in said e-stute, ol the peuiiency oi s-iid petition and the hearing causing a oopyofthis order to be publislied in the A.SH Akbok AKGU8,a newspaper printed und cirnlatedinsaid counly three succêssive weeks previr o tOiftidday of beanug. (Atruécopjr} Ju}geQfProh;.'-, W.G Doty Probate Ëegisteï 1 1 Estáte of Willlam Robert Prlce. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, (JOUNTV of Washtenaw, ss sesaion uf the Probate Pourt forthe Couüiy of Washtenaw, hol len at the Probate Office in tlte city of Aun Arhor. oñ Monduy, the lUth day of June, in ih yoar one thouáund eight hundred aud uinety five." Present, J. Willtird Babbitt, Judpe of Probate In the mattr of the estáte of Willlam Robert ' Price, deceased Gertrude S. Piice, ezecutrix (tf the last wil , and testament ol' said deceased, comes into court aud represen 3 that she is now prepared to reudt-r , her final account as saofa executrix gjThfreupon it is ordered, that Tuesda?, tbe 9th day of Jlufi uext, at ten o'clock in the noon, be assigned tor ezamlning and allowíng sueh i account. and that the deviséis, legateea and heirs j at law of sald deceased, and all oiher persons teres ted iu suid estáte, are required to .ippear at u mssIod of suid Court, then to be holden at ihe Probate office, in the City of Aun Arhor, in said ('oiiiity, and show cause, if any there be, why the sald account sbould nt beallowed And it i's furthel-crdered, tbat Bhid exeoutrix givenotk-e lo the persons imeiested in said tstate, of the pjnlency of said account, and tt e Iu aiiug thereof, bv iaui a copy of thU order lo be published in t he Ann Arhor Argus, a newspaper printed and circuIatirp ín said cotintv thief succesaive weeks pre vioub to tíHid day of heiiring. J WII.LAliD ItABBITT, [A trnecopy] JudpeDi Probatt , W. Q. Doty, Probate ReRiater. Mortgage Sale. ÜEFAULT HAVING HEEN MADE IN THE ronditions oí a certain mortaie madi' by Malvina Rooney, of the City of Ann A' bor, Cpunty of Washtenaw, and State of Miohlgao and dated Maren 4th. A. D. 1892, and recorded in the office of the Resrleter of Deeds. for the Oounty ot' Washtenaw and State of Miclnuitn, on tlie'fourth day of Marcfa, A. D. 1882 in Uber 78 of Mortirages, on pae 56, on whieh mortizae there is claimcd to be due at the date of this notice the siim of om1 hundred dollars, and an Attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars provided lor iti said mortjrage, and no suitor proceedings at law having been institutt d to recover the moneys peeured by said inortgage, or any part Thereof: Nuw, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale eontalned in said mortuage, anrl the statute in sueh cast' made and provided, notice 's hereby given that on Saturday. the fourteenth day of September, A. D. 1895, at nine o'elock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the sonth front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, abat being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premiees desoribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary tq pa y the amount due on said mortgage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars, eovenanted for i hereln, the pretnises beins desoribed ln said mortgage as all that eertain piecc orjpareel ol land tuated and being in the City of Ann Arbor and County of washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and descrlbed as follows. to-wit: Eteginnlng at the southerly side of the street or highw ay, fortnerly known s the Dixboro roai) ii ml now known as Broadway, in the Hfth ward of said city of Aun Arbor, at a point in the center of a creek. oommonly known as Traver's creek, sixty links easterly aiou; said road or street from the most northweste,rly corner of lot numbereightin Travor's second addition tothe villaje mow city) of Ann Arbor; thence easterlv alona said Dixboro road (now known as Broadway) one chain and iiftyfive links; thence sontli thirty-one degrees east, one chain and seventy-five links; thence south forty degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-three links to the center ol' said creek; thence northwesterly ■along the center of said oreek tothe place of beglnning. contafninir thirteen hundr dths of an acre of land, more or let, beini; a part. ol the land eonveyed by Lewis Khoades to Malonla Kooney, Decfm'ier twentieth A. H. 1-90. This mortgage is iutended 10 convey thirtytwo feet in width on Itroadway, from the southweelerly side of the above described property. THE HDROX VALLEY BUILDINO AND SAVINGS AtSaoul.vriON, Mortagee. By Thomas D. Keakney, Attorney. 1 Dated. Ann Arbor, June 21, 1895.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News