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Council Proceedings

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COIINCIL CHAMBEH, I Ann Arbor, July 1, 1895. f Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Hiscock. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Taylor and Pre tymen The journal of the last regula and all specials and adjourned session were adopted. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. A petition signed by Edward Duft'y and 24 others asking for grading o Chubb road was read and referred to the street corumittee. A petition signed by A. A. Muetl asking for pavement for a strip of lanc used as a public street was read and re ferred to the street committee and City Attorney. A petition signed, by G. C. Teufe and 15 others asking for a sidewalk on Second Street was read and referred t the sidewalk committee. A petition signed by Zfnas Sweet an 31 ottaers asking for the raising of tearnsters' wages was read and referred to the streef aud finance commitees. To the President aud Honorable Common Council : ('tMitleinen- The condition of State Street from Catherine to Fuller is such tbai in my judginent it calis for a thoi-ough investigaiton by yonr honor able body, aud a consequent determinatiouthereof. All of whiob is respectfully submitted, A. M. Clark. President of the Board of Public Works. Referred to Street Coinmittee. Union Depot, Richmond, Ind. , July, 1, 1895. To the Cominon Conncil : Withhold payment of three hundred nd forty six dollars and fifty cents rom Herman Hutzel acoount. He has ot acoepted onr draft. Flush Tank Co. Referred to the Board of Public Works. The report of the sidewalk inspector to the Board of Public Works was submitted to the Common Counoil and referred to the sidewalk committee. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEBS KINANCE. Tu tlie Houorable Common Council: Vour Committee on Finauce respectfully report that thev have taken the followlns accounts undercon8ideration aud reeoraniend t li ailou anee and warrant? ordered drawn 1 r the same. 1 ■ I lili r-n J L M - CONTINGENT FUÑO. len V. Mills, salary í 66 H8 'uirlck O'Hearn, salary 83 34 i.;iiusH Kliue, salary 25 OU :ii;i-. H.Manly ealary 8 34 "lurvin Davenport, janltor work B 25 vouu & Henne, desk and chaira 40 00 id W. Millard, prtntlng and supplies, 19 50 31uy A. 3S) 17 Maek & Sehmid, rent. 8 33 ohn A. Robinsoii, services 3 Ou blenV. Müls, pustagi 2 76 blimr Bros. & Kverard. daters 6 00 bien V. Mills, telesraphing and exp.. 2 6 'ivs. Kubn, janltor work 108 . ean & (Jo., matches 4u ohn A. Koblnson 100 Minnie Wells, typewriting 30 Wm. Childs, services 18 00 Evart H, Scott, services 18 00 A.J. Kitson, services 18 00 Josepli Donneliy, services 18 00 Aun ArborGiisüo WJ 30 íugene Oesterlm, services 18 00 Tel. &ïel. ron. 'o., tul, veiitals --'.'--. 43 75 James JJoyJe, pt?ices 18 oo iftPPl) yiscf(er, services 38 S Mrs, PRWBMB= :' - .. ,-,--,. 408 Total - 644 72 sewer Ftrsn. Sd. rtarnett, labor % 1 5C Micbael Hessian, labor 1 50 Michael wilhains, labor 150 A. M. Clark, expenses to Detroit 2 85 Chas. A. Ward, iusptctor 66 00 "rank L. Sutherland, labor 13 80 E. . liroves, as.-.istint engineer 36 00 GeO.H. Fischer. labor 10 35 ■'red Ulricb, lubor 1 50 CnjfineerinKNews, avertising 7 20 ■Iiñn ie A. Wells, typewriting 4 65 Geo. F.Key, salary 83 34 Total I 230 19 STIUET FUND. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accounts assitfned thetn : P.Qabler, labor i 6 00 .M. He.-sian, labor 8 23 M. Kuster. labor . 7 50 A liehiikt-, hilior s 25 V, m. Lamborn, labor J. Weinniann, labor 6 75 Kichard iiuriis, labor 5 70 U. Wlnker, In hor 3 55 John Kittle, labor 3 00 Ed. Barnett, labor 7 2Ü Wm. Kuelin. labor 18 75 B. Mowerson, labor 6 00 E. Saddler, labor 18 00 M Williams, labor 8 25 Geurde Kilts, labor 21 00 F. Be vier. labor. y 75 C. Sclineider, labor 12 60 Peter Henderlons, labor 4 ñu ('. Lohrke, labor. 7 05 Nick Henderlongr, labor i 50 Frank Shuliz. labor 10 35 Cl. arles Hentz, labor 14 8ü ZenasSweet, labor 19 50 M. Williams, labor 3 Ou John Phllllpe, labor 3 00 Hender-on, labor 4 50 Miuhurd liluns. labor 6 UU John Ho k, labor 3 Uü Ed. Warner, laftor 4 50 M. Hesslans, labor 75 Wm Wbeeler, labor 7 50 M. Klister, labor 3 00 Geo Heiily, labor 3 00 Mlcbael Kuster labor 9 30 M Hensians, labor 9 30 Ed. Warner, labor so Richard Bu ros. labor 18 60 Krank nenderson, abor 9 30 John PblUlps, labor 9 30 CharMe Winkle, labor 10 05 Ueo. Healy. labor 9 oo Ed. Buril' tr, labor 10 05 Johu Holk, labor 9 30 John Groll', labor 12 00 Michael Williams, labor 9 30 Wm. Lamborn, labor 1 50 John Groff. labor 12 60 Dan. Crawlord, labor 15 00 J. Kenter labor 6 00 Albert Scuwernian, labor 17 10 Geore Healy, labor l 50 K. Gutekunst. labor '__ 750 M. Heesians, labor 750 Wm. Wheeler, labor 17 75 Wm. Lamborn, labor 750 Michael Heaiy, labor 10 20 George Healy, labor 7 50 Hlram Kittrldtre, labor. 1350 John Kittle, mbor 2250 Miebael Knster, labor 7 50 Richard Burns, labor 9 00 Cliarlleuinkle, labor 7 05 John Holk, labor 750 Michael Williams, labor 7 50 John Phillips, labor 750 K. Saddler, labor 1500 Michael Steeb, labor 7 50 i eos so Fariner's and Mecbanic's Bank, account assluned them : L. Hughs, labor Ï 8 25 8 25 Stat8avingB Bank, accounts assigned them: Wm. Enkerman, labor í 6 75 A. Renke, labor 7 50 C Lohrke, labor 6 00 1' llenderlont?, Jabor 9 00 Abram iieck, labor 24 00 C. Larmey, labor 4 00 5tí 25 Mr. W'ilson. assigned to Leonard Basset) 60 O. l.ohrke, assigned to Christian Spaeth - ...Ï 1 50 John Miller, assiurned Christian tlKielh i; 75 H. Kittiidse, assigned Chri6tian Ppaetli 6 00 14 25 L. Bugbs, assigrned Fred Brown 7 50 Ed. Barneu, aSlg:ned Macd & Schmid, 7 05 M. &.damsolieck, aesigned Etnil Golz.. 5 25 Btephen Koeman, assfgned to Lindenechmidt& Apl'el 6 30 L. C.'ts ussigned him: Chris. Larmey tu 30 Juliua Kenter 7 80 17 10 Wm Lambo r , labor 4 50 A. Helmke. labor 4 50 ('. Stierlc, labor 8 55 l'ut. McOabe, labor 28 20 F. Thompson, lahor ii 00 Charles LonK, labor 1110 Wni.Enkorman, labor 2 25 Michael Heary, labor 8 40 (Contlnued un fmirth page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I OFFICIAL.! tontinued f rom First Page. E. Barnett, labor 4 50 R. Burns, labor 4 50 M, Luippole, labor 3 Ou A. Tice, labor 1 50 Giorge Schaible, labor 36 00 C Hentz. labor : 5 40 John McArtbur, labor 19 50 Fred Davis, labor 10 50 F. Kadke, labor 1125 M. Kuster labor 3 00 Christian Jet'er, labor 27 15 F. Brevier, lahor 2 70 3. Winkler, labor 4 60 J'aul fiable, labor 4 50 J. Miller, labor 4 50 L Hughs, labor 4 50 B Mowerson, labor 4 50 Jake Kies, labor 4 50 J. McHugh, labor 21 90 H. S breve, labor 300 A. Voorheis. labor ., 80 90 Wm. Wheeler. labor 16 73 O.Larmey, labor 1 50 M teeb. labor 150 ilartm Naïle, labor 3ü 30 i. Gulekunst, labor I 50 Hutzel, labor 22 50 ' ülrich, labor 19 80 V. J. handall, labor 9 00 )an. Crawford, labor 3 uo Vtiram Beek, labor 1 5 ohn Phillips, labor 165 ohu Holk, labor 150 licbael Wil!iam3, labor 4 50 S.Saddler, labor 9 0' W. Kuehn, labor 225 Michael Hessians, labor 4 50 M. Adamseheck. labor 3 75 G. E. Sutherlnnd, storage 12 50 Willis Clark, labor 42 00 Leonard Bassen, salary. 6fi 66 Frank Sut herland, latior 1:, li Chas Spencer, orhee work 14 00 E. W. Groves, assistant engineer 36 IK) Geo Fiaeher. labor 17 25 J. Weinmann, labor 450 Antón Teufel. supplies 25 Washtenaw Kveniug Times, advertising 1 25 Geo F. Key. salary. _ 16 66 Essllngei Bros., bfacksmlthing 4 28 James Doneiran, blaoksmlthing 2 60 MinnieA. Wellfl, typewriling ' 90 Hodmer Estáte, supplies 77 Jake Kies.assigned to Wm. Illi 6 '0 Total $ 1,416 92 BRIDGE, CüLVEHT AND CROSSWAIK FOND. Aon Arbor Savinga Bauk, accounts assigned: Ed. Barnett, labor $2 25 Ueo. Healy, labor ao Charlie Winkle, labor 3 75 Geo. Healy.Ubor 1 50 Michael Kuster, labor 1 5 ■ Micliael Hessiuns, labor 2 25 Wm.Kuehn, labor 6 75 18 30 Pat. McCabe, labor _ 5 85 Wm. Knkermann. labor 75 Michael Heary, labor 6' R. Burns, labor lrO C. Hentz, labor 2 85 Michael Kuster, labor... i 50 clin-Han Jettev, labor 045 F. iti'cvier, labor i no .]. McHugli, labor 61 Abram Voorheis, labor 7 20 Wm. Wheeler, labor 2 00 Martin Nagle, labor 60 Jos. Hutzel, labor 1 50 Artliur Brown, lumber 11!) 07 F. ülrlch, labor 1 50 J. Phillips, labor 2 85 Wm. Kuehn, labor 1 50 B. AVooil & Co., lumber 25 :js M.Adamscheclt, labor 75 Total % 202 55 I F1KE DEPARTMENT FCND Fretl Sipley, salary $ 60 00 C. A. Edwaïds, " 5u 00 W. H. .McLaren, " ... 50 00 Max Whitulngrer," 5i uu Albert WoRt. " 60 00 Eugene Williams 45 U0 Herman Kim, " 4ö 1 o Louis Hoelzle, " 27 32 Willlam Eettich, " 25 35 Siimuel McLaren, 8 00 KUward Hoelzle, " 8 00 M.C'. Kyan, " 8 00 W. L. buliuierle, " 8 00 Antón Tc-ufel, snpplies 41 45 Kyer Milling Uo., ieed 1 B0 Hale Harneas Co., harnea 70 00 M. C. R. K., freight 102 Mrs. Keiiui, wasüing 5 uo (Vnn Arbor Gas Co 112 20 Total $ 665 92 PÓLICE TND. M. C. Peterson, salary $ 65 00 David Colline, salary .■... 50 00 Keuben Ariubruatcr. satary. 50 00 Gebrge Isbell. salary íu 00 John ü'iMaia, ealary, 60 00 Kobert Leonurd, salary 2 00 Total S 2U7 00 POOK FUND Fred. Slpley, 6alary $ 10 00 Doty A: l'V-i'nei, ehoea 2 40 Eduard lintl'y. grocenea 6 91 Jonn Bisele, jfroeeries 9 80 J. Geotz&oon, grocerles... 6 85 John üeotz, jr., groceries 2 88 W Lodholz, irooerles 1145 i:i. ii. Mclotyre, (fi'ouerles 5 39 O'Hara, Boyle& Co . grocerles 9 O. Klnsey, grooe íes 9 3] EUnsey & tieabolt, groceries - 11 66 W. F. Stimson grocerlee 1 1 C. w. Vojel, meat 15 C. Zuern, meat T0 Total - I 88 T8 WATER FUND. Vnn Albor Water Co., bydrant rentáis, etc Í2.865 00 CKMETERY FÜND. John Burley, services i : 00 KECAPITUI.AT1ON. Contingent Fund % 544 72 Sewer Fund 230 1 Street Fund 1.418 92 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk t und, 202 55 FireFund 6B5 92 Pólice Fund 287 00 Poor Fund S ib Water Fund - 2,865 00 Cemetery Fund 3 uo Total 6,284 06 SUPPLEMEtiTABY KEPORT- SEWER FDND. Patrick O'Hearu, writing sewer assessment rolls - 8 121 00 CONTINGENT FDND. A. A. T.-H. Electric Co., lighting.-.-.-í 562 51 ReBpectfully submitted, H. J. BROWN, C. H. OADY, Comraittee on Finance. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, . Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Fergnson, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock -13. Nays - None. . SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. SEWER FUND. Patrick O'Hearu, writing sewer rolls, $121. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allinendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengbayer, Brown, Fergtison, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, -Cady, President Hiscock - 13. Nays - None. BOND. To the Conimon Council : Your committee on Bonds would recommend the approval of the' bond of John O'Brien, plumber, with John V. Sheehan and William Ulancy, jr. , as sureties. O. E. Butterfleld, fchairman. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmèndinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - -j o Nays - None. Aid.-Tavlorentered. . Ata. xayior enterea. a. STREET. To the Common Conn(5P Your Committee on Streets to whom was referred the pêtitioir psking fpr the grading of Packard streét would recommend that the Sbfeet Comniissioner be instrncted to optó the, gntter on the south west side' of Packard between State and Arch.aiid grade up the street between such poiitts. Respectfully submitted. O. E. Butterfield, A. P. Ferguson, C. J. Snyder, D. F. Allmendinger, George L. Moore, W. L. Taylor, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayer Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford. Uoon, Butterfield, Cady, President His cock - 14. Nays - None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Streets woúld reeommend that the Street Commissioner be instructed to fill sidewalk and lawu extensión on the west side of 13th between Hurón and Aun and on the south side of Ann between 13th and the west. line of the property of Charles R. Whitman. ' Respectfully submitted, O. E. Butterfield, W. L. Taylor, A. P. Ferguson, C. J. Snyder, D. F. Allmendinger, Geo. L. MCoore, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, All. mendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of residents and property owners on South University Avenue asking for the parking of said street, would recommend that the Board of Public Works ask for bids for parking the same and also that the board give the council an estímate of cost of putting the street to grade and relaying crosswalks. Respectully submitted, O. E. Butterfield, A. P. Ferguson, C. J. Snyder, D. F. Allmendinger, George L. Moore, W. L. Taylor, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Mooxe Maynard, Allïjendinger.Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Coou, Président Hiscook - 14. Nays - None. To the Common Ciuncil : Your committee on Streets to whoni was referred the estímate of the Board of Public Works for a gutter on the south side of Catherine between 13th and Clark wonld recommend that $77. be appropriated from the Bridge Culvert and Crosswalk Pnnd to pave the same, and to put a box across Catherine to carry the water across the same. Respectully submitted, O. E. Butterfield, W. L. Taylor, A. P. Ferguson, C. Snyder, D. F. Allmendinger, G-eorge L. Moore, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, 'Jaylcr, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Streets recommend that the grade on Washington between Third and Ninth be changed and established, also Oxford between Washtenaw avenue and Hill streets. Your committee have caused to be prepared and herewith submit the reso lutions establishing such grades. Respectfully submitted, O; E. Butterfield, 1 W. L. Taylor, A. P. Ferguson, Gèo. L. Moórè, C. J. SnjKder,' ' D. F. Allmendinger,, ; Committee 'on'Streets. ■ - Adopted as, follows: YeaT- Aid. ÏVtuore, , lypard, Allmendingr, Kooh, iSnyderv Lanbêngayer ! Brown; Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 14. Nays- JSTone, . .,, , (Contimied nert weélí.j '";- :


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