
George Carmichael has returned to Detroit, j Miss Jennie Kloos, of Raisinville, is visiting friends here. Miss Cornelia J. Abbot has some visitors from abroad. Henry Snowball and H. Bishop were Ann Arbor visitors Monday. Ed. and Lee Kline visited at Raisinville the flrst of the week. A. Greenfield, John Lawson's coal burner has removed to the south part of tlie town. L Mrs. Arthur Tedder and son and Master Lewis W. Hammond spent three days the latter part of last week with the l'amily of Fred Kloos at Raisinville. William Freeman and family of Chicago arrived here Friday on a visit to their numerous friends and to see Mr. Freeman's father, who is in very poor health. Mrs. Emma A. Childs, wife of Eugene M. Childs died rather unexpectedly Sunday morning. She had been in poor health for a few weeks but was QOt thought to be dangerous till a short time before her death. She was a tioble type of womanhood and will be greatly missed Her age was 42 years and she had lived here about 25 years. Of her immediate family left to mourn her death are a husband five daughters, a mother two brother and several sisters. The funeral was held at the home on ruesday at two o'clock and was largely attended.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Henry Snowball
Eugene M. Childs
Emma A. Childs