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T T Detroit Weekly Tfribune Price Reduce...

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T T Detroit Weekly Tfribune Price Reduced 75 Cents a Yaar. Unsurpassedas a Newspapcr. Unrivaled in Popular Interest. Soundly República. . . . An A; ent wanted In rery Towiwhlp In Michlgin, to whom liberal term wiU be THE TRIBUMB Detroit. , m LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINTILE. LOUIS ROHDE, Maiu Office-- 3T, E. Hnrou Street. Yards- 5(i West Huron Street. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ï Fop prompt answer and an honest opinión write to MUNN fc who have had nearly flfty years' cxperioncelntho patent business. Communications strlctly confidentlal. A Hnndliook of Iniormation concerning l'ntents and bow to obtaln them sent f roe. Also a catalogue of meohanical and scientlfio books sent free. --oí Patent taken tbrough Munn & Lp. receiTe special noticelntbe Scientific Amerirnn, and thus are brougbt widely beforethe puWic without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. tasued weekly. elegantly Illustrated, has by fur tho lareest circulatinn of any sclentiBc work la tha wnrld SS a year. Sample copies sent tree. JJaiiding Kdition. monthly, ïlM a year. Single opies. tí 5 cents. Kvery numher contains beauSfnlplates, in colore, and photoKraphs of new honseü. with plans, enablinetuildera to show tha latest deslKn and secure contracta. Address MUNN & NEW YOKK, 31 Bkoadwat. i It. WILLIAMS, Attorne? at Law and Pension Claim Attonw, MILAN. MICH. i and Colloctions. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. The Newest Designs PRICES THE LOWEST OSCAU 0. SOEG THE DECORATOll, ■


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