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I EWIS' 98 % LYE jHP K ÏWIISID AND PIBfUMD jpf (PATEXTED) ■Xt Thilronif(Milpnritt.j ■■nA made. Unllke otber Lye, lt belns ■A l a flue powder aud nacked In a can Ê ■U wlth removable lid tba contení H B are always readj ror use. Win B make the bet perfuined Hard Soap V Ín 20 minutes wltbonl bolllnr. ■ It ■ (be b-t forclc.inslug naat VW pipes. dlslnfectlüR Blnk. clnrtettL ■ ■ washlng bottles, palnt, treee, eco. .U FENHA. SALT M'F'G C0. IBBSHl liou. Aw., I'Ulla., Fk. L' B. NOKK1S Attornky at 1.a w. Ijoob a general la w colWt Ion ftnd conveyam ■-■ i)usinpf". A modorntp iharp n' vnuf nfronage respectfully soMcitert. Uflic lii E Hurón Street, ups taire. m YODB OÖTING 60 TO PICTUHESQOl mHGKINBC ISLflND. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKB RIDB AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, which is thc erandest summer resort on the Greal Lakes. It only costs about $13 f rom Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including meáis and bcrths. Avoid the heat and lust by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attraetions of a trip to thi Mackinac regioa irc unsurpassed. Thi island itself is ;i grand romantic spot, itf DÜmate most iuvigorating. Two new steel passenger Bitüiutni ive just beeo built for the upper !..I;j ruute, costina {300,000 eac!:. f-ro cquipjied witb every modera conv i ce, .:::u:n iators bath rooms, ot?, liluminr.'.rd throughout by electricity, nrid ;.:o gur.rr.cteed tobe ïUe grandes!, lúvpost .-.i ; :tt steamert on fresh waWr. T' ctonmerü favorably compare witlí tlie grcr.t_.o;au liaers in con stmetion nul -■:. ' ■.■■■ .; -.- :;cr weeh between T I oh, Detroit. .,Jr.. a, Mr.ckinnc. Bt. I-n.icc T :ey, Cliicn " " Soo, Mnrquet;: u-1 Dulutb .....i 'ictweec ('lev, " .'.-'.:: ! - ■' asd Putin_..w, ._, piilaiiiil eqnipmrn makes tiavfT.;i on " tdoi öughly . : . i of Hustrated descriiiiivo pnmhlcfc. Addresa A . ■ n i1 a.. n .. , :")ütr. u icti. Mortgage Sale. 11 HERBAS DEFATJLT HAS BKEN MADE ' ■ in the payment of the money secured by a mortfraire dated the 13th day of August, in the year 1SH3. executed by John Spears of North Hartland, Niágara County, State oí New York. s farmer and unmarried, of the Hrst part. 10 Seth G. Rowley and Georgre W. Eddy of Middleport, in eaid county, of the second part, which said mort-grage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the Coynty of WssMpnaff Jn litar U qt morteago, öJl paffe tl, OU !he l]j íay pi August. 8!, at 8 o'cloek a. H. And whereas, the atnount elnimrd to be due" on siiid mortgage is the sutil of iiino hnnrirod nnd one.and twtntyone hundredths dollars (Í901 20i of principal and Interest, afid ttie fiirthersumof twenty-fjve dollars as an attorney fee, agreeahle to the statute in such case made and provided. and wblch Is the whole amount claimed to he diie and unpaid on said mo'iL'age. and nosu t or procuedins: having been instituted at luw to recover the debt now remslning seoured iiy saH mort lm se. or any part thereof, wbereby the power of sale cóntaiñed lnssid tnortjrajje bas bccomc opera,tive, Now, tberefore, ïiolice is bereby priven, that byvlrtue of the eald power of sale, and in pursnance of tbe statute in such case made nnd providcü, the -:iid inortgage will 5e foreeloscd by a sale of suid premlses therein descrincd at publio auction to the hijfhest bidder, at the west front door of the eourt house in the city of Ann Arhor, in said eonntrof Washtenaw, (tnat being the place of holding the circuit court fnr said uounty,) on the 27th dy of Auu'ust, A. D, l9ï. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that rlay. whïch suid premlses are doscrlbod in sitid mortKatre as followg, to-wit: All theestate, , irlit tltle, and interest of the said Spears (it heing the one-half thereof subject to the Ufe estáte of Hannah Boyee) of ti and to all thnt tract or pareel of land, sitúate In the Townahlp of Superior, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, descríhed as follows iommeneing at tbe Southwest cornsr of Sec. 31 In ToWnshipof Superior, running thenee north aiong the wpst boundary line of Sec. 31, eight chains and flfty links: thenee north twenty-three degrees and forty minutes enst forty-four chains; thPncf north flfty-slx and one-fourth deirrees, east twenty-three chains and flfty links to the north and aouth quarter line to a stakelrom whicli a white oak, 2H inches in diameter, stands north fourteendejrrees, east tlfty-tmir links and a white oak, 88 inches in diameter, stands north twentv-one and one-half degree-, east twenty-three links; thenee soutb forty dejtrees, east si.x'y chaina and sixty Iink9 to a quaiter stake on the south line of theaection; thenee west two degreeg, south alonfrtfae south line of the townshlp aforesnicl, thlrty-cisrht chains and iiftysix links to the place of bejrfnninï, containinr one hundred and slxtv-one acres of land, more or leas, exceptinn and reservinir a strip of land twenty-one roos wide alotift the whole lenifih of theeast sideof said land. Dated thie 31st day of May, A. D.. 1895. SETH G ROWLEY, GEOHGE W. EDDY, Lehman Bros., Mortgasees. Attorneys for Mortgagees. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY u ot Wnshtenaw. The undersianed hnving been ippointed by the Probate Court for saia County, eommissioners to receive, examine and a.ljust all olaima aud detnands of all persona aifimst iho estute of Willlam K. Tuomy iate of suid cotnty, tfeceased, herehy give notice tbat sis ■nonths froiu date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditorsto present their claims againstthe estáte of said ripceased, aud that they ill uieet at the Probate Court Room, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said eounty, on Saturday, the l"th dny of August, and on Monday, the IS th day of November next, at ten o'clock a. m, 1 e.ich ofs.-nd days to receive, examine andadinst suid claims. Dated May I7U1, 189;. RICHARD SMITH, FHEDEKICK FIKGEL, ___ Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, lluitbyan order of the Probate Court" for tbe County of Wnshtenïw, made on tlie 27th day of May, A. D. 189.Í, six montbs from that date were allowed tor creditorsto present their claims agaloit the estáte of Augustinc Sage, late of said county, deceased, and tbat all creditors o said deceascd are icquireato present their claiuiBto said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaininauon and allowance, ou or before tbe 27th day of November next, aud tbat uch claims will hc'henrd before said Court on the 27th day of August, and on the Tth day of Nevamber next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of each of said days. Dated Aan Arbor, Muy 27. A. D. IS9S. J.WH.LARD BAHBITT, ludee uf Proba,,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News