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I EWIS' 98 % LYE Hk 1 FOWEIEID AMD FEBITOD Uf (FATKNTED) L ThearonKeataii(lpnretT.y ■ nA raada. Unllko other Lye, it belug VA IÁ a nuQ powder and pacfced Ín a caá JBHJW wlth removabl lid, the contenta, ■ ■ aro always ready for nie. Win m malte the beat perfumrd Hard Soap lu 2l minutos without hollinar. Mm It Ík tli e best for cl'-ansing waata Bl pipo. dlsliiftTtlng slnks, clwetau wasMDg buttles, paluts, trees, etc. üfcn. PENNA. SALT M'FQ CO. ■BB Ueu. Aguí., rula., I'a. V B. NORR1S ' Attorney at La w . doch n general law coüection and oonveyano,t Kusineef. A moderate share ol' murnatrOTie ref.pectfully solieited. Uffloe 16 E lïuron Streel, upstairs. fOR YODB OOTiNB GO TO PIGTORESQUÍ TT1HGKINHG ISLflND. ONE THOU8ANO MILES OF LAKE RIDB AT SMALL EXPENSE. Vlsit this Historical Island, which is thí erandest nummer resort on the Greal Lakes. It only costs about $13 f rom Detroit; $15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including tneala and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attractious of a trip to thí Mackinac rcjrii :i are unsurpassed. The Island itself is a (irund rimaniic spot, iti slimate most in e. Two new 3teel passeivrcr i :iv;; just been built for tlio . - imite, costing $300,000 c:o. ' ... cqtiipped wlffl every modor ; ' aunundatora bath rooms, etc, fchroughoul by electricity. ir.. ' me t ; rüüteed to be the grandes t, "::-. ■ . si stenmen on fresh water. ■ ■ - favorablj compare wil 11 ' as in cort Btruction and spi'i'ri ips per weeh between T1 li . a, ?ïackinac, 8t. Ign: y, C'ljirngo, " 8oo,' Marquette stifi : Daily !ict"veen Clevela'i.' i and Put-i::-,' ■ ■:',' ■ ,, ,, ment makejs tr üioroughlv (-. ' tk-iiU ii.i iilustrated ñci-v-. ■■'■ . .,..'.' Ad Iresa A i. Sen ' :1 ' ■■'- . ,,..,,i, Miel Mortgage Sale. WHEEEAS DEl-'AULT HAS BEEN MADE in the pavment of the ïnoney seoured by a mortgage dated the lilth doy of August, In the year 1SHS, oxecuted by John Spears of North Hartland, Niágara County, State ol New York, a farmer and unmarried, of the flrst part, to Seth G. Rowley and George W. Eddy of Middleport, in said county, of the second part, which said mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Washtenaw. in liher 74 of mortgages, on page 409, on the 16th day of August, 18M, at 8 o'clock a. m. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage Is the sum of nine hundred and oneand twenty one hundredtbR dollars ($901 20i of principal and interest, and the furthergumof twenty-flve dollars Ba an att.orney fee, agreeable to the Btatute in guch oase made and provided. and which in the whole amount claimed to bediii' mui unpald on said mort L'age, and no suit or proceeuinf.' Davina been linstltutod at law lo recover the debt now remaining secured by said mortgase, or any part thereof, whereoy the power of sale oontained in said inortgrage has beeome operativo. Now, theiefore, notiee is berebyjriv that by virtvie of the aald power of Bale, and In pursuanceof the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage wlll be foreclosed by n aalc of said iliereindescribed at public auction to the hiffhest bidder, at tlin wes1 front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, (that beintr the place of holding the circuit eourt ïor said county,) on the 2ïtu dny of August, A. I). 1896. ai ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. whlch siiid premisos are described in said mortgage as follows, to-wit: All theestate, rignt title, and interest of the said Spears (it being the one-half thereof sutijcet to the life estáte of Hannah Hoyce) of in and to all that, tract or parool of land, sitúate in the Township of Superior, County of Washtenaw and State of Uiohlgan, doscribed as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Sec. 31 in Townshipof Superior, runninpr thence north along the west boundary line of Sec. 31, elght cbains and tlfty links; thence north twenty-three degrees and forty minutes east forty-four ! chains; thence north flfty-slx and one-fourth ! degrees, east twenty-three chains and nlty links to the north aud south quarter line to a stake trom which a white oak, 2ü inches In diameter, stands north fourteen degrees, east flfty-four links and a white oak, 28 inches in diameter, stands north twenty-oue and one-half degree, east twenty-three links; thence south forty degrees, east sixty ehains and sixty links to a quarter stake on the south line of the section ; thence west two degrees, soutb alongrthe south Hup of the town.ship aforeeaid, thirty-eight chains and flftysix links to the place of beginning, containi ing one hundred and slxty-one acres of land, more or less, excepting and reserving a strip of land twenty-one rods wide along the whole I length of the east side of said land. Dated this 31st day of May, A. D.. 1895. SETH G BOWLEY, GEOBGE W. EDDY, Lehmak Bros., Mortgagees. Attorneys for Mortgagees. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ O of Washtenaw. The undersigned having een appointed by the Probate Court for saia ;ounty, commiesioüerB to receive, examine and djust'all claims and deiuands of all persons gainst the estáte of William R. Tuomy late of iiid county, deceased, hereby give notice that sis iiontbs from date are allowed, by order of said 'róbate Court, tor creditors to present theirclaima against the estáte of said rieceased, and that they will meet at the Probate Court Hoorn, in he City of Ann Arbor, in said coiinty, op 8aturay, the 17th day of August, and ou Monday, the 8th day of November uext, at ten o'clock :i. m, ot eftch of said day b to receive, examine and adust lid claims. Dated Mar l7th, 189s.. KICHARD SMITH, FREDKKICK FIKGEL, Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, sa. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Wnshtenaw, made on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1895, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Augustine Sage, late of said county. deceased, and that all creditors o said deceased are lequired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexamination and allowance, ou or before the 27U1 day of November next, and that such claims will bc heard before said Court ou the 27th day of August, and on the aTtta day of Nevember next, at teu o'clock in the fox noon of each of said days. Dated Ann Arbor, May 27, A. D. 1895. J.WTLLARD BABBITT, IiulKe of Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News