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TRUCK AND 'TORAGE. C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth.'Ave., North Telephone 82. Estáte of Robert J . Prlce. 1 STATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Wfshtenaw,ss. A t a session of thi Proluiu Court Tor the Oounty of Wnshienaw, hotfen at tbr Probate Ofllce. in the ritv of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the ninth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundved und ninety five. Present, J. Willard llabbii r, Judpeof I'rohati In the matter of the estáte of Robert J. Priee, dqceased. On reading: andflliiiif thepetition, duly verifled, I of Gertrude S. Price, prayinfr that administration i de bonis non, with the will aanexd, 'f said eBtate may be granted to herself or soine 1 other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mor.dny, the öth day of August neit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asBiened for the heling of eaid petition, and thal the heirs at iaw of said deeeaned, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at b aession of suid court then to be holdcD at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and shov oausi-, ïf any there be, why the prayer of the petitiooer should not be sranted: And itiefurthei order-! that said petitioner give uotit-e to the I sons interested in eaid estáte of the pendency ■ I said petition, and the hearing tbereof, hy causing a copy of Ibis order to be publish'ed n the An Aubor Argus, a newspaper printed aai circulated in said county, three successive week' previouö to sa'd day of hearing . J. WII.LARD BABBITT, [A true oopy.] Judge of Probat Wm. 4. Ooty. Pxubaie Register 1 Estáte of Anthony Burke. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÍ of Wanhtenaw, as. At a session of the Pnbnt f Court for th County of Washtenaw, holdtn at the Probate Office ia the City ot Ann Arl or, on ' Friday, the lnh day ol June, in the year i one tbouBand eiiíli t hundred and ninety-fi ve. Present. J.Willard f.abhitt, Judge of Proh-it. In the miitter of the estáte of Anthouy llurke, deceased. Onreading and lili n the petition duly verified ot i Elleu Burke, prayiuj; that administration of said estnte may ';e graoted to herself , or sorae othtr suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday. tlie 16th day of July, next, at ten o'c'.ock in the fortnoóu, be assiuned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all othei person mtorested in said estáte, are required to appettr at a eísion of said (Jourt , thou to he holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caupc, if any thee be, wby theprayer of the petitioner shoukl notbe granted: And it iefurther ordered, thnt said petilioner give notice to the peraons intereeted in aaid eetute ot the pendency oisaid petition, and the hearing thereof, bvcausing a copy of tilín order to be publisbed m the Ann Arbob Argis, a uewspaper printfd and circulated in said Couuty, three succeasiTt , weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, IA true copy] Judfie of 1 ro 'ivtr WÏLliam G. Dotv, Probate Reeister. Estáte of Nelson Sutherland. 2JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF 3 Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Pío iate Court tor the Oounty of Washtenaw, holen at the Probate Oltiee in the City of Ann U-bor, on Monday. the first day of July d the year one thousand eight hundred ,nd ninety-flve. Present, J.Willard Babbitt, Judge of Prolate. In the matter of the estáte of Nelson iutherland, deceased. Gabriella E Sutherland, executrix of the ast will and testament of said deeeased, :oroes into court and repregents that she 'is low prcpared to render her final account is 6ueh executrix. Thereupon it is ordered that Frida3r. the lecond day of August, next, at 10 o'clock in the 'orenoon, be assigned for examininfr and alowlng such account, and that the devisees, ejjaiees and heirs-at-law of said de■ii-icl and all other persons Interoited in said "estáte, are required to appear it a session of said Court, then to be holden at ;he Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Ouunty, and show cause if any thcre be, why the said account should not bo illowed. And it is fuvther ordered that said executrix give notice to the per3ons interested in said estáte, of the peniency of said account, and the hearing theret, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and cireulating in said county, three Buccessive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBHT, Judge of Probate . A truecopy.l Wm.G. Uoty. Probate Résister. Mortgage Sale. I .EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE ' l . conditioii8 of a certain mortgage mad ( by'Malvina Rooney, of the City of Aun A'bor, ] County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan i and dated March 4th, A. U. 1892, and recorded i in the office oí' the Register of Deeds. for the i 1 County of Wasbtenaw and State of Michigan, : on the'fourth day of March, A. D. 1892. in i ber 78 of Mortgages, on page 56, on whieh mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of tbis notice the sum of one hundred i dollars, and an Attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suitor proceedings at law having been instttuted to recover the moneys secured by said ■ mortgage. or any part thereot; Now, tlierefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and the statute in such case made and provided, notice ie hereby givcn thaton Saturday, the fourteenth day of September, A. D. 1895, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the Oourt House, in the City of Anu Arbor, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Waehtenaw County is holden), the premises deseribed in said mortgage, or 80 much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on eaid mortgage, witn seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-üve dollars, eovenanted for therein, the premises being deseribed in said mortgage as all that certaln piece orjparcel of land situated and being In the City of Aun Arbor and County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and deseribed as follows. to-wit: Beginning at the southerly Bide of the street or highway. formerly known as the Dixboro road and now known as Broadway, inthe fiftli ward of said city of Ann Arbor, at a point in the center of a ci'eek, commonly known as Traver's creek, stxty links ensterly along gala road or street from the rnost nortuwe-tn -1 v corner of lot numbereight in Travi r's Becond additlon tol vil Ihl'c (now city lof Ann Arbor; thence easterly along said Dixboro road ( now known as Broadwayi one ehain and flttyfive links; thence soutu thirty-one degrees east, one chaiu and seventy-five links; thence south forty degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-three links to the center of said creek; thence northwesterly along the center of said creek to the place of beginning, contalnlng thlrteen hundr dthsof an acre of land, more or loss. being a part, of the land eonveyed by Lewla Rhoades to Malonla Kooney. December twentieth A. 1). sk). mortgage is intended to convey thirtytwo feel ín wldth on Broadway, irom the southwesterb slde of the above deseribed '""nirfHURON VALLBY BUILDING AND SAVINtSS AS8OC1AT1ON. Mortagee. By TnoMAS D. Kearney, Attorney. Pated, Anti Arbor, June 21, 1895.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News