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Miss Mary Lohr is yisiting friends in I Sebawaing, Mrs. A. J. Kitson is visiting friends in Bay City. Otto Behr, of Detroit, was in the j city Tuesday. Fred Wuerth, of Wahr's book store, is taking his vacation. Dr. G. Clark, while at Petoskey, was the guest of Dr. G. Bycraf t. James C. Handy, visiting in Lansing, is reported to have been ill. Attorney J. C. Lewis went to Mt. Clemens yesterday on business. Vernon Sawyer, of Webtser, was in the city on Monday on business. Moses Seabolt spent last Sunday at Zukey lake, the guest of friends. Dr. and Mrs. Eggleson are entertain - ing Miss Alberta Darby, of Randolph, N. Y. Rev. and Mrs. George Ehnis, of Plymouth. are visiting with Miss Carrie Vahr. Aid. C. J. Snyder and family are entertaiuing Mrs. Nellie Litchfield, of Dexter. .Miss Elizabeth Hirth, of Toledo, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mrs. Conrad George and daughters are the guests of Mrs. Fred Belser, at Cavanangh Lake. J. J. Quarry returned home Tuesday from a two weeks visit with his parents in Parkhill, Ontario. Miss Nina M. Davison left Wednesday for Toledo to spend her vacation visiting with friends. Caspar Rinsey and family left Monday for a two weeks' stay at Oak Grove club house at Zukey lake. John and Martin Braun of Manchester, the guests of their cousin, Christian F. Braun, have returned home. Sarn Kinne, who spent two weeks at Zukey lake, returned home on Monday. The flsh now feel quite relieved. Rev. J. W. Bradshaw and family are spendng the summer at Charlevoix. They are expected home about September. Mrs. Fannie Robison is lying quite ill at the residence of her son, A. V. Robison. Mrs. Robison is over 87 years of age. Harry VV. Hawley returned Saturday evening f rom Denver, Colo. , where he had been looking ufter his business interests. Charles Gruner, of Oincinnati, formerly of Ann Arobr, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Annie Gruuer, of the seoond ward. Lrving K. Pond, one of the rising architects of Chicago, who has been visiting his father, Elihu B. Pond, has returned home. F. S. Olements, of Lansing, was the guest over Sunday of his brother, L. H. Clement, secretary of the Ann Arbor Organ ocmpany. Mrs. Christine Arndts, of Marshall, arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday to make a two weeks visit with her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Henne. Mrs. Bobert dmonds, of Superor, Wis. , returned home on Saturday after a three weeks visit with her parents, Mrs. A. W. Ames. Mrs. D. M. Tyler leaves tomorrow for a two week's visit at Crystal Lake. Dr. Tyler expeots to join his wife before her return home. Dr. Angelí, Secretary Wade and Kegent Dean were in Detroit yesterday attending a special meeting of the board of regents of the university. Mrs. Theophilis Schmid and children, of Roseland, near Chicago, have been spending the past week with her sisterin-law, Miss Sophie Schmid. Mrs. Nellie Smith and daughter, Mary, of Kalamazoo, the of guests Mrs. George Apfel, left on Monday evening for Chelsea to visit relatives. Mrs. A. V. Robison has returned from Manchester where she was called to see her father, Wait Pack, who is quite ill. He is upwards of 87 years of age. Rev. Fr. Goldrick, of Northfield, was in the city Tuesday evening on his way to Ypsilanti to attend a lawn social given by the members of St. John 's church. Rev. C. G. Stanger and Mrs. ïiollan, of Detroit, Mrs. Brenuer and Rev. Miller, of Dayton, Ohio, were the guests Wednesday of Rev. and Mrs. John Stanger. J. J. Goodyear, trustee of the Eastern Insane asylum at Pontiac, and vife left on Wednesday to spend several months in Baltimore, Md. and other eastern cities. J. B. Shanks, of Fairmount, Minii., was in the city yesterday on a business trip. Mr. Shanks is a gradúate of the litérary departruent of the university, class of 1893. Mrs. J. ft. Trojanowski and daughter returned yesterday form a three week's visit to Boston, New Vork and Washington. Mrs. Trojanowski combined business with pleasure. Prof. Emanuel Schniid and daughters, of Columbs, Ohio, are expected to arrive in Ann Arbor tomorrow to inake an extended visit with Miss Sophie Schniid, of S. Main street. Capt. C .A. Pelter, of Detroit, the I gnest of Bruno St. James and f amily has retuned home. Mrs. Pel ter and daughter who accorupanied the Captain, will remain some weeks in Ann Arbor. Supervisor Evart H. Sccot and family left on Tuesday for their cottage at Old Mission. Mr. Scott will lay in a stock of new stories for the anuual meeting of the board of supervisors. ,Ald. Laubengayer and famly, ExAld. Eugene Mann and famly, Ex-Ald. John Henizmann and famliy left Wednesday, morning for Bass lake for a ■weeks visit to their suinmer cottage. Ald.H. G. Prettyman returned Saturday evening from Stryker, Ohio. He says the country there is very dry. Business is still quiet, but there are many hopeful indications which point to a revival. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Baumann, of Dayton, Ohio, are expected to arrive tomorrow to visit relatives in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Baumann was formerly a resident of Ann Arbor, her maiden name being Miss Lizzie Brehm. Mrs. Charles Rominger left on Monday for Louisville, Ky. , to visit her son Louis Rominger. Dr. Rominger, her husbaud, after visiting Columbus, Ohio, met Mrs. Rominger. They will make an extended visit with their son before returning home. Mrs. J. F. Schaeberle and children. of Reading, Pa. , are the guests of Mr. Schaeberle 's parents of W.Second street. Mr. Schaeberle is expected to join his family in ten days. After a brief visit in Ann Arbor, they expect to leave for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will make their future home. The Petoskey Resorter, has the following about Ann Arbor people at Charlevoix: "Miss Ida Pease, of Ann Arbor, is the owner of the beautiful new cottage at the west end of the grounds. Miss Peace carne here last season and , was so well pleased with the place that she decided to make this her summer home. Miss Anna Ward Foster has regular classes in dancing Tuesday and Satnrday evenings in music hall."