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TRUCK AHD sTOKA&E. C. E, GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fo ! Telephoue &x. Estáte of Robert J. Prlce. QO'ATEOF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ; of Washtenaw , ss. .At a stepsion fi '] ■ I Court for ihe Couni v (1! Washlentiw, hoideu Prob.ite Ornee. In -1 Arbnr TutS'Jay, the ninih day wf -Tuly, in Ihe pii olie thousauu eigiii bundred ind tjnifiy fire. Present, J. Willard Babbiu, I ",nu In tlie matter of th estáte of Robert J . Price, deeeaseü. Ou reading andfiln tbepetltlou, duly v rifled of GertrudeS. Price, praying that adminUtrafio de mm, witli the wil] annex 'I. oí saíd estute muy lie granted to hereelf or somt otber suitable person. Tberi-upon it is ordered, that MoLdiiy, the 5th day of August next, :it ten o'olock "in tbt lorenoou, be assisned lor tb'e hearing of :iirt petitlon, and tliai the heirsatlaw ofsaiii deceased, and all other persons interusted in suicl natale, are required to appar al a session of B.ii"! court thu lo be bolden at the Probate offlci in the city of Alm Arbor, ;irici show cau. . il any there he, why the prayerofthe pel Bhould nol be gvanted: And it iïlurtbei ordi r 1) tbat aid petitioner give notice to Hit perons interested in saia estáte of the peiuleney ■" said petitioti, and the hearing Iheroof, n causiag acopy 01 this ordet to be pubujibed i the Ann Ahbor Argvs, a rewiaper printed aui circulated in said eounty. three suocessWe iviv1;nrevious ti sftid day of hearing. J. WILLARD BAB&ITT,[Atrueoopy.] Jud(?i' oí Proba Wm. ti. Du-i, frjbiie liegisttr Estáte of Emily L. Dancer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, sa. Ata scasion of the Probate Conrt tor the cjuihv ofWaehtenw, bold6n ;it iIk probate office In tlie cuy 01" Atm Arhor, ou Montlay, the ljth day 01" July. in th yen; oüe thouaand ei(?ht bondi'ed and ninety-five. Present, J. Wiilard Babbltt, Judge of Probate. In iIil matter oi the otate ot Kmity 1. Dunoer. de eascd. Waltèr H Dancer, the ndnilnistrator of said estáte, eonus into couri, and represent that lie is now pveptreil to tender his ünal account as sucb adminisi rator. fhereupou it is ordered, tliat Tueaday, the 13:h day of August next, at ti'n o'olock in tbe forenoon be ftsslgued for exatniniugaudallowineííUch account, and tbat the heira at law of said deceased,nd all other persons niteieated in said estáte, are requirêd to appear at a seteion of said court, 't hen tri be holden at the -l róbate Office, in the city of Ann Arbnr, in said county. and show cause, if anv there be, why the sid account should not be allowed . Aun it ia further ordered that said adtuiuistra'.or gtve noticeto the persons interesten insjiiü estáte, of the pendency of said ac countand the hearing tliereof. ljj causing a copy of this order to be publisbed in the An.n Abbok Aköüs, a newspaper printeii anti ciroulating in said county, three uicceSnive week? previoue vt said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BACUITT, A truooopy.) JudgeofP Wiilum t;. boTT. Probate Keai-ttr. Estáte of Nelson Sutherland. STATE OF MTCHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, se. Ata sessiou of the Probate Court for the County ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Moilday, the fiist day of July 111 the year one thousand eight hundred andninety-flvi. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro-' bate. In the matter of tbe estáte of Xelson Sutherland, deceased. Gabriella E. Sutherland, eiecutrix of tlie last wil] and testament of said dei comes Into court. and represents that she inow prepared to render her flnsl account as sncli executrix. Tliereupon it is ordered tliat FridayJ the scc'dinl day oí August, next, at lOo'eioct inthe foreuoon, be assitrni-d for examininp and al-, limiii?' suoh account, and tliat the devisees, j legal ees and helrs-at-law of aM deceased and all other peivons intereated 11 said 'estáte, are required to appear a1 a si-ssion of said Court, tlten to be bolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, in said Ouunty, and show cause if any there be, why tbe said account should DOI be allowed. And it is further ordered tlutt said executrix jrive notice to the persons iuterestcd 111 said estáte, of the pendency of snid account, and the hearing thereof, by a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Arg-us, a newspaper printed and circulatinir in said eounty. three successive weeks prerious to said dny of hearing-. J. WTLLARD BABBITT, Judg-e of Probate. A rruecopy.l Wm.G. Dotv. Probate Résister. Mortgage Sale. ! iEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE "" condltions of a certain mortsasre madp by Malvina Kooney, of the City of Ann A'bor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan and dated March 4th, A. D. 1892, and tecor.ied in the office of the Register of Deeds. for the Oounty Of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, 011 the fourth day of March, A. I). 1808 in Liber 78 of Mortgages. on page 5, on wbtoh mortgaire there is claimed to In1 liue at the date of this notice the sum of one bundred dollars, and au Attorney's feeof twenty-flve dollars provided for iu said mortgage, aud 110 suitor proceedings at law having been inst.ituted to recover the moneys securc-d by said mortpage. or any part thereof ; Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and the statute in Buch case made and provided. notice is hereby given that on Satimlay. the fourteenth day of September, A. D. 1895. a.t nineo'elock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the liigliest bidder, at the south front door of the Court House, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises (lescribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costa, toirether with an attorney's fee of fwenty-nre 'dollars, covenanteu for thereln, the premiBes beiug described ;in said mortgage as all that certain piece orSparcel Of land sit iiatcd and being in the City 01 Ann Arbor and County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and described as follows. to-wit: Beginning al the southerly glde of the Street or highway, formerly known as the Dixboro road and now known as Broadway, in the fif th ward of said city of Ann Arbor, at a poiut in Ihe center of a creek, commonly known as Traver's oreefc, sixty links easterly along -aul road or from the most northwesterly corner ol lot auruberelghtin Traver's second ai ld t on tothevillage(nowcity)of 4nnArbo'r thence easterly along said Dixboro road known as Broadway) one chain and ftftyflve links; tlience south thlrty-one degrees cast, one ebain and seventy-flve liuks; thenoe south forty degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-three links 10 the center of said creek; thence northwesterly along the center of said creek 10 1 place o'f beginnlng, eontalniug thirteen hundr dths of an acre oi land. more or leas, being a part of the land conveyed byLewls Rhoades to Malonla Roo ney. December twentietfa A. l LH90. This mor tage is latended to convey thlrtyfcwo fee i n width on Broadway, froto the southw esterly side of the abore desorlhed proper 1 v. THE HCROX YAI.LKY BUILDING 1) 8AVINGS ASSOCIAT1DN. Moita-.c By Thom s I). Keaiín 1 ■, . t Attorney. i'a'M. Ann ( rbor, Jnm " I 5,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News