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I EWIS' 98 % LYE UHf (PATKXTED) ■TTCl The BtrongcRt aiul pnrcil T.ya "$ ffitTA made. Unllke othor I,ya it belií HA i a flu0 rowder and pack.-d Iu a can J S&m m w'tl reniovablo lid, tbe contenta SL ■ are always ready for uso. Win jSÏ7; malie the bet iwrfuinwl mrd Soao - Ín 20 inlTiu'.es without hollinar. r'; It 1 tlie bent for clean slug waste ■I plpf. dlsliif.rthipr slnk-i, closoti waslung bottlej, pajnis, treoö, etc. JAm PEN5A. SALÍ M'F'O C0. SKfejiTS' (ieu. Agts., Pulla., Pa. MORRIS ATTORNTET AT LAW DoodaKoni ' nand convf vano oesfi. A w i v . ■ oat■ r"spotfvilly "OüciteiJ. i)ffloi lts E Hurón Street, upBtHirs. FOH YOOBOüTIHfiirTO PICTOBESP ÏÏIHGKIN0G ISLHND. ONE THOUSANO MILES OF LAKB RIDI AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, which is the grandest summer resort on the Great Lakes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including meáis aud berths. Avoid the heat and flust by travellng on tlie 1). & C. oating palaces. The ottractions of a trip to the Mackinac rcglca ;;re unsurpassed. The sland itselí ■■ I romantic spot, iti ulimate most :- . . Two new steel passen have just beeu built for til ' . rnutc, costina $300,000 ea . ■ Ljuipped witE every mode:-liluuadatoM bath rooms. ( . throughoui by electricity ! . niteed "to be the grande t teamen on fres' wa , favorablj compare wiífi ; 2rs in con structiou and . per v.eek between 'Y ' Mackínac. St. Ign : 0, "Soo," Marqnetfe . : itweea Clevela: ... ; ;lnd Put-in . . ,,.n( ,. , ,or. oughlv _. . _ iliustrated aes;! .; . a ñ: .; A L ■ i' a., r i :■., :w ■■h. Micb. Mortgage Sale. M7HKBEAS DEFAULT HAS BEEN MABE ' in the payment of the moneysecuredby ii mortgage dated tlieliítb dy of Ausust, Ín the yeur Irt'i. cxocutecl b.v John .Snears oí North Hartland, Niasara County. State of New York, a fsrraei' and unmarrled, of the ílrst part. io Setli G. Rowley and Goorgre W. Bddy nf Mlddleport, lo id county, of the soctond parí, wliicli sald mortgage was reeoraed in the ofBce of theBeglster ol Dceds ir thp County of Washtenaw.ln libe-r 74 of mortg-aire, un pasre 409, on the lOtli day of AuRTist, lana, ai Bo'clock a. m. And whereas, the amount claimed to be lue on sairl mortgaso is the snm of nine bundred and m-iiiyonc hundredthe dollars (Y)01 20i of principal and Interest, and the furthovsumof twenty-flve dollars asan attorney fee, ftgreeable to the statute In such case made and provided. and which is the whole amount claimed ii be djie and unpald on su id i i,-, ge andnosut or proceeoing havins been instituted at law to recover the debí nowremainlng seoured bypaid mo any part thereof, wbereby the power oi contalned insaid mortgage bas become operaHve, Now, i berefore, notloe bereby glven, tliat by vlrtue of the sald power of Bale, and Ín pursuanceof thestatuiein suoh oase made and provided, the said mortgaire wlll be foreolosed by a sale of siiil premisea tlierelndescrlbed a1 public aud to the hlghest bidder, al thewesi front door of theoourl tinuse in the Cltyof Aun Albor, in said nmiityoí naw, (that being the place of bolding ihe lii.uii coni'i for Ba1d uounty,) on the 27thdyof August, A. !. 1885, t ten o'clook Id the forenoon of that day, whlch suiil p remises are descrlbed in aid mortnage a followe, to-wft: All the estáte, right 'i le. and interest of the sald Spears (it being i he one-half t hereof subject to the lile estáte of Hannah Boyee) of in and to all that tract or pareel of land, sitúate in the Townshlp of Superior, County oí Washtenaw and State of Michigan, descríbed as followa: Commenoiní ál the Southwest córner of Sec. ;1 in Townshlpof Superior, running thence north along the wesi boundary line of Seo. 31,elght chaina ainl tlíi y links; thence north twenty-tbree derrees and forty minutes east forty-four Ohalns; thence north tifiy-slx and one-fourth degrees, east twenty-three ohalns and flfty links to the nortli aiul soutb ouarter linc tc a staheirom whioh a white oak, 2i Lnohes Id diameter, stands north fourteen degrees, east Bfty-four links and a white oak, 'X inches iu diameter, stands north twenty-one and one-half desree-i, east twenty-three links, thence south forty desrees, east sixty chains and sixty links to a quarter stake on the south line of theseetion: thence west two degrees, south along the south line of the townshlp aforesald. thlrty-elghl chains aud flftysix links to the place of becinnlns. containing one hundred and sixty-one acres of land, more or lees, excepttnir aud reserrinir a sirip of land twenty-one toas wide along the whole lentfth of the east side of said land. Dated thla 81st day of May, A. D., 1895. SETH G HOVVLEY, GEOHGE W. BDDY, Lehman Bros., Mortgageeg. Attorneys for Mortjragees. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE O F MICHIGAN, OOÜJSTTY of Washtenaw. The undersiRned having been ippointed by the Prohale Court for said County, commissioiK-rs to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons ag:unst the estute oi Wil Ham R. Tuomy late of suid couuty, deceaRed, hereliy give notice that six uiontbs from date are allowed, by order of said Prohate Court, tor creditorsto present theirclaims ijiainst the estáte of said eceaseil, and tbat they will meet at the Probate Court Room, in the City "f Ann Arhor, in said cotinty, o?i Salurday, the l"th day ol' August, aud on Monday, the iSih day of November neit, al ten o'clock a. m. ot cach of siiid dayb to receive, examine aud adust (aiil claims. Dated May l7th, I895. RICII VRD 8MITH, l'KEDKltl.K FIKGEL, Cnnmiissioncrs. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oi Washtenaw, u. Notice is hereby given, thatbym order of the Probate Oourt for the County of Washtena-, made on the 27th day of May, A. D. 189S, six munths from that date were allowed tor creditors to present their claima ngainst the est;ite of AugustinQ S&ge, late of said connty, deceased, and that all creditors c aftid deoeasedare teqaireüto present theirclaims to sai'l l'rubate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. forextiminaiion and allowance, 011 or bcfore the 27II1 day of Novembex aezt, and that Buch elaima will be heard before said Coart on the 27U1 day of Augnst, and nu the zTth duy of Nevember next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of each of Sal3 d iy8. Patetl Ann Arbor. May 37, A. D. 1S95 ■J '■■'ll.l, M:l' R MiKTTT, ludet of l'rol aie.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News