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ï 98 % LYE I FOWSniS AMD ÍISITO1B Mf (FATIHTID) Lt TM ttrnnrfit and ponit Ly# ■■rfA m1. 1'1'HKf oiber IA tt belaf ■A U a flne powder and tiackwi In a can ■■w wlth rooiovablo lid, the oontont ■B are alwT8 ready tor uw. Win V malte the beat perfumad Hard Sotti W Jk! la 20 minutes wltboat bollInK. MM It i the beat forclcanalug wam ■I pipes, dlslnfectlng links, cloeettL wasMng boules, palnta, trees, etc M, PEHHA. SALT H'FG CO■■■ üeu. AU„ F Ml,, F. I? B. NOKR18 Ij Attorney at Law. Does a general lawoolleotionand conveyano" business. A moderate sbareof your pat' ronape respectfully solicited. Ufflce 16 E Uuron Street, upstairs. mm 0UTIN6 60 Tfl PICTDRES0BÍ H1RCR1NBC ISLflND. ONI THOU3AND MILES OF LAK! RIDB AT SMALL EXPENSE. Vlsit this Historical Island, which is tht erandest summer resort on the Grear Lakes. It only costs about $13 frons Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 f rom Cleveland, for the rouud trip, including meals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by tra veling on the D. & C. floating palaces! The attractions of a trip to the Mackinac región are nnsurpassed. Thi island itself 13 a grand romantic spot, iti climate most invigorating. Two new 3teel passenger Bttamers have just been built for the upper iake route, cosling f300,000 each. They aro equipped witb every modern conienictice uiinun( iaton bath rooms, etc, iih'.iüinated throughoul by electricity. and aro guaratiteed to bt the grandesi, aml sufest stennierf on fresh watr. T:i ■:, ■ : amen favnrably compare wlth the Rrettt rcci.ii liners in coir Btruction and specri. Four trips per week bet ween i'.c, Detroit, !,■■ a, iT;u-!inac. 8t. Isnnci, Pk'tfftkt-y, ' íoo," Marquette and Du'mtfc.. D:illy hetwtjen Clevela'1,1 ;■ ; Deiroit ' afni Put ;;i Exil i Lu! ■ makes it'. ■■': cu ! v .., r.j Ct ionglily ..'-.'■;. bí.;U f'ir ' d (iKHt-ripUv. '.'„ r. Ai'Jress A ? 8c"' . i'. A., IJ. & C'., Di-tn.!' ''■' ■ lu Mortgragre Sale. WHEREAS DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE in the payment of the money secured oy mortgage dated the 13th duy of August, In the year 189Í, executed by John Spears of North Hartland, Niágara County, State of New York, a farmer and unmarried, of the flrst part. to Seth G. Rowley and George W. Eddy of Middleport, in said county, of the second part, which said mortgage was re corded in the office of the Register of DeedS of the County of Washtenaw. in liber 74 of mortgages, on page 409, on the 16th day of August, 1892, at 8 o'clock a. m. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage is the gum of nine hundred and oneand twenty one hundredths dollars ($901 20) of principal and interest, and the furthersumof twenty-flre dollars as an attorney fee, agreeable to the statute in such case made and provlded. and which is the whole amount claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage, and no stut or proceedlng having been linstituted at law to recover the debt uowremaining secured by fiaid mortgage, or any part thereof, whereby the power of sale contained in said mortgage has becoine operative. Now, tlierefore, notice i3 hereby giren, that by virtue Of the said power of sale, and in pursuanceof thestatuiein such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclnsed by a sale of said premises therein described at public auction to the highest bidder, at the west front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in siiitl county of Washtenaw, (that bcing the place of holding ihe circuit court for said county,) on the 27th dy of August, A. D. 1895. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. which said premises are described in said mortgage as follows, to-wit: AU theestate, right. title, and interest of the said Spears (it being the one-half thereof suhject to the Ufe estáte Oí Hannah Boyce) of in and to all that tract or parcel of land, sitúate in the Township of Superior, County of Washtenaw and State of Miohlgan, described as follows: Commencingr ut tl southwest corner of Sec. 31 in Township of Superior, running thence north along the weet boundary line of Sec. 31, eight chaina and flfty links: thence north twenty-three degrees and forty minutes east forty-four chain8; thPnce north fifty-slx and onefourth desrrees, east twenty-three chains and flfty links to the north and south quarter line to a staketrom which a white oak, 2B inches in diameter, stands north fourteen degrees, east flfty-four links and a white oak, 2tt inche9 in diameter, stands north twenty-one and one-half degree-s east twenty-three links; thence south forty degrees, east sixty chains and sixty links to a quatter stake on the south line of the seotion ; thence west two degrees, south along the south line of the township aforesaid, thirty-eight chains and flftysix links to the place of beginning, contalning one hundred and slxtv-one acres of land, more or los-., exccpting and reserping a strip of land twenty-one rods wide along the whole lengih of the east side of said land. Dated tliis 31st day of May, A. D.. 1895. SETH G ROWLEY, GEORGE W. EDDY, Lehman Bros., . Mortgageeg. Attorneys for Mortgagees. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ö of Washtenaw. The undersisned hnving been ippointd by the Probate Court for saia County, commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons againet the estáte of William R. Tuomy late of suid county, deceased, hereby give notice that siz nonths froai date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditorsto present their claims aainst the cstste of said deceased, and that they will meet at the Probate Court Room, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said couDty, or 8aturday. the lTth day of August, and on Monday, the 18th day of November next, at teo o'clock a. m. ot ciich of said days to receive, examine and adjust Haid claims. Dated May l7th, W$.. RIÓHARDSMITH, FHEDERIOK FJEGEL, Commissioners, Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice ie hereby given, thatbyan order of the Probate Oourt for the County of Waahtenaw, made on the 27th day of May, A. D. 189S, six munths from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agaiust the estáte of Augustlne Sage, late of said county. deceased, and that all creditors o said decen8ed are lequired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowance, on or before the 27th day of November next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court on the 27th day of August, and on the a7th day of Nevember next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of each of said days. Dated Aan Arbor, May 27, A. D. 1895. J. WT1L4RD BAH ITT, of Probat.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News