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Real Estate Transfers

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The following are the transfers received for record during the week ending Saturday, July 20, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract company, office in Lawrence building, corner of North Foarth avenue and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan : Karl R. Miner to Wm. Pieski, Ann Arbor, $1 ; Wm. Colson, by sheriff, to Miranda L. White, Ann Arbor, $778.54 ; David DeForset, by com. , to E. V. Hangsterfer, Ann Arbor, $2, 225 ; H. T. Morton to John C. Wilson, Ann Arbor, 800; E. V. Hangsterfer, to George M. Clarken, Ann Arbor, $2,000; Jacob Frank to Wm. H. Krapf, Ann Arbor, $35 ; Mary F. Thompson to Francis L. Howley, Ann Arbor, $475; Gottlob Smith to William F. Smith, Ann Arbor, $1; Edmund Clancy to M. C. R. R., Ypsilanti, $275; Mary Roberts to A. F. Roberts et al, Ypsilanti, $1 ; A. F. Roberts et al to Ellen L. Wallace, Ypsilanti, $1 ; Herbert L. Roberts et al to Jas. N. Wallace, Ypsilanti, $1,000; James B. McKay to W. J. Clark, Ypsilanti, $8,000; E. R. Beal to J. N. Wallace, Ypsilanti, $400; Bridget McNamara to Wm. Sloan, Dexter, $300; Anna B. Tichnor to Julia A. Crowell, Chelsea, $300; First National Bank of Ann Arbor to M. O. R. R. Co., Delhi, $1 Julius Feldkamp to Jacob Söhumachei, Saline and Bridgewater, $1,150 Julius H. Feldkamp to John Layher, Saline, $200.