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at - , 1 1 Detroit Weekly Tribune Price Reduced 75 Canta a Yaar. Unsurp as se das a Ntwspaper. UnrivaUdin Popular Intens t. Soundly República. . . . An Agent winted Ín Tory TowaaUp ia Michigan, te whom litoal Urnu wlU b tlTen. THETRIBUHB - - Datrolt. II ANO PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRJIIN TILE. LOUIS ROEDE, ïlain Office- 36 E. Hurón Street, farda -50 West Hurón Street. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT Ï Fot a prompt answer and an bonest opinión, write tq MUNN & C()., who nave hnd nearlyflfty yeara' expcrience tn the patent business. Commnnlcationsstrlctlyconfldentlal. A Ilnmluaok oí Information concerninR l'atenls and how to ob taln them sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechan. leal and scienttflc bonks sent free. Patenta teken throuRh Hunn & Co. recelve gpecial noticointho Scientific Aniorirnu, and tnus are brought widely berore the public without coat to the inventor. Ttiis splondid paper, issued weekly, eleKantly illustrated.has by farthe larpest circulation of any scientiflc work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition,monthly, Ï2.50 a year. Sinslo copies, ti5 cents. Every number contains beautifnl platea, in colora, and photncriipbs of new bouses, witn plans, enabling ouitders to show tne. latent desiKns and secure eontracts. Address MÜNN L New Yokk, 361 BboadwaT. p K. wrXiLIAMB, UtorneT at Uw and Pension Claim AUornev, MILAN, MICH. Conveyanoingr and Colleotions WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs PRICES THE LOWEST OSCAlTo". SOEG THE DECORAÏOE, 7O 3VC-A-11SX ST.


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