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TB OOK AND STORAGE. C. E. GODFEEY. Residftice and Office, 4SFourth;,we., N' ti Telepbone 82. Estáte of Robert J. Price. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of , ss. t d aesfiion of th ProhdM Court for the Oounty of Washteuaw, holden stilp. Probate Office, in the Citv of Ann Arbot ai Tuesday, the ninth day üf .Tuly, in the yenr ore thou8and eight hundred and ninrty fue. Present, J. Willard Babbiit, .ïudfteof Probati In the matter of the ealate of Robert J. Pricc, deceased. On reading andfllingthepetition, duly verined. of Gertrude S. Price, pniyiii)? tlmt administrado', de bonis non, with the will anuexd, ot said estáte may be granted 10 herself or soine other suitable persou. Thereupon it is ordered, tht, the öth day of August next, :it ten o'clock in the foreuoou, be asstened tor the hearing of n:iid putition, aud tliai the heirs atlaw of said deceaed, ■nd all otlier persons interusted in said estáte. are required to appear at ei-ssion of uid court th- to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Aun Arbor, aud show causo, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitiuuer should not be granted: And itislurthei ordprf-d that said petitioner give uotiee to the pet Bons iuterested in said estáte of the pendenny ; aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, nj eausing a copy of this order to be published ui the Ann Aubor Aegcs, a newapaper printed an' eirculated insaid county, three siiccesslve weekt previous to said day of hearing . J. WIT.I.ARD BABBITT. LAtrueoopy.] Judge of Probat ff. G. D'itv. Probate Register Estáte of Emily L. Dancer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wuahtenaw, ss. At a seasiou of the Protate Court tor the county of Washteniw, halden at the probate oüice in the city 01 Ann Arbor, on Mouday, ihe löth Say of July, in the year 1 one thoueand eighl hun'dreil and niuety-rWe. Preseut, .1. Wiilarü Balibitt, Judge of Probate, j Id the matter of the estáte of Èiuily U. Daneer, decensed. I Wulttr H, Daneer, the ndmiuisttator of said estáte, comts intocouri and representa that he is now prepured to reuder bis nnal account as sucU admlniatrator. fhereupou it is ordered. that Tuesday, the 13th day of August next, at ten o'clock in the 1 noon De assigned forexaininiugandallowinesuch account, aud that the heirs at luw of said j ceased, and all otber peiaous ïuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a serjsiou of said court.' tberi ti be holden at the .'róbale Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cuusé, it anv there be, why the snid account shoul'i not beallnved. Aud it is further ordered j tbatsaid adiuiuistratorgive notice to ibe persons iuterested iusuid estáte, ofthependency of said ac.' oount anil the hearing; thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be published in the ANN Arbor AiutUS, a newspaper printed uui ciroulating in Baid county. three iuccesnive week? previonsto said day of hearing. J. W1LLARD BABHITT, (A trneoopy.i Judge of Probate. WtlliamG. Doty, Probate Keeist.r. Estáte of Nelson Sutherland. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the P10bate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ann Arbor, 011 Monclay. the first day of .Tuly in the year one thousand eight huudred aud ninety-ftvc. Present. J . Willard Babbitt, Judire of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Nelson Sutuerland, deceased. Gabriella E. Sutherland, executrjx of the last will and testament of said deceased, comea into court and represente that she inow prepured to render her final account as such executnx. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the ■ seeond day of Aufftist, next, at lOo'elock in the ' forenoon, be assigned for examininK and allowirjjr such account, and that the de. legatees and heirs-at-law of said deceased and all other persons sted in said'eetate, are required to appeav , at a ses8ion of said Court, then to he holden at I the Probate uiliec, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County. and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be i allowed. And it is further ordered that said executrix give notice to the persons interested ín said estáte, of the pendenc3' of said account, and the hearing1 thereof., by causiiiír a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper i printed and cireulatinsr in said county. three sueeessive weeks previoue to said day of r J. WÍLLARD BABB1TT, Judge of Probate. [ A true copy.l Wm.G. Dotv. Probate Kesister. Mortgage Sale. j iBFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE ' conditions of a certain mortase made f by Malvina Kooney, of the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Miobiga n and dated Marcli 4th. A. D. 1892, and reoorded in the office of the Kegrister of Deeds. for tlie ! County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the fourth day of March, A. D. 18BÍ in fiber 7H ot' Mortgages, on page 56, on wbich mortgage there is claimed to be due :it the date of this notice the siini of one hundred dollars, and an Attorney's fee of twonty-flve ! dollars provided for in said mortgage, and 110 suitor proccedinifs at law havinï been Institutcd to recover tlie moneys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of , snle contalned in said mortyape, and the atatute in such case made and provided. I notice is her.eby giren that 011 Baturday, the fourteenth day of September, A. D. I8ÍI0. at nine o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at ! public auction, to the hiRliest bidder, at the ! south front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, ithat beinir the place : where the Circuit Court for Washtonnw County is holden), the premises descrlbed In said mortgage, or so mtich thereof as may be ' neeessary to pay the amount due on said f mortgage, witn seven per cent. Interest, and all legal cosLs, togetber with an attorney's fee of twenty-öve idollars, covenanted for thereiu, the premiaes being deseribed in said mortgage as all that eertain piece orparcel of land situated and being in the City of Ann Arbor and County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and deseribed as follow. to-wit: Beslnnins at the southerly sido of the street or highway, formerly known as tbe Dixboro road and now known as Broadway, inthefifth wand of said city of Ann Arbor, at a point in the renter of a creek, commonly known as Traver'8 creek, sixty links oasterly along said roadoretreet from the most northwesterly corner of lot number eight in Traver's second addition to the vlllage(nowcity) of Ann Arbor; thence easterly along said Dixboro road fnow known as Broadwayi one chain and flftyfife links; thence south thirty-onfi dogrees east, one chain and seventy-flve links; thence soutli forty degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-three links to the center of said creek; thence northwesterly along the center of said ereek to the place of beginning, containing thirtcen hundr dths of an acre of land, more or les", being a part of the land con veyed by Lewis Khoades to Malonia Kooney, December twentieth A. 1. 1890. This mortgage is intended to convey thirtytwo fee in width on Broadway, from tlie southw esterly side of the above deseribed proper ty. THE HÜKON VALLKY BUILDING AXD SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, Mortagee. By Thomas D. Kearnky. A:ttorney. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 21, 1885.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News