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Commisstoners' Notie i. STATE OF VI' ii X. Oi .'TV rP Wnsluenaw. 'I' i ■ i1 ' !ceii ap) ■r,ii:i'd by tbe I'iou.ii. i om' !■■ - ■■ i v 'ji.nty, CoiiiinisMcinere to r-cen-. ;imin .tiid ad.iust all i'iuunH ■ ik1 'i: , f hé esta-i' 'il IV. ! ■-. tu Iminljr, ik'i'. -■■'!. !l-. h givc! '1 i [X .'"' I 't.i'll da . a illowecí, lj i ... il il prul fo tors to (jï.-.i. ili'tv ■ ■. i!i of daid dtcei '" m-l tiuu ney wiil n..-. i ut reaidenc ■■:;'! ..ui' tbr t irn'hlp ofDexter, iniwidri I' tiiiyof oeiv i.y. nd on tbe . 6h i t .1 ..[!■.; dhv i . at ten oVlock . M. ni -ii ii o' hhIü 1 1 :i ■. s , u icceive, ('x.wultic and luljual R'IMJ 'duinn Dated July 1", 1996. GEOIif;1' AU. ET, t.OTTLIEU AXuRESS. 'Jomiiiiaaiooegy, Connmissiiners INoice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY oí' W lehtenaw. uudersiirued havin? lieen sppolnted by the Prohuie Court tor sala Coutiry, Oonnniflsiouera Èo innne and ftdi ■' 'ill claims ;m:l ttatntinds of all pörtoue agutuot the enlate ol Art'tus Duuu, lalt ol s.ii'l couuty, cieci-aaed, hereby flvo uoiice ihal eix months frotn date are alloweiJ , l ordorof said Probate Court, tor creditors to present tbeir claims ttgninsttbe estáte of e.iid deeeaawd, and thut tney wi . ., I, .lt til ui Klilm I! P .1:1!, in :iiu city of Anti Arboi'. i" ld county, "n the "tb dny of Octubcraud on tlie t!i duy ol January, nexi. ut fen o'clork a. ut. nfinh of stid dae, to , uCMtnitie Hnd üilju.t iii fluims. , Juiy , 1H1'". ELIHU B. I' 'M'. MOSES 6EAH0LT, CuiuiuissiouerB, Sealed Proposals. ■ ilci! bids will be rereivcd at the offlee of the Lty Uierkof the City of Anti 4.rbor until 12 o'o.ock rhursday, August 1, 1885, tor liirhtIng tlio streets, alleya and public places of suul ('lty for a term of üve years Deginnlng theaietday of Ueoember, A. ü. 1Í8B, with uot lesa than 98 are llght? of 2.000 candle power and three incanaisBOeni lampa of 8.5 caadle power each for 26 QlghtB 8ll Qight, 885 nlghts all nl"ht a8R nig ts (rom twiilirht to Vi:'M. and 386 niplii frcim twilight to 12:30. Separate blds for eacb proposition The riiltt is reservod to relect auy or all blds, GLEN V. MILLS. City Clerk. Niortgage Sale. Vi'HEREAS DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE ' in tbe payment of the money Becured by a mortgage dated the lutli d'iy of August, in the year S'M, exeouted by John rtpears of North Hartlnnd, Niágara Oounty, smte of New York, a farmer and unmarried, of the flrst part, to Seth G. Rowley and George W Eddy of MIddleport, in said cotiuty, of the second part, wfileh Baid mortgage was re. corded In the office of of Deeds of the County of Washtenaw in liber 74 of mortgsigfs, on page 409, on the lOth day of August, L882, a1 Soclock a. nu And wberetis. tbc amount claimed to be duö ou said mortgape is tbe sum of nine hundred and one and twentyone hundredths dollars ($901 20 of principal and Interest, and tbe furthersumof twenty-flve dollars as im attorttey fee, agreeable to the statuto in such case made "and provlded. and wbleh is the hole amoiiDt clalined to tte dne and unpaid on sala mortgage, and no su t ov proceeuing havlng been iDstituted at law to recover the debt nowremafnlng seoured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, wbereby tbe pqjrer of sale contained Ineaid mortgraae bas bewme operativo. Now, therei'ore, notice is beruby glven, that by viiiui' ot the s;i ifl power of sale, and jn pursuanceof the statu e In snoh oase made and provlded,. the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of said premises thereln deacrlbed at public auction to tbe blghest biddèr, at tbe west frontdoorof theoourl house in the city of Anti Arbor, In said county of Washtenaw, (that being the place of bolding the circuit oourt for baid (jounty,) on the STthduy of August. A. D. 1896, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, whlch said premises are describid in suid mort- foiiows, to-wlti All the estáte, right tule, and Interest of the -aid Bpears (il being the one-half thereof sunji cl to the Ufe e of Hannah Boyce) of lrj and t" all that tract or parcel of land, sitnato in the Townshlp of Superior, County of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, described as follows: ('oinim'ncing at the Southwest cornr of Sec. 81 in Townshlp of Superior, running thenoe north along the west bounrtary line of Sec. 31, elghl ohains nnrl flfty links; thence north twenty-1 hn grees and forty minutes e:ist forty-four ohalns; thPnce Dori li fifty-slx and one-fourth desrees, east twenty-three ohains and flfty links to the north aud south quarter line to a state trom which n white oalc, i'i Inohes In díamete?, stands nortb fourteendi flfty-four links :ind a white oak, 26 itlihes in diameter, stands nortb twenty-one and one-half degree . east twenty-three links; thence south forty degrees, east sixty chains muí Blxty links to a quarter stakè on the south line of theseotlon; thence west two degrees, som li alonar the sou tb line of the townshlp aforesald. tbuty-eizhi ohains and tlftysix links to the place of beiriiiiiinir, containlng one hundred and sixtv-onc acri's of land, more or less. exceptlmr and reserring: a strip of land twenty-one rods wlde along the whole lenth of theeast sideof said laml. l)a.tcd this31stday of May. . 1).. 1895. SETH G KOWLEY. GBOBGE W. EDDV. Lehman Bros., Mortgagees, Attorneya for Mortsagees. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 3 o{ Washtenn w. The understüned hftving been appointed by the Probate Conrt for said Oiunty, coiniuiBiotiers to receive, examine and adjust all oluima anti deniands of all persona usíJiiist ihe eatntc "t Wil Ham R. Tuomy late of said couuty, iteceased, hereby ive notice thut six tuonths froni date are allowedt by tirder of s;dd Probate Court, torcreditorsto present theirclaims aünsttbe eutate of said r eceased, and tliat they will meet at the Probst Conrt Hoom. in the rity of Anu Arbor, in said county, oi Hatr.rday, thu 171b day of August, and ou Monday, the 18lh day ot November next, al ten o'clock a. m. ol ench of said dayi, tn receive, examioe and adjust 8uid claims. Dated May I7U1, I8H5. RICHARD SMITH, FREDEUICK FIKGEL, Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Waah tena w, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the J7th dav of May, A. D. 189-ï, síx raontha frúm that date were allo wed for creditora to preaent their claims agaiuát the estáte ol' Augnstine Sage, late of said county. deceased, and thfit all t-reditors o said lecfaaed are leqairert to present theirclaimnto aaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office io the city of Ann Arbor, forexamination and allowance, on or before the 27 tb day of November next, and that sucb claiius will bc henrd before said Court on tbe 27th dav of August, and ou the a7th day of Neveiuber next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of each of said days, Dated nn Arbor, May 27, A. D. lStt-5. J.W1LLARD BABBITT, I EWIS1 98 % LYE L. L FoviiszD m pzsruuD H0 (PATEKTKD) Xf Tbêstronffent and pnreat r.ya ■ ■nA made. Uulike othor Lye, lt belá ■AU a fine powdcr and packod la a caá ■■lAwltb remoTable lid, tbe contenta X m are always ready for use. Win jm H matte the bst perfumod Hara Soap W In 20 mlnutea without bolllnv. JV lt ! Ibe beat for cleanslug wmTb ■■ plpeH, dlslnfectlng sluks, closet I ■ wastdng bottles, paints, trees, etc .Ufcit FLKHA. 8ALT MT8 CO. sBBBB tisú. Ats., Flüla., Pa,


Ann Arbor Argus
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